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首先,德意志银行被要求根据《巴塞尔协议III》(Basel III)制定的指导方针管理资本,因为该行没有充分满足披露要求。必须向投资者有效披露与资本和整体资本充足率相关的重大风险。德意志银行曾经与传统银行业务有关,后来发展到包括投资银行业务在内的业务,然后向国际扩张,为全球各地的人处理投资账户。随之而来的是更大的财务责任,尤其是在信息披露方面。现有的巴塞尔框架是不够的,因为它没有识别和传达与银行相关的重大风险,甚至产生的此类信息也无法与其他市场参与者进行很好的比较。为了向投资者提供正确的信息,整体资本充足率必须具有良好的可比性。通过按照指导方针保持资本,银行将能够为投资者保持正确的信息,以便他们做出选择,因此它选择遵守巴塞尔协议III。


第三,德意志银行必须遵守这些准则,因为它必须确保市场纪律。德意志银行在多个市场开展业务,有可能发出的信息含糊不清。巴塞尔委员会的准则将市场纪律视为首要目标,根据巴塞尔的标准概念,银行必须共享有意义的信息。“向市场参与者提供有关共同关键风险指标的有意义信息,是一个健全银行体系的基本原则。它减少了信息不对称,并有助于促进银行在司法管辖区内和跨司法管辖区风险概况的可比性”(巴塞尔委员会,2015年,第1页)。在这种情况下,市场参与者将能够更好地判断银行的监管资本、风险暴露的形式,从而提高投资者对银行及其未来的信心。现在以德意志银行为例,据观察,投资者甚至担心该银行如何能够满足新的资本要求。“德意志银行将需要筹集新的股本以满足要求,从而稀释现有股票的股本价值。此外,自2008年全球金融危机以来,银行业的盈利能力一直在稳步下降,投资者担心更严格的资本要求将进一步降低德意志银行未来的盈利能力”(Dougherty et al., 2013, p. 1)。因此,可以理解为投资者所关注的现有披露状态和市场纪律。事实上,正是这种对满足监管障碍的关注突出了银行遵守巴塞尔协议III指导方针的必要性。


Firstly, Deutsche Bank is required to manage capital according to the guidelines set by the Basel III accord, because disclosure requirements were not met adequately. An efficient disclosure of materials risks associated with the capital and the overall capital adequacy has to be communicated to the investors. Deutsche Bank which was once associated with traditional banking moved on to includes investment banking and then expanded internationally to handle investment accounts for people across the globe. This comes with greater financial responsibility, especially in disclosure. The existing Basel framework was not sufficient because it did not identify and communicate the material risks associated with the bank and even such information that was generated was not well comparable with other market participants. Overall capital adequacy must be well comparable for informing investors with the right information. By maintaining capital as per the guidelines, the bank will be able to maintain the right information for investors to make their choices, and hence it chose to adhere to the Basel III.

Secondly, Deutsche Bank needed to manage capital according to Basel III guidelines because it had to create more certainty and positive atmosphere for investors. The second issue directly arises from the first issue. The first issue is with respect to meeting disclosure requirements. Even with standard banking disclosure requirements met, the investors were still wary. As the case study notes, there were many regulatory hurdles faced by the bank in 2013 and greater transparency was needed. Now Deutsche Bank as of 2007 was identified to have made much of its profits from investment banking. “Deutsche Bank derived a significant portion of its revenues from investment banking activities, peaking in 2007 (Table 1). Revenues from sales and trading increased from 30% to 42% of total revenues between 2002 and 2007” (Dougherty et al., 2013, p. 3). Hence, protecting the interests of investors and giving them better surety by sharing of information in a transparent manner become an obligation of the Deutsche Bank. In order to do this, the bank had to adhere to the BaselIII guidelines.

Thirdly, Deutsche Bank had to follow the guidelines because it had to ensure market discipline. Deutsche Bank was operating in multiple markets and there were chances of information being sent out ambiguously. Market discipline is considered as a prime objective by the Basel Committee guidelines and as per the Basel concept of standards, banks must share meaningful information. “The provision of meaningful information about common key risk metrics to market participants is a fundamental tenet of a sound banking system. It reduces information asymmetry and helps promote comparability of banks’ risk profiles within and across jurisdictions” (Basel Committee, 2015, p.1). In such contexts, the market participants would be able to adjudge the regulatory capital of the bank, the form of risk exposures it carries in a better manner, and hence the investor confidence about the bank and its future is improved. Now in the case of Deutsche Bank, it is observed that investors are even worried about how the bank would be able to meet the new capital requirements. “Deutsche Bank would need to raise fresh equity capital to meet the requirements, thereby diluting the equity value of existing shares. In addition, profitability in the banking sector had been in steady decline since the global financial crisis of 2008, and investors worried that stricter capital requirements would further reduce profitability at Deutsche Bank going forward” (Dougherty et al., 2013, p. 1). Therefore, it can be understood that the existing state of disclosure and market discipline that investors were concerned. In fact, this very concern shown towards meeting regulatory hurdles highlights the need for the Bank to follow the Basel III guidelines.

The significance or needs as presented with these three reasons is why the Basel III Accord requirements are placed on banks over and above their financial accounting reporting requirements.



