标签存档: 英国论文代写价格





在动态营销能力方面,战略优势的一些驱动因素是营销感知能力,营销学习能力,最后是营销目标和定位能力(Sukdej和Ussahawanitchakit, 2015)。市场感知能力是指根据需求、客户、竞争对手等要素,了解外部市场环境,并利用这种能力来实现营销的卓越,如营销响应能力和生产力。传感能力开发得越多,公司就越能在竞争中占据战略优势。市场学习能力是指根据对市场的理解,强化企业内部竞争力的能力。这里的重点是根据动态指标了解市场营销的潜力,并利用它来发展内部技能。公司的经验和知识将会增长。市场的市场学习能力越强,其市场感知能力就越强。它的隐性知识将比竞争对手增长得更多,这使它具有了无法模仿的资源的战略优势。营销目标和定位能力是一个企业识别正确的目标市场和使用正确的选择能力进行营销的能力,以确定自己在市场的长期行业领导者。

This is called as dynamic marketing capabilities DMC of the firm and is defined by researchers Bruni and Verona (2009). DMC is “specifically aimed at developing, releasing and integrating market knowledge” (Bruni and Verona, 2009, p.5). Barrales-Molina et al. (2014) describe DMC as “the capabilities that use market knowledge to adopt organizational resources and capabilities” (p.409).

Dynamic marketing capabilities go hand in hand with strategic orientation. The creation of dynamic capabilities for marketing is in itself a strategic orientation. When there is environmental turbulence, there is a necessity for the organization to respond quickly to the turbulence. Marketing activities with dynamic capabilities hence become a form of quick response scheme strategically speaking. The strategic orientation guaranteed for the firm ensures that a moderating trigger-relationship between environment necessities and internal capabilities change and utilization exists. Reconfiguration activities in terms of other coordinated dynamic capabilities that support marketing will be done. All this timely response will assure strategic advantages for the organization.

Some of the drivers of strategic advantages in terms of dynamic marketing capabilities are the marketing sensing capability, the marketing learning capability and finally the marketing targeting and positioning capability (Sukdej and Ussahawanitchakit, 2015). Market sensing capabilities are the ability to learn external market environment according to the elements of demand, customers, competitors etc. and use this in order achieves marketing excellence such as marketing responsiveness and productivity. The more the sensing capability is developed, the more the firm would be able to have strategic advantage over its competitors. Market learning capability is defined as that ability to strengthen the internal competencies according to an understanding of the market. Here the focus is on learning about potential of marketing within the market as per the dynamic indicators and using this to develop internal skills. Experience and knowledge of the company will grow. The more the market learning capability of the market, the better will be its market sensing capability. Its tacit knowledge will grow more compared to its competitors and this gives it the strategic advantage of un-imitable resources. Marketing targeting and positioning capability are the ability of a firm to identify the right target market and use the right selection of capabilities for marketing in order to identify itself as industry leader in the market in the long run.







ADKAR模型是一种现代的变更管理方法。它比Lewin的模型和其他传统模型更快。该模型的关键词包括意识、欲望、知识、能力和强化。该模型通过在某个组织场景中传播对变更必要性的认识来启动过程。然后,它继续解释组织环境中变化的愿望或目的(Cameron和Green, 2015)。例如,Tesco Superstore的变革管理的愿望是最大限度地提高员工保留率。在此之后,知识意味着要使用策略或计划来整合变化。第四步是获得足够的资源或能力来适应变化,最后,对前面的所有步骤进行适当的植入。


威廉提出了一个模型,他更关注转型而不是变革。他指出了变化和过渡之间的细微差别。他进一步指出,过渡是隐性的和耗时的,人们只有在经历变化时才会经历它。这个模型的三个阶段是“结束、失去、放手”、“中立区”和“新的开始”。第一阶段是处理员工第一次被告知改变时的情绪反应和抵制。在第二阶段,员工和员工被管理,他们已经超越了情绪上的不适,在某种程度上已经接受了这种情况,但仍然没有头绪,困惑和忧虑(Hechanova和Cementina-Olpoc, 2013)。因此,它是一个中立区。在最后阶段,员工被引导、支持和指导到新的开始。