英国代写:演员网络理论。演员网络理论(ANT)是由Michel Callon、Bruno Latour和John Law在20世纪70年代提出的。这些学者认为,人类是大多数社会科学研究的中心,在ANT之前存在着自然和社会、人类和非人类元素的二元分类(Lai & Tan, 2011)。然而,社会中存在着许多各种各样的非人类行为者。例如,在一项ICT政策中,除了决策者和相关利益相关者的参与作为推动ICT政策执行的必要因素外,还需要非人为因素的存在,如ICT基础设施、法律和监管框架,以形成一个联合的国家层面的智能生活倡议。接下来英国代写将对演员网络理论进行以下分析。

像Murdoch(1997)这样的研究人员认为,在考虑人和技术时存在遗漏,ANT理论假定这种划分实际上是人为形成的。ANT是通过观察社会世界的行动者和技术世界的人工制品,以对称的方式克服社会世界和技术世界的分裂(Tatnall & Gilding, 1999;Yoo, Lyytinen & Yang, 2005)。它提供了多样性的概念来解释与人、技术、研发、资源、制度和监管相关的项目或政策(Young, Borland & Coghill, 2010)。这与那些希望保持社会或技术状态不变的倡导者相反,后者为所有参与者提供了共同发展创新方法的视角(Tatnall & Gilding, 1999)。

蚂蚁理论的基础是纠正或打破传统世界二元的一种方式。ANT帮助纠正人类/非人类和技术/社会的不自然划分中引入的疏漏。蚂蚁理论(Howcroft, Mitev & Wilson, 2004)提出了对这些不同元素的对称处理。活性剂通常是基于行为和兴趣等属性及其社会或技术元素来考虑的(Yoo, Lyytinen & Yang, 2005)。演员网络是通过翻译过程中人类和非人类元素的合作参与而构建的(Murdoch, 1997)。拉图尔(Latour, 1983)以行动者网络理论的概念为分析出发点,认为网络的构建需要通过翻译的过程,即参与者必须有一致的目标和共识,网络内的关系是相互同意建立的。网络翻译的成功源于行动者之间的利益焦点(Murdoch, 1997)。这种兴趣的焦点是一个必须的通道点(Lai & Tan, 2011;劳与卡龙,1988年;Yoo, Lyytinen & Yang, 2005)。强制性通道点的意义在于,它解释了一个社会或行动者网络如何形成整体的相互关联。当所有的行动者都面临自己无法克服的障碍时,他们只能通过主要行动者的需求形成一个强制性的通道点,这是每个行动者共同关心的问题。该网络是建立在这个强制性的通道点上的。本论文使用四个概念作为镜头来调查智能生活在台湾的倡议,即问题化、相互评估登记和动员。强制通道点OPP被认为是行为者网络理论中与翻译初始问题化阶段相关的特征。OPP就像一个漏斗的窄端,在这里参与者聚集在一个主题或问题上。

Actor-network theory (ANT) was proposed by Michel Callon, Bruno Latour and John Law in the 1970s. These scholars argue that human beings were the centre of most social science’s studies and before ANT there existed a binary classification of nature and society, and human and non-human elements (Lai & Tan, 2011). However, there are many various non-human actors exist in the society. For example, in an ICT policy, except the involvement of policy-makers and related stakeholders as a necessary factor to drive the execution of ICT policy, the existence of non-human factors such as ICT infrastructure, legal and regulatory framework, is needed to form of a coalesced national level initiative for smart living.

Researchers like Murdoch (1997) make the argument that there are omissions when considering people and technology and ANT theory posits that such divisions are in fact artificially formed. ANT is to overcome with the divide of social and technological world with symmetry by observing the actors in the social world and the artefacts in the technological world (Tatnall & Gilding, 1999; Yoo, Lyytinen & Yang, 2005).It provides the concept of diversity to interpret a project or a policy which is associated with human beings, technologies, research and development, resources, institution and regulation (Young, Borland & Coghill, 2010). This is contrary to the advocates who wish to maintain the changelessness of social or technological state that provides the perspective of all participants to coevolve an innovative approach (Tatnall & Gilding, 1999).

The very basis of the ANT theory serves as a way to correct or disrupt the traditional world binaries. ANT helps correct the omissions introduced in unnatural divisions of the human/nonhuman and technology/society. A symmetrical treatment of these different elements is proposed in the ANT theory (Howcroft, Mitev & Wilson, 2004). An actant is always considered based on properties such as behaviours and interests and its social or technological element (Yoo, Lyytinen & Yang, 2005). The actor network is structured through the participation of human and non-human elements’ collaboration by a process of translation (Murdoch, 1997). Latour (1983) used the concept of actor-network theory as the starting point of analysis and believed that the construction of network needs to be through the process of translation, that is, the participants must have consistent goals and consensus, and the relationships within the network are mutually agreed to establish. The success of translation of network is derived from the focal point of interests between actants (Murdoch, 1997). This kind of focal point of interest is an obligatory passage point (Lai & Tan, 2011; Law & Callon, 1988; Yoo, Lyytinen & Yang, 2005). The significance of an obligatory passage point is that it explains how a society or a network of actors can form whole mutual correlations. When all actors face their own obstacles which cannot be overcome, they only can form an obligatory passage point through the needs of the main actor, which is the issue of common concern of each actor. The network is built on this obligatory passage point. The current dissertation makes use of a four-point concept as lens of investigating smart living initiatives in Taiwan which are Problematisation, interassessment enrolment, and mobilisation. The obligatory passage point OPP is identified as that feature in the actor-network theory that is associated with the initial problematization phase in translation. OPP is like a narrow end of a funnel where the actors converge on a topic or question.




他的一些作品,如《生活》,描绘了他当时对生活的悲观看法。这个时期被称为蓝色时期,从1901年到1904年(PabloPicasso, 2009)。后来在玫瑰时期(1904-1906),他创作了更加欢快的艺术作品。他在作品中使用了橙色和粉色的色调,《格特鲁德·斯坦因的肖像》就是这一时期的代表作之一。在1907-1909年的后期,毕加索探索了艺术家保罗·塞尚的成就,并通过他了解了对人体的程式化处理。这被称为非洲时期。

非洲的影响是毕加索走向立体主义的原因。在受到对人物的风格化处理的启发后,毕加索创作了《阿维尼翁的少女》。这幅画是关于五个裸体女人的。这些人物以扁平的分裂方式组成,面部看起来像是非洲面具和伊比利亚面具文化的混合。女性的身体以一种扭曲的方式呈现,它的形状也是几何的(Foster et al., 2012)。传统艺术的形式和表现在这里完全被抛弃了。在这幅画中可以看到一种原始主义,视角被换成了二维平面。这被认为是一件非常创新的艺术作品,毕加索自己也觉得这把他从更经典的技术中解放出来,他在法国工作时受到了影响。这些绘画形式后来成为立体派的趋势。

立体派早期的许多艺术作品都探索了类似的风格:尖锐的人物和物体,在一端与背景混合,在另一端显示出投影的表面。立体主义者的工作角度和对象与风格化的人在上下文。现代世界的空间、运动和时间都在变化,其影响在立体主义中被观察到。抽象、简化和风格化的人体表征曾给毕加索带来灵感,也启发了立体派(Cooper, 1971)。

毕加索对立体主义的直接影响来自于1907年他在《阿维尼翁的少女》中的作品。这部作品对人体进行彻底扭曲的风格与经典手法形成了鲜明对比(Chave, 1994)。碎片化、几何平面、柔和的色彩等被认为影响了布拉克等艺术家。布拉克受到毕加索作品的启发,他在20世纪初创作了山水画,直接受到毕加索作品的影响。埃斯塔克的房子以柔和的立方体形式呈现树木和山脉,被法国评论家路易斯·沃克斯塞尔称为“奇异的立方体”。十九世纪的毕加索对立体主义的影响是多方面的。古代和部落艺术形式挑战了文艺复兴艺术的传统(Galenson & Weinberg, 2001)。在立体主义的第二种形式合成立体主义中,色彩变得很重要。没有绘画的物体和有颜色的物体被做成了拼贴画。毕加索给主流绘画手法注入了激进而富有挑战性的思想,开创了立体主义的新趋势。

Some of his works like La Vie portray the gloomy outlook he had on life at that time. This time period is called the Blue period, lasting from 1901-1904 (PabloPicasso, 2009). Later in the Rose Period (1904-1906) he developed art works that were more cheerful. He made use of orange and pink hues in his work, and the Portrait of Gertrude Stein is one of the exemplars of this time. In the later years from 1907-1909, Picasso explored the achievements of artist Paul Cezanne and through him came to understand stylized treatments of the human body. This is called the African period.

African influence was what led Picasso to Cubism. After getting inspired by the stylized treatments of the human figure, Picasso created the Les Demoiselles d’Avignon. The painting was about five naked women. The figures were composed in a flat splintered way and the faces appeared like a mix of African masks and Iberian masks culture. The female body is presented in a distorted way, and it was geometric in its shape as well (Foster et al., 2012). Form and representation of traditional art were totally abandoned here. A primitivism is seen in the picture and perspective was traded for a two-dimensional plane. It was considered a very innovative work of art and Picasso himself felt that it liberated him from the more classic techniques that he was influenced into working in France. These forms of paintings later came to set the trend for Cubism.

Much of the early art work of the Cubists explored similar styles of piercing figures and objects that blended with the background at one end and showed a projective surface at the others. Cubists worked with angles and objects with stylized humans in context. Space, movement and time in the modern world were changing and its effects were observed in cubism. Abstract, simplified and stylized representations of the human body that had inspired Pablo Picasso were also an inspiration for the Cubists (Cooper, 1971).

Picasso’s direct influence on Cubism is from his work in the Les Demoiselles d’ Avignon in 1907. The work’s style of radical distortion of humans was a sharp contrast from the classical techniques (Chave, 1994). Fragmented, geometric planes, subdued colors and more were seen to be an influence on artists like Braque. Braque was inspired by Picasso’s work and he created landscape paintings in the beginning of the twentieth century as a direct influence form Picasso’s work. The House at L’Estaque with trees and mountains in subdued forms of cubes was named by French critic Louis Vauxcelles as the “bizarreries cubiques’. A mix of influences was projected on Cubism by Pablo Picasso from the nineteenth century. Archaic and tribal art forms challenged the conventions of renaissance art (Galenson & Weinberg, 2001). In the second form of cubism called synthetic cubism color become important. Non-painted objects and colored objects were made into a collage. Picasso gave radical and challenging ideas to the main stream techniques and created a new trend in cubism.




管理理论包括构建和分析员工的行为角色,避免战略实施中断所需的干预措施,以及监督部门间和人际关系和员工的角色(Bovée & Thill, 2013)。经理的这些活动和责任与员工参与、管理关系和指导所采用战略的发展的领导素质相一致。Daft(2000)密切研究了企业家精神,他断言企业家必须足够灵活,以实践领导者和管理者的双重角色。在他看来,一个好的领导,基本上是一个好的管理者。这使得双重角色根据需求的类型成为可能。企业家成为领导者的可能性更大是因为商业环境的不断变化,这挑战了现状和管理带来的稳定性(Karol, 2015)。当企业需要不断更新以应对不断变化的外部环境时,追求稳定的管理者可能无法引导组织战略,从而无法实现目标。这一特殊观点得到了Rothaermel(2013)的支持,他认为管理企业家精神比简单的管理实践更有利可图。相比之下,一个特别具备管理问题,外部环境挑战,并理解所构建的响应类型和质量的领导者,战略执行继续不受干扰和精简(Cogliser & Brigham, 2004)。例如,Facebook的创始人马克·扎克伯格(Mark Zuckerberg)是一个比传统管理者更具有领导力的管理者,因为他所创立的企业类型需要不断的变化和迎接未来的挑战。