悲伤模型是这个模型的另一个名字,伊丽莎白Kübler-Ross在他关于死亡和死亡的研究中将其概念化。然而,它也适合于变更管理场景。这个模型有五个阶段,即否认、愤怒、讨价还价、沮丧和接受。拒绝阶段表示员工对更改的抵制。第二阶段是控制员工的愤怒。当他们意识到这一点时,他们别无选择,只能接受改变(Cameron and Green, 2015)。管理层和员工之间就这些变化进行了谈判。如果前一阶段仍然无效,员工进入绝望和失望的状态,则第四阶段开始生效。最后,他们接受了改变,因为他们离开时没有选择,结果,他们经常开始离开组织。

Significant Theories

The external agency that was in charge of change management at the Tesco Superstore in Bristol informed that they developed the steps and phases on the basis of some major and popular theories and models of change management. Those were ADKAR Model, Bridges’ Transition Model and Kübler-Ross Five-Stage Model. Each model in this section will be evaluated so that I can assess my own effectiveness.


ADKAR model is a modern approach to change management. It is quicker compared to Lewin’s model and other traditional models. The keywords of this model include awareness, desire, knowledge, ability and reinforcement. This model initiates the process with spreading awareness about the necessity of the change in a certain organisational scenario. Then it moves on explaining the desire or purpose of the changes in the organisational context (Cameron and Green, 2015). For example, the desire for change management at Tesco Superstore is to maximize the rate of employee retention. After that, knowledge implies the strategies or planning to be employed to incorporate the change. The fourth step is to acquire the adequate resources or ability to comply with the changes and lastly, all the preceding steps should be implanted appropriately.

Bridges’ Transition Model

William conceptualised a model where he focused more on the transition rather than the changes. He identified the subtle difference between change and transition. He further stated that transition is implicit and time-consuming and people happen to experience it only when undergoing the change. The three stages of this model are “ending, losing and letting go”, “the neutral zone” and “the new beginning”. The first stage deals with the emotional reaction and resistance from the employees when they are informed about the change for the first time. In the second phase, the employees and staff are managed who have already surpassed the emotional discomfort and somehow have accepted the situation but are still clueless, confused and apprehensive (Hechanova and Cementina-Olpoc, 2013). Therefore, it is a neutral zone. In the final phase, the employees are guided, supported and directed to the new beginning.

Kübler-Ross Five-Stage Model

The Grief Model is another name of this model and Elisabeth Kübler-Ross conceptualised it in the context of his research on death and dying. However, it also aptly fits in the change management scenario. There are five stages in this model namely denial, anger, bargaining, depression and acceptance. Denial phase identifies the employee resistance to the change. The second phase is about managing the wrath of the employees. When they realise that, they have no choice but to accept the change (Cameron and Green, 2015). A negotiation between the management and the employees takes place in regards to the changes. The fourth phase comes into effect if the preceding phase remains ineffective as the employees enter a state of hopelessness and disappointment. Lastly, they accept the changes as they left with no choice and as the result, they often start to leave the organisation.