Bernasconi, Harris & Moensted(2013)也肯定地提出企业家应该成为领导者而不是管理者,因为技术创新需要对市场中的新干扰保持持续的警惕。Phillips(2009)还提出了领导力管理理论,在该理论中,除了对未来预期的变化和挑战做出反应外,企业家在意识到当前需要实现的承诺时是最佳的。要做到这一点,不仅仅需要成为一名管理者,还必须具备领导洞察力。每天都是不同的,尽管组织行为和过程的稳定性是加强控制和标准化的基本要求,但应对来自组织运营的日常挑战需要领导层的响应(运河,2016年)。现在的企业比以往任何时候都更加脆弱,因为不确定性主宰着市场,这为企业家专注于领导组织所需要的变革提供了强有力的理由。

Samson & Daft(2014)提出,管理带来稳定和高效的组织,而领导力鼓励参与,以解决新情况。对于企业家来说,稳定与领导企业满足新条件和挑战现状一样重要(Sehovic, 2014)。这本身就需要更多的灵活性,这可以由基于员工参与和应对新挑战的民主领导提供。例如,Thrillist Media集团的首席执行官兼联合创始人本·勒勒(Ben Lerer),由于他所创立的业务类型,在每天接受新想法和新产品时必须更有远见,更有创新精神。发现新的挑战需要更少的管理和更多的领导监督(GarcƯa-Ruiz & Toninelli, 2016)。因此,如果企业家只是像一个管理者一样行事,它可能不足以满足组织竞争力所需的新情况。然而,如果企业家是一个领导者,并意识到业务的变化性质,它就足以解决和消除所有预期的风险,因为其操作的结果。Kuratko(2013)确定了企业家的管理能力,他们既具备管理日常任务的能力,也具备监督未来预测的能力,以满足企业的战略目标。考虑到沃尔特·迪士尼,由于工业化时代的不同和企业竞争要求的不同,他相对于同时代的企业家来说是相当稳定的。因此,稳定性可能是一个更可取的属性,但由于持续的不确定性阴影随着业务,这是必不可少的领导者接受和实施变化。

Management theory involves the construction and analysis of behavioural roles of employees, the required interventions to avoid disruption in strategy implementation, and overseeing inter-departmental and interpersonal relationships and roles of employees (Bovée & Thill, 2013). These activities and responsibilities of the manager coincide with the leadership qualities of employee engagement, managing relationships, and steering the growth of the strategy employed. Daft (2000) who has studies entrepreneurship closely asserts that entrepreneurs must be flexible enough to practice the dual role of a leader and a manager. As per him, a good leader is, fundamentally by default, a good manager. This makes the dual role possible dependent on the type of need. More certain for the entrepreneur to become a leader is because of the constantly changing environment of business, which challenges status quo and the stability that management brings (Karol, 2015). When the business requires constant refreshment to be able to cope with the changing external environment, a manager who vies stability may not be able to steer the organisational strategy, and hence fail to attain the objective. This particular view is seconded by Rothaermel (2013) who considers managerial entrepreneurship a more lucrative leadership than simple management practice. In contrast, a leader who is exceptionally equipped with management issues, external environment challenges, and understands the type and quality of response to be constructed, strategy implementation continues to be undisrupted and streamlined (Cogliser & Brigham, 2004). For example, Mark Zuckerberg, who started Facebook, was a more leadership oriented manager than being a traditional manager, because the type of business he founded required constant change and meeting challenges of the future.

Bernasconi, Harris & Moensted (2013) also affirmatively propound the entrepreneur to be a leader more than a manager, because technology innovation requires constant alertness to new disruptions in the market. Phillips (2009) also propounds a theory of leadership management, in which the entrepreneur is best while being aware of the current commitments to be met, in addition to responding to the anticipated changes and challenges of the future. This is not achieved by merely being a manager, but one must also harbour a leadership insight. Every day is different, and despite stability in organisational behaviour and processes is a fundamental requirement in enhancing control and standardisation, meeting daily challenges originating out of the organisation’s operations requires a leadership response (Canals, 2016). Businesses are more fragile now than ever before, as uncertainty reigns supreme in the market, which makes a strong case for the entrepreneur to be engrossed in leading the change that is required of the organisation.

Samson & Daft (2014) proposes that management brings stability and efficient organisation, whereas leadership encourages engagement to address new conditions. For an entrepreneur, stability is as important as leading the business to meet new conditions that present themselves and challenge the status quo (Sehovic, 2014). This, by itself, requires more flexibility which can be provided by the democratic leadership based on employee involvement and addressing new challenges. As for example, Ben Lerer, CEO and co-founder of the Thrillist Media group, had to be more forward looking and equally innovative in accepting new ideas and products on a daily basis, owing to the type of business he founded. Identifying new challenges requires less of management and more of leadership oversight (GarcƯa-Ruiz & Toninelli, 2016). Hence, if the entrepreneur is only behaving like a manager, it may not suffice the organisational competitiveness required to address new condition. However, if the entrepreneur is a leader and is aware of the changing nature of business, it is sufficient to address and eliminate all risks that are anticipated as a result of its operations. Kuratko (2013) identifies the managerial capabilities of an entrepreneur who is equally equipped with managing daily tasks and also to oversee future predictions to meet the strategic goals of the business. Considering Walt Disney, he was rather stable compared to current generation of entrepreneurs because of the difference in the epochs of industrialization and the requirement of businesses to be competitive. Hence, stability may be a more desirable attribute, but owing to constant shadow of uncertainty following the business, it is essential to be a leader to accept and implement change.