从Lehman(2016)的观点来看,西方动画电影产业是近代全球流行的产业之一。在过去的一百年里,动画组织如迪斯尼,皮克斯,照明公司和其他公司都在评估。最受欢迎的2d动画,如米老鼠、猫和老鼠秀都是由这些公司推出的。在20世纪,这些公司用手工制作的图片来制作电影和卡通系列。根据Vault.com Inc.(2017),在1970年之后,这些行业在CGI技术的帮助下得到了极大的重估。

虽然西方动画电影产业在全球范围内的普及率很高,但东方动画产业并不落后于西方。年轻一代主要被《萤火虫之墓》(1988年)、《风之谷》(1984年)、《攻壳机动队》(1995年)等不同的动画电影所吸引。根据Thought co.(2017)的报告,在19世纪期间,东方动画电影产业引入了一种新的动画形式,称为“动漫”。东方动画机构通过使用不同的高清晰度摄像机,采用了细胞动画技术。第二次世界大战后,东映动画公司推出了风靡一时的ShōnenSarutobiSasuke(1959年)系列,并与华特·迪斯尼展开了激烈的竞争。此后,该公司又推出了几部电视剧,如横山Mitsuteru的《女巫莎莉》、《铁津28》等。东映动画的这个动画系列在动画市场上获得了巨大的人气。因此,东方动漫产业推出了一些动画相关产品,如原创动画视频等,占领了全球市场。电影爱好者追求的是那些不那么漫长的东西,而那些想要更精细的版本的人则会选择电视剧。到了21世纪,日本或东方的组织推出了《火影忍者》、《龙珠》系列、《死亡笔记》系列等高画质动画,这些动画在当时和近代都很受欢迎。这些组织已经建立了数字网络来销售动画,他们开始向日本和非日本消费者提供高质量的动画系列。Napier(2016)认为,可以说东方动漫产业是西方动漫产业的主要竞争对手,这可以看作是对东方动漫电影产业的一次大评价。

This study has conducted to collect adequate knowledge and information about the timeline of the cartoon and anime movies, which has developed and is still developing with the growth of science and technology that has helped to provide realistic graphics. In accordance to Hou (2017), over the ages, both the countries, Japan and America have given a tough competition to one another by developing a large set of characters and anime’s and is still developing to attract the audience towards viewing their animated film and series. In this particular section of the study, the evaluation factors of Western and Eastern Film Animations will analyze, which has elaborated below.

From the view point of Lehman (2016), western animation film industry is one of the globally popular industries in the recent era. In last hundred years, the animation organizations such as Walt Disney, Pixar, illumination and others are evaluating tremendously. Most popular 2-D animations such as Mickey Mouse, Tom and Jerry Show had been introduced by these companies. In 20th century, these companies had used handmade pictures to animate the film and cartoon series. In accordance with Vault.com Inc. (2017), after the 1970, these industries have been immensely revaluated with the help of CGI technology.

Although the popularity of the western animation film industry is very high globally, but the Eastern animation industry does not stand very far behind it. The young generation are mainly attracted by different animation movies such as Grave of the Fireflies (1988), Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind (1984), Ghost in the Shell (1995) and others. According to the Thought co. (2017) report, in the period of 19th century, the Eastern animation film industry had introduced a new form of animation called as ‘Anime’. The eastern animation organizations had been used cell animation technology by using different hi – definition cameras. After the World War II, an animation company named Toei animation has introduced ShōnenSarutobiSasuke (1959) series, which had been very popular in these days and this company also has started a huge competition against the Walt Disney. After that, the company has introduced several television series such as Mitsuteru Yokoyama’s Sally the Witch, Tetsujin 28 and others. This animation series of Toei Animation had gained huge popularity in the animation market. Consequently, the eastern animation industries had introduced some animation related products such as OAV (Original Animated Video), and other products, which have taken all the global market. The film lovers are those people who go for a those things that are not that long and the people who are looking for a elaborated version go for the TV series. In the period of 21th century, the Japanese or eastern organizations have introduced high graphics animations such as Naruto, Dragon Ball series, Death note series and others, which had been very popular in these times and in the recent era. The organizations had started digital networks to sell the anime and they started to provide a high quality animated series to Japanese and Non-Japanese consumers. According to Napier (2016), it can be stated that the eastern animation industries are the major competitor of the western animation industry, which can be considered as a great evaluation of eastern animation film industry.




员工和管理者都具有领导能力和激励特质。有效的领导者需要对激励他人的不同因素有透彻的了解。人们需要协调和匹配的需求与组织的需求(Dobre 2013, par 54-60)。赞赏和奖励是影响一个人达到预期目标的关键激励因素。领导者必须在模范人民行为方面起主要作用。对于领导者来说,影响人们达到目标是至关重要的。此外,领导者必须树立一个良好的榜样,以确保人们成长和有效地实现他们的目标。道德和团队精神对一个组织的福祉有关键影响,这是势在必行的。领导者的道德和他们所信奉的价值观对于确保公司的道德结构得以维持至关重要(Pinder 2014, par 44)。此外,领导者必须站在下属的立场上。公司的领导者必须有有意义的关系,从而转化为员工的生产力。这些是领导的主要特征。此外,还形成了一系列的领导理论,以保证人民群众的这些要求得到满足。这些是从这些理论中得出的主要典故(Lazaroiu 2015, par 97)。

总之,当前时代的公司必须有激励的员工,以确保公司的所有需求都得到满足。通过对Dropbox公司方面的探索,我们了解了他们激励员工的方式。著名的X和Y理论的两个理论可以用来获得理解。Mc Gergor支持著名的x理论,该理论详细描述了如何激励人们。它从根本上是建立在人民游手好闲、不喜欢工作这一事实之上的。他们不负责任,缺乏工作动力。它暗示人们需要被胁迫和惩罚,这样他们才能工作。这些管理职能是控制和推动工作完成(Song et al. 2015)。Y理论是关于人们在合适的条件下如何变得负责和勤奋。它还假设普通人有潜力和能力在适当的条件下展示。弗雷德里希·赫茨伯格是关于人们用完全不同的方面来满足或不满足员工。有些因素会让员工满意,而有些则会让他们完全不满意。一般来说,卫生因素的缺乏是用来让员工不满的。不满意因素的去除是用来安抚员工的,它不会导致满意(Graves, Sarkis和Zhu 2013, par 81-91)。为了克服卫生问题,公司做了许多努力。公司寻找方法来提高员工的士气,公司观察支付更高的工资,为所有的人参与。据观察,公司已经改变了目标设定理论的理念。

The employee and the manager would possess leadership and the motivational traits. The effective leader needs to have a thorough knowledge of the different motivational factors for others. The people need to harmonize and match the needs with the organizational needs (Dobre 2013, par 54-60). Appreciations and the rewards are the key motivators that would influence the person to reach the desired goals. The leader must play an chief role in the modelling behaviour of the people. It is central for the leader to influences people for reaching goals. Moreover, the leader must set a good example to make sure that the people grow and achieve their goals effectively. It is imperative for the moral and the team spirit to have a key impact on well-being of an organization. The morality of the leader and the values that they espouse is essential to ensure that that moral fabric of the company is maintained (Pinder 2014, par 44). In addition, the leader must step into the shoes of the subordinates. The leader of the company must have meaningful relationships that translate into productivity of the employees. These are the main traits of the leadership. Furthermore, a number of theories of leadership have been formulated to ensure that these requirements of the people are met. These were the main allusions that have been drawn from these theories (Lazaroiu 2015, par 97).

To conclude, companies in the current era must have motivated employees to ensure that all the needs of the company have been met. The aspect of Dropbox Company has been explored to comprehend the ways in which they motivate the employees.The two theories of Famous X and Y theory can be used to gain comprehension. Mc Gergor’s espoused the famous theory of X-Theory that details about how the ways to motivate the people. It fundamentally is built on the fact that the people are idle and do not like to work. They are irresponsible and lack the drive for work. It alludes that the people need to be coerced and punished so that they work. These management functions are to control and push for the work to have it done (Song et al. 2015). The theory Y is about how the people become responsible and diligent in the right condition. It also functions of the assumption that the average person has the potential and the ability to exhibit in the right conditions. Fredrich Herzberg is about the completely different aspects that the people use to satisfy or dissatisfy the employees. Some of the factors would satisfy the employee while some completely dissatisfies them. Generally, the lack of hygiene factors is used to dissatisfy the employees. The removal of dissatisfying factor is used for the pacification of the employees and it does not lead to satisfaction (Graves, Sarkis and Zhu 2013, par 81-91). To overcome the issue of hygiene factors the company undertakes a lot of efforts. The company looks for ways to improve the morale of the employees the company is observed to pay higher wages for all the people who are involved. The company has been observed to have changed the ideology of goal setting theory.