在一些后殖民时代和当前的话语中,我们发现女权主义作家几乎呈现出对国家的一种修辞上的拒绝。有时,他们甚至有必要采纳非国家行为体的观点、意识形态和背书,以呈现与女权主义相关的抵抗政治。这并不意味着所有的女权主义辩论都集中在对抗国家和变得反民族主义,事实上,也有人支持国家的角色,民族主义和后殖民民族主义,当涉及到保护妇女权利时,“激烈的,几乎是修辞上的对国家的拒绝,他们对非国家行为体的不加批判的支持和他们意识形态驱动的抵抗政治受到了那些认为国家仍然是整个后殖民世界中妇女和其他少数群体权利和保护的最大来源的人的挑战”(Parashar 372)。然而,国家存在的不足和一些国家机构的失败也确实导致了像突尼斯和埃及这样的国家的人民质疑社会正义和平等要求。


Compared to the normal feminist, the post-colonial feminist suffers a form of double colonization. At one end, there is the resistance to colonial power as a colonized subject, and at the other end, she is being oppressed in her own state by her colonized brothers (Tyagi 45). Feminist activist researchers have indeed argued a certain disenchantment with their state.

In some of the post-colonial and current discourses, it is identified that feminist writers almost present a rhetorical rejection of the state. Sometimes, it is even necessary for them to take up the opinion, ideology and endorsement of non-state actors in order to present politics of resistance as related to feminism. This does not necessarily mean that all feminism debates focus on antagonizing states and becoming anti-nationalistic, in fact, there are people who also support the role of the nation, nationalism and post-colonial nationalism when it comes to protecting women’ s rights, “vehement and almost rhetorical rejection of the state, their uncritical endorsement of non-state actors and their ideologically motivated politics of resistance has been challenged by those who believe that the state continues to be the biggest source of rights and protection for women and other minorities throughout the post-colonial world” (Parashar 372). However, it is also true that the inadequate presence of state and failure of some state institutions has led to people in countries like Tunisia and Egypt to question social justice and equality claims.

State policies that have led to gender issues of equality, created people segments revolting and rebelling against the state for their rights. The hope for women who continue to be excluded lay in challenging the system, the nation and the institution. Here then an argument is made against nationalistic ideals. It could be inferred that state as an institution which was considered with a reverence when it comes to post-colonial nationalistic sentiments, now comes to be viewed as something to be opposed or improved in the context of post-colonial feministic attitudes. Reforming the state and making sure the marginalized and excluded women segment get back their identity and social equality is hence at the heart of those feminism movements that seek to oppose their nations. Post-colonial feminism in this context can be understood as a form of response to understanding women in third world countries and their issues as opposed to just understanding the experiences of women in western culture. More emphasis is on the political, social and economic effects of non-western women in the post0colonial world, one that argued for the representation of non-western women like those in the countries of Tunisia and Egypt, but which also took up an active standpoint against their own nations, and institutions. As Said’ s orientalism reveals, people in decolonized countries are not only different in the way they fight for their rights, but also how they are restricted in even having a voice. This is observed in the Tunisian revolution and the Egyptian uprising.



英国代写:澳大利亚的文化来源。在过去,澳大利亚文学中的内陆和布什一直被认为是澳大利亚文化的真正来源。然而,在当今时代,依靠帕特森和劳森等作家的作品来例证澳大利亚的地方感已不再有意义(Tucker 178)。大多数反对移民和反对多元文化的人都认识到,从澳大利亚的遗产中走出来有巨大的优势。众所周知,这包括了一个庞大人口的多样性,它是几种文化背景下的智慧的基础。主要的希望在于南亚移民及其文学作品将丰富澳大利亚的多元文化遗产。接下来英国代写将对澳大利亚的文化来源进行以下分析与讨论。

尽管不断出现的流行文化为澳大利亚提供了诱人的想象,但这一点仍备受争议。政治身份不可能局限于对国家和地方的字面理解,作为回报,全球各地的个人已经开始改变关于家乡位置的观念(Leer 16)。在澳大利亚文学中,家的意识形态语境作为一个国家、一种归属感、一种居住空间不断作为一个概念出现。作为一名澳大利亚移民,Tucker(2003)不仅有助于理解澳大利亚各地移民遗留下来的复杂而令人担忧的问题,而且也总结了南亚移民的未来以及与澳大利亚的文学联系。从这两篇文章中可以看出,在澳大利亚,少数民族的写作往往会引起明显的不安。这可能会被认为是非法的,令人不安的,不受欢迎的,因为它在没有适当的证书的情况下在澳大利亚的空间里游荡。正如文章所反映的,澳大利亚的文化景观被扩展和丰富到对全球文化产生重大影响的极限(Tucker 178)。大多数反对移民和反对多元文化的人都认识到,从澳大利亚的遗产中走出来有巨大的优势。众所周知,这包括了一个庞大人口的多样性,它是几种文化背景下的智慧的基础。主要的希望在于南亚移民及其文学作品将丰富澳大利亚的多元文化遗产。

以经验的方式,地方可以被描述为一个宇宙中心的象形。而不是关于理论的推测,它可以被认为是在全球所有反思之前的宗教的主要经验(Narasimhaiah 26)。它是空间中受影响的断裂,通过揭示每个未来方向的中轴或固定点来允许全球构造。类似于Seamus Heaney的Mossbawm, Bunyah可以被认为是一个omphalos。这是指生命世界描绘主要节奏的地方。这篇文章反映了地方不是一种修辞、意识形态或心理因素,它是一种提供人类栖息地的生态因素。然而,两位作者都考虑了地方的政治层面(Robin 43)。人类在到达受限的生物圈时,在生态的最深处面临着巨大的危机,而无法跨越空间起飞。在当前新殖民全球化的全球体系中,外围地区可以被认定为反抗的地点。

Since the past, the Outback and the Bush in Australian writings are perceived as the actual source for culture of Australia. However, in the current era, there is no more relevance in relying upon works of writers like Paterson and Lawson that exemplifies the sense of place in Australia (Tucker 178). They are enlisted best for the description of mythically constructed identity.