论文代写价格:马克思主义的社会价值体系。马克思主义的分析,重要的是分析存在于媒介背后的经济体制。必须了解控制和拥有媒体的人。重要的是要明白,思想是被传播和观察到被媒体忽视的。媒体决定谁是英雄,谁是坏人。人们似乎寻求娱乐,以确保从人们的日常烦恼中获得暂时的安慰(Hardy, 2014)。然而,这种娱乐和对娱乐的追求导致人们转向娱乐媒体的目的或追求放松。英国论文代写分析的目的是通过对《罗宾汉》电影的分析来了解马克思主义的社会价值体系。



然而,这部电影代表了公平、正义和公平的重要性,这是社会中典型的存在。它侵入了马克思主义的意识形态。这一理论或概念有许多细微之处(Flanagan, 2016)。这些已在本分析中详细阐述。


Following King Richard’s untimely death, the archer, Robin Longstride, returned to England. In this, they initially encounter Robert of Locksley, who was ambushed by Godfrey. Godfrey wants to facilitate French invasion of England. In this, Robin Hood is seen to state that he will return the sword to Walter in Nottingham who was his father. There was the narrative plot in the storyline as to how they must stir the baronial opposition. In this schema, Godfrey had planned to take over the Kingdom. To address this issue Robin Hood tries to foray into the political arena to make sure that justice prevails in system. It is basically the hero being against anarchism and wanting to ensure there was equality and equity in systems.

Critics argue that Marxism can be another ideology. There is the critique of the ideology being another populism rather than real function to address issues of people. It is considered to work in idyllic conditions where all the stakeholders try to work based on the ethics. It is seen to have a lot of doctrinaire. Main aspects of Marxism. These are considered to be crudely deterministic or rigorous for people. This is deemed to be reductionist and materialistic. This allows the scope for the human agency and sensitivity. However, the promise of Marxism is the sense of grand theory. The sense of media representations allows the notion of consciousness which is associated with theories that are professed by Marxism. These are main tenets that are observed in the movie.

However, this movie is a representation of the importance of equity, justice and fairness which typically exists in the society. It forays into the Marxian ideology. There are many nuances which can be associated with this theory or concepts (Flanagan, 2016). These have been detailed in this analysis.

Robin Hood is the quintessential rebel which allows people to indulge in voyeurism of other ideology which prevailed in society. It asks people to fundamentally understand how it would be in other extenuating circumstances. Media portrays the hero and the villain with clarity for people to relate to the main protagonist. It is imperative for people to have a system where they can connect. Ironically, this Marxian theme movie was produced by a capitalist system to make profits. The media forays into the popular opinion of people in this schema. This is the reason for Robin Hood to be popular.




从社会和文化影响的角度来看,这一志愿旅游的趋势是社会和文化的思想交流。这种交流是在两国人民之间进行的,两国人民的生活条件在相互比较中是截然不同的。因此,处于劣势的人可以了解他们国家之外的生活本质(Butcher and Smith, 2015)。

居民对旅游业发展的支持是基于对社会、文化和经济利益以及当地经济状况的多种认知。因此,它成为必要的理解许多居民的看法,可能会受到许多因素的阻碍。在考虑利益相关者的规模、时间和异质性时,需要考虑社区增强的关注水平、对社区的情感依恋以及环境敏感性,这有助于指示必要的发展,以包含这些关键组件(Taplin, Dredge和Scherrer, 2014)。关于国家的经济和社会文化环境,制定了一个明确、明显和合乎逻辑的框架,避免列出不相关的指标清单,从而减少了指标发展的不可预测性。

另一方面,为主题分类而使用指标可能导致忽视相互关系。为了反映国家的经济状况和目的地的社会文化特征,必须在旅游系统中考虑互连性指标的存在(Hartman, Paris和Blache-Cohen, 2014)。

From the perspective of the social and the cultural impact which this trend of volunteer tourism is creating is the social as well as cultural exchange of ideas. This exchange is taking place between the peoples of the two countries who live in condition which is extremely contrasting in comparison which each other. As a consequence, the disadvantage people can learn about the nature of life which is present beyond their country (Butcher and Smith, 2015).

The support of the residents for development of tourism is based on multiple perceptions of social, cultural and economic benefits and the local economy’s state. Thus, it becomes essential for understanding the perceptions of numerous residents which might be hampered due to numerous factors. The concern level for community enhancement, emotional attachment with the community as well as environmental sensitivity needs to be considered while considering scale, time and heterogeneity of stakeholder which helps in indication of necessary development for encompassing these critical components (Taplin, Dredge and Scherrer, 2014). A clear, apparent and logical framework of avoiding lists of indicators that are unrelated is made on the economics as well as the socio-cultural environment of the country which subsequently decrease the unpredictability of indicator development.

On the other hand, the putting of indicators for the purpose of thematic categorizations could lead to ignorance of the interrelations. The presence of interconnectivity indicators must be considered in the tourist system for reflecting the economical condition of the country and socio-cultural characteristics of the destination (Hartman, Paris and Blache-Cohen, 2014).



代写论文价格:交互式评估。交互式评估需要遵循的方法包括响应性评估,这将影响项目的交付方式。该过程很大程度上依赖于评估的响应性,这有助于调整信息需求的方向(Parkay等人,2014年)。此外,还有行动研究的范围,这将有助于确定发挥作用所需的创新办法。有一个质量审查的范围,被称为机构自我学习,这涉及到系统级别的指导,可以在评估过程中控制(Posavac, 2015)。发展性评估可以被认为是整个项目的重要方面,其中有必要开发具有创新性和独特性的项目(Torres和Preskill, 2001)。赋权评估是评估形式的一个主要部分,因为它包括了项目所需的所有评估形式,这些评估可以用来赋予公民和其他需要掌控自己生活的人权力。接下来英国论文代写专家将为同学们讲解下交互式评估。

这是另一种形式的评估,它处理修改程序的内部结构并确保平滑的功能。这被认为是计划的逻辑,它打算集成一些重要的机制,以便将计划的活动与目标和目标结合起来。这种评估形式的主要优点之一是,它有助于解决员工对项目的困惑(Newcomer et al., 2015)。重要的是要尽可能熟练地使用程序的理论和逻辑,这有助于描述程序的性质。对于评估者来说,评估计划的预期结果和计划为了达到预期结果而设计的方式是很重要的(Mertens, 2014)。该计划的基本原理必须牢记在采取行动和最大限度地发挥该计划的潜力。

这样做基本上是为了在开发所需的组件元素和活动所需的程序时获得信息。在这方面,互动评价可以看作是一种文件,说明通过实施增量改进战略,创新可以取得进展的方式。这样的工作人员就能了解一个项目的运作方式。此外,它有助于评估支持的决策制定和程序变更中不断发展的概念(Owen和Lambert, 1995)。因此,互动评价的目的是考虑评价者如何能更好地获得优于调查结果和可促进的变化的优势。

This is another form of evaluation which deals with modifying the internal structure of a program and ensures smooth functionality. This is regarded as the logic of a program that intends to integrate some of the significant mechanisms in order to align the activities of the program with goals and objectives. One of the major advantages of this form of evaluation is that it supports in addressing the confusion among the staffs regarding the program (Newcomer et al., 2015). It is important to use both the theory and logic of the program with utmost proficiency which can help to describe the nature of the program. It is important for the evaluator to assess the intended outcome of the program and the way that the program has been designed for the sake of attaining desired result (Mertens, 2014). The fundamental rationale of the program must keep in mind in terms of undertaking action and maximising the potentiality of the program.