This is contested heavily irrespective of appealing imagination of Australia as provided by the consistently appearing popular culture. There can be no confinement of political identity to the literal perceptions of nation and place, and in return, individuals across the globe have started to change notions regarding the location of home (Leer 16). The ideological context of home, if geographical factored as a country, sense of belonging, or a dwelling space appears constantly as a concept in Australian literature. As an Australian immigrant, Tucker (2003) not only helps in understanding the complex and fraught legacy of immigration across the Australian landscape, but is also summarizing the future of diaspora in South Asia along with the literary link with Australia. It has been reflected in the two essays that more often there is an evident uneasy reception regarding the writing of minority in Australia. This can be perceived as illegitimate, discomforting, and unwelcoming as it strays across Australian spaces in the absence of appropriate credentials. As reflected in the essays, the Australian cultural landscape is expanded and enriched to a limit of significantly affecting global cultures (Tucker 178). Majority of the people who are anti-migration and anti-multiculturalists are recognizing the immense advantages of coming out of the Australian inheritance. This is known to be encompassing the diversity of a large population underlying the wisdom of several cultural backgrounds. The key hope lies in the fact that the diaspora of South Asia along with its literature will be enriching the multicultural heritage of Australia.

In an experiential manner, place can be described a hierophany as a cosmic centre. Rather than concerning theoretical speculation, it can be considered as a primary experience of religion preceding every reflection all across the globe (Narasimhaiah 26). It is the affected break in space allowing global constitution by revealing the central axis or fixed point for every future orientation. Similar to Mossbawm for Seamus Heaney, Bunyah can be considered as an omphalos. This means the place through which primary rhythm is drawn by life world. The article reflects that place is not a rhetoric, ideological, or psychological element, it is an ecological element providing human habitat. However, both the authors have considered the political dimensions of place (Robin 43). Huge crisis is faced by humanity at the deepest levels of ecology while reaching the restricted biosphere with the inability of taking off across space. In the current global system of neo-colonial globalization, peripheral places can be identified as locations of resistance.









Jergen’s advertisement was talking about “natural looking” skin in the video. Two beautiful women are seemingly in a vacation enjoying the sun. The two women who supposedly need the Jergens product have no wrinkles or scars. They are created to be the target for beauty. They have almost perfect skin and have impossible long, smooth, and shapely bodies. They have a head of silky hair and their waist is so small that it is not possible for a normal woman. The teeth of the women are beyond white. They are almost unreal women. They would probably make up less than 1 percent of the world population of women.

A woman comes up to them and asks them about what would happen to their skin. As shown in the picture above, the two women develop a seeming insecurity about their beauty and protection of the skin. The woman who is wearing the yellow shirt goes on harping about the possible issues of their skin in future and about how they can protect it using the commercial product. The two women use those products and seem exactly the same in the final frame. Finally, the advertisements end with discussion about natural beauty and how using the Jergens product would make them stay natural and pretty. There is a forever beauty clause that is added towards the end.

It can be observed that all the characters in the picture are women. It seems to foster an implied message of what woman talk about retaining their beauty and is constantly on the lookout for such efforts.

The viewer is apparently transported to visual imagery of beautiful women on screen. These women are supposed to be metaphorically equivalent to the average women or their target audience. The one thing that really obvious to me is how the women in the society seem to constantly sum the other person based on looks. The so called supportive women in yellow were fostering the ideology that one can never be perfect without the use of the commercial products. There is careful segmentation and a lot of thought process that is focused on the imagery. The lady in yellow is made to stand out from the crowd, as it is assumed that she is making important skin protection points to the other women. The other characters in the video ad are made to blend in with the background colors. It is evident that the yellow color used in the color mixing was to focus on the woman who is providing the important advises as to how a woman can protect her skin from external sun damage. In the penultimate scene, the lady in yellow is made to joke about how lonely she is and wants to hang out with the other women. This also is a seeming effort by the creators to make the lady in yellow focus on the fact that women can identify with someone when they are also feeling alone. This advertisement is a seemingly innocuous advertisement that reinforces every gender stereotype about beauty and society expectations. Even though there is no man for these advertisements, it seems to focus on how the exterior beauty if created. It is pretty obvious that the women are beautiful women who need not have any commercial products to retain their beauty. However, there is fostering of the ideology that one can never be pretty enough and if they were they would lose it eventually. The dominant ideology is that there is a capitalism focus which women can never be perfect.

The objectification of women in advertisement by mass media is not a new concept. This advertisement seemingly reinforces this ideology. They are a part of the system that fosters this ideology. There is a different remainder of the fallacies of the women. An average woman or adolescent girl knows that they can never really look like them, but they are made to assume that they could also imitate their actions to get that beauty.