This is basically done in order to gain information while trying to develop programs that are needed for the component elements and activities that are required. In this consideration, the interactive evaluation can be seen as a documentation of the ways in which an innovation can be progressed through by implementing incremental improvement strategies. The staffs as such gain an understanding of the ways in which a program can be operated upon. Additionally, it helps in decision making for the evaluation support and the evolving concept within the program changes (Owen and Lambert, 1995). Therefore, the purpose of the interactive evaluation is to consider how an evaluator would be better able to gain an advantage over the findings and the changes that can be facilitated.



英国论文代写价格:教育社会学。教育与社会的关系称为教育社会学。教育社会学是在不同的语境下定义和理解的,如教育的个体经历、教育的社会理论、社会制度的影响等。公共机构和土地的社会运动都影响了教育社会学,新西兰在政治、社会和经济方面有着丰富多样的发展来源,教育社会学的发展和贡献非常重要(Gordon, 2016)。接下来英国论文代写专家将为同学们分析讨论下教育社会学。

教育与社会的关系称为教育社会学。教育社会学是在不同的语境下定义和理解的,如教育的个体经历、教育的社会理论、社会制度的影响等。公共机构和土地的社会运动都影响了教育社会学,新西兰在政治、社会和经济方面有着丰富多样的发展来源,教育社会学的发展和贡献非常重要(Gordon, 2016)。教育受社会影响,影响社会。在社会学和教育史上,早在1935年,教育变革的历史就聚焦于在新西兰创造社会民主。1935年,第一届工党政府制定了教育政策,重点是提高民主公民的素质。学生在创造一个更好的国家中所扮演的角色在早期就被理解了。走出殖民的阵痛,国家有必要改善其社会的教育,提高社会人均的质量。这是民主的支柱,以学生或儿童为中心的课程被认为支持这一点。


“教育社会学探讨了与社会其他部分和激进的社会过程(如全球化和工作世界中发生的变化)相关的形成、教育、教学、养育和学习”(Gordon, 2016,第19页)。


The relationship between education and society is called the sociology of education. Sociology of education is defined and understood from different contexts, such as the individual experiences of their education, the social theories of education, the influence of social institutions etc. Both public institutions and the social movements of the land would have affected the sociology of education and New Zealand having a rich and diverse source of developments politically, social and economically, the sociology of education, its developments and contributions are very much significant (Gordon, 2016). Education is affected by society and affects society. In the history of sociology and education, in as early as 1935, a history of change in education that focused on creating social democracy in NZ was observed. The first labour government of 1935 created educational policies that focused on improving citizenship in democracy. The role of the student in creating a better state was understood in those early times. Getting out of the throes of the colonization, it was necessary for the country to improve education of their societies and improve the quality of the social capita. This was the backbone of democracy and the student or child centred curriculum was seen to support this.

In current times, the sociology of education can be read from three ends influenced by public and social institutions. The three ends are how education happens in early childhood, adulthood and then continuing education for professional and performance developments.

“Sociology of Education explores formation, education, teaching, upbringing and learning in relation to other parts of society and to radical social processes, such as globalization and changes taking place in the world of work” (Gordon, 2016, p.19).