“电影作为一个‘梦想机器’是一个熟悉的概念,暗示着一个幻想的领域,愿望的实现”(Sabbadini, 2005)。

童话实际上是一种意识形态的象征,是一种存在于社会中的通俗叙事主题。它们实际上是社会中人的道德和行为的化身。这些被发现是基于社会中被接受的叙事而不断变化的(Bottigheimer, 2014)。

可以说,人类问题的真相源于个体与心灵的接触。不可忽视的是,现在有一种进步的文化,它反映了社会中不断变化的文化。当王室的长子是女孩时,她们可以像男孩一样发挥作用。然而,童话故事的创作往往是关于幻想的生活方式,它试图创造一个人在现实生活中遭受贬低的人物形象。在过去的叙事结构中,女孩是处于困境中的少女。他们经常被怪物或黏糊糊的野兽带走。女孩们最后被主人公救了。在所有的叙事结构中都可以观察到隐含的真理。最初是暗指故事中的女孩需要被拯救,需要一个男性伙伴来拯救她们的愿望,这是这些商店的一个突出方面。童话故事的核心相似之处在于,它们突袭了社会政治对立的更强硬的基础。这些通常表现在前现代欧洲人的意识形态上。女性主义意识形态的兴起、多样性以及进步思想的融合,使得人们更加关注故事中典型女孩角色的变化。在这个过程中可以观察到隐含的个性化(Zipes, 2014)。荣格认为,个性化存在于人类发展的核心过程中。必须包含存在于每个人身上的神秘和精神领域(Tan, 2013)。荣格心理学可以用来理解社会中发生的个性化以及发展个体心理生活的重要性。


“Cinema as a ‘dream machine’ is a familiar notion, implying a realm of fantasy, of wish-fulfilment” (Sabbadini, 2005).

Fairy tales are actually the symbolization of the ideology and the popular narrative themes that are existed in the society. They are actually the personification of the morality and the behaviour of the people in the society. These are found to be constantly changing based on the accepted narratives in society (Bottigheimer, 2014).

It can be argued that the truth in the human problems arise from the engagement of the individuals with the psyche. It cannot be discounted that a progressive culture is present that reflects upon the culture that is ever so changing in the society. When primogeniture of the royal families was girls, they were able to function just as well as the boys. However, the creation of fairy tales are often about fancy lifestyle and it tries to create a persona of the devaluation that an individual suffers in real life. In the past narrative structures, the girls were the damsel in distress. They were often taken away by monsters or slimy beasts. The girls were saved in the end by the protagonist. An implied truth can be observed in all of the narrative structure. It was originally alluded that the girls in the story needed to be rescued and the need for a male counterpart to save their aspirations were made to be a prominent aspect of these stores. The core analogy of the fairy tales is that they foray in to the tougher substrate of the socio-political opposition. These are usually manifested from the pre-modern European people ideology. The rise of the feminist ideology, diversity and the amalgamation of progressive thoughts have made the people to be more focused on the changing role of the typical girl in a story. Implied individuation is observed in this process (Zipes, 2014). According to Jung, it stated that the individuation that exists in the central process of human development. It is imperative to encompass the mystical and spiritual areas that are present in each person (Tan, 2013). The Jungian psychology can be used to comprehend the individuation that occurs in the society and the importance of developing the life of the psyche of the individual.

From the story of Frozen and Aladdin, it is evident as to how these ideologies have been parsed into the enchanted realms. Ironically, it is also a part of the modern day real ideology that pervades the society. These fairy tales are the real social issues that the people encounter on a daily basis and the ways in which the people try to address their individual issues. The hidden analogy of feminism and the changing dynamic narrative theme in the society are exuded in these structures. These need to be probed to understand the nuanced implications.




因此,各组织邀请多文化就业,以满足这些当地和全球的需求。像劳动力一样,工作文化、招聘和培训实践等,都会改变组织文化。这种形式的多元文化环境无法在科学管理中得到欣赏,因为在科学管理中,重点是团体的主动性,工人的理解被简化为机器。工人,第三文化,背景和任何其他都是不必要的。Hofstede的维度等基于文化的理论优先帮助处于多元文化环境中的公司。例如,Hofstede基于国家的文化维度显示了一个以个人主义为导向的组织与接受集体主义的组织是如何相对立的(Hofstede Insights, 2018)。权力距离、规范导向、不确定性规避等方面都可以为组织所理解。科学的管理方法没有把重点放在这些方面。从我所经历的英国职场的组织文化来看,英国是一个权力距离较小的国家,这一点可以从组织内部管理者与下属的互动方式中看出。同样,英国的个人主义得分也很高,这表明英国培养个人发挥独特的作用,为社会做出贡献(Hofstede Insights, 2018)。这在组织中是可以观察到的,因为成员被赋予了职责,并被期望各自承担责任和责任。全球组织变得更加灵活,而不是生产标准化或管理标准化。科学管理的优点开始变成缺点。

作为科学的管理和在科学管理下讨论的相关利益成为不利因素。泰勒的论点的优点是,它有助于理解组织在提高生产和利润方面的角色。这一理论理解了盈利和利润管理的系统方式(泰勒,2004),也理解了在非常标准的工作环境中的工作满意度。根据科学方法,当工人被提供一套标准的工具、原材料、机器和明确的工作职责时,他们往往不会感到困惑或不确定,因此,他们更满意(Kelly, 1982)。与后现代主义时代组织格局的变化和组织理论的演进相比,科学管理的同样主张也存在一些缺陷。例如,科学管理强调盈利和管理(Hummel, 2014;Burrelland库珀,2015)。然而,在当前的经济中,重点已经从制造业转向以服务业为基础的经济。许多行业也是围绕服务范式创建的(Grönroos, 1994)。在这里,与管理服务质量相比,生产的增加并不那么重要。


Organizations hence invite multicultural employment to meet these local and global needs. Like the workforce, the work culture, the hiring and training practices, etc., will change the organizational culture. This form of multicultural environment cannot be appreciated in scientific management where the focus is on group initiatives, and worker understanding is reduced to a machine. The worker, third culture, background and any other are not necessary. Culture-based theories like Hofstede’s dimensions take precedence for assisting companies in their multicultural environments. Hofstede’s cultural dimensions based on nations, for instance, show how individualism-oriented an organization is as opposed to embracing collectivism (Hofstede Insights, 2018). Aspects of power distance, normative oriented, uncertainty avoidance, and more are understood for the organization. The scientific management approach did not focus on these aspects. Considering the organizational culture of the workplace in the UK that I experienced, the UK is a country with less power distance, and this is observed in the way managers interact with subordinates within the organization. Similarly, the UK has a high individualist score indicating that the country trains individuals to play a unique role and contribute to society (Hofstede Insights, 2018). This is observed in the organization, as members are given duties and expected to take up responsibility and accountability individually. Instead of standardization of production, or standardization for management, global organizations became more flexible. The very pros of scientific management was starting to become cons.

Management as science and the associated benefits that were discussed under scientific management became disadvantages. Merits of Taylor’s argument were that it helps to understand the organization’s role in improving their production and profits. A systematic way of profit-making and profit management was understood with this theory (Taylor, 2004), and also, an understanding of job satisfaction in a very standard work environment. According to the scientific method, when workers are provided with a standard set of tools, raw materials, machines and defined job duties, then they tend not to be confused or uncertain, and hence, they are more satisfied (Kelly, 1982). The same pros of scientific management had some flaws when considering against the changing landscape of organizations and evolving organizations theories in the postmodernism times. For instance, profit-making and management are highlighted in scientific management (Hummel, 2014; Burrelland Cooper, 2015). However, in current economies, the focus has shifted from manufacturing to service-based. Many industries are created around the service paradigm, as well (Grönroos, 1994). Here, the increase of production is not given that much importance as compared to managing service quality.

Sociological change points were viewed, as well, and the management did not dictate control over workers to maximize production. Workers had labor power, which they used to bargain with the management (consider the pro presented earlier of how workers will be more satisfied when there is standardization). This was true during the time when workers were satisfied with working on central objectives and defined production teams during a time of job uncertainty, war, and welfare management situations (Webster, 2014; Hatch, 2018). However, as of present times, a standard set of tools and processes will not satisfy the worker. With respect to satisfaction in the workplace, the worker has to focus on many things and needs some degree of autonomy to make their decisions. For instance, my personal experience is that I worked part-time as a front-line employee in a restaurant during school days, and it was necessary to make some on-the-spot decisions. Relying on a defined set of routines to handle unexpected problems could also result in issues in the workplace; in such cases, neither can the scientific management theory be applied productively nor can the associated benefits be realized.





汉娜·阿伦特的极权主义概念可以看作是托克维尔多数暴政的方法论文本。阿伦特的《极权主义的起源》专注于探索反犹主义和帝国主义的概念,以及它们如何影响现代极权主义政权的发展(阿伦特1973,172)。作者认为,1884 ~ 1914年的帝国主义时代、种族思想、反犹太主义奠定了20世纪极权主义的基础。阿伦特也想了解19世纪欧洲的种族主义和反犹太主义是如何被帝国主义和民族主义用作工具的。作者指出,帝国主义及其无限扩张的观念导致了多数人的暴政。这也导致了民族主义的发展和人民,这是不相容的,受到压迫。因此,这里可以用极权主义的概念来理解多数人的暴政。现代极权主义政权意识到了帝国主义和民族主义的有效性。因此,他们使用这些工具来实现他们的个人目标(阿伦特1973,81)。


In the book The Origins of Totalitarianism Arendt has mainly described two significant totalitarian political movements, which were Nazism and Stalinism. In order to analyse and understand the concept of totalitarianism given by Arendt in terms of the tyranny of the majority, it is important to understand the interpretation of totalitarianism provided by her. The concept of totalitarianism presented by her is different from the classical understanding of this concept.

Totalitarianism can be considered as the alternative of the complete democracy (Arendt 1973, 67). It is a kind of political system where the state has the complete authority and control over all the aspects of the life of the citizens. Totalitarianism can also be considered as the work of tyranny and oppression. Therefore, it can be said that for Arendt, Tocqueville’s concept of the tyranny of the majority is useful to analyse totalitarianism.

The concept of Totalitarianism according to Hannah Arendt can be considered as the methodological text of the Tocqueville’s tyranny of majority. The Origins of Totalitarianism by Arendt has focused on exploring the concepts of anti-Semitism and imperialism and how they have worked towards influencing the development of modern totalitarian regimes (Arendt 1973, 172). The author has argued that the foundation for totalitarianism in the 20th century has been laid by the age of imperialism in the years 1884-1914, race thinking and anti-Semitism. Arendt also looked towards understanding how racism and anti-Semitism were used as tools of imperialism and nationalism in 19th century Europe. The author states that imperialism and its notion of doing the unlimited expansion has led to the tyranny of the majority. This also led to the development of the Nationalism and the people, who were incompatible for this, were oppressed. Therefore, here the concept of Totalitarianism can be used to understand the tyranny of majority. Modern totalitarian regimes were aware of the efficiency of imperialism and Nationalism. Therefore, they used these instruments for the fulfilment of their personal goals (Arendt 1973, 81).

Arendt argues that the origins of totalitarianism in the 20th century can be simply understood as the process of nationalism and as the government, which is authoritative in nature and displays the single party rule. Arendt has also argued that scholars have mistakenly associated imperialism and nationalism and also rejected the notion that totalitarian regimes are the kind of dictatorship (Arendt 1973, 46). However, according to Arendt, totalitarian government is the one that replaces all the old political institutions and traditions and replace them with the new institutions and traditions that can serve the singular goal of the totalitarian state (in opposition to Tocqueville’s explanation ‘tyranny of majority’). The main aim of the tyranny of the majority used by the government or the totalitarian regimes is to organize the masses and to set the global rules that can lead to successful organization of the masses.