Some key aspects that are usually evaluated with respect to sociology of education arethat of how to develop policies to sustain continued education in the society and how to improve the quality of education, the assets held by students and teachers in the community etc.,




如果公司能够解决问题并解决问题,大多数重要的危机都是可以避免的。为此,公司需要有一个平稳的系统。作为一个高可靠性的公司,对生产的自满态度是公司的主要问题。这导致该公司面临它在中国所遇到的问题。当组织中的人发现一个关键的情况时,他们通常会向上层管理人员和他们的主管陈述他们的问题。这些被称为前体。在这一点上,只有少数人知道危急情况。如果能及时解决,公司面临的问题就会减少。然而,由于系统问题,该公司开始大规模生产某些化合物的数量高于允许数量的产品。这一点最初是在该国的一个阶段中指出的。该公司使用了一种社会防御方法(Dhanesh和Sriramesh, 2017)。



Most of the important crisis can be prevented if the company addresses the issues and resolves the issue. For this, the companies need to have a smooth system. Being a high reliability company, there was a complacent attitude regarding the production was the main issue of the company. This leads the company to face the issues that it did in the country. When the people in the organization discover a critical situation, they usually state their issues to the upper management and to their supervisors. These are known as the precursor. At this point, the critical situation is known only to a few. If addressed at that point of time, the issues which the company faces will reduce. However, owing to systemic issues, the company started to mass produce a product that had higher than permissible number of certain compounds. This was initially pointed out in one of the stages in the country. The company used a social defence approach (Dhanesh and Sriramesh, 2017).

The systemic issue that were related to the production of the product was the main trigger. People started to wonder about the quality. The company management was initially less worried about the product that they had developed. Food safety administration (FDA) passed an order that the company must recall the products. Initially, the company adopted a very nonchalant approach and continued to defend their product. They stated again that they do not add any MSG in their products. Moreover, they stated that particular product was accidentally contaminated. However, this situation escalated when 6 other states in the nation stated the same and banned the product from the shelves. This is when the situation escalated into the acute stage or the second stage of the crisis.

The stakeholders of the company can be broadly defined as the person who has relationship with the company. Manufacturing unit, employees, distributers, suppliers, retailers and end consumers are the different stakeholders of the company. For effective employee management, there must be proper leadership for the company. The stakeholders of the company are impacted by the businesses and brand equity that the company is able to generate. However, in this crisis, the end consumers were notified that the product in itself was flawed. This caused all the stakeholders of the company to be impacted negatively.




商业专家认为,商业管理在全球格局中不断变化的动态要求可持续发展。需要指出的是,在供应链管理中引入的可持续性概念意味着有必要纳入旨在减少负面社会和环境影响的商业实践(Lambert & CC, 2000,第65-83页)。因此,沃尔沃集团可以采取适当的改变,在建模他们的购买习惯。Roa等批评者认为,供应链管理者可以通过设计绿色产品和组织环保意识研讨会来实现社会和环境的可持续性(China et al., 2014, pp. 696-698)。它们可以发展其支持系统和环境上可持续的做法,以提高其生产质量。

然而,Sarkis认为组织的主要责任是改进他们的实践。他建议,企业在采取和制定商业实践战略时应整合环境可持续性(Chinaet al., 2014, pp. 696-698)。这将涉及采用企业社会责任或企业社会责任,这将包括公司的购买习惯。然而,Paulraj认为,公司治理的责任是与供应商在采购原材料方面进行合作,以便引入减少废物的技术。这将鼓励供应商实施创新战略,改善技术基础设施以提高生产质量(China et al., 2014, pp. 696-698)。鉴于这一情况,应当指出,采用这种作法将需要在人民和供应商中传播必要的教育,以提高环境意识。因此,可以批判地认为,沃尔沃集团可以组织研讨会和环境意识运动,教育其供应商采取环境可持续做法的重要性。沃尔沃集团的目标是通过采取环保的购买习惯的过程来提高大城市的流动性和生活质量(Prnewswire, 2012)。

The business experts are of the opinion that the changing dynamics of the business management on the global landscape demands for sustainability. It is to be noted that the concept of sustainability being introduced in the supply chain management implicates the necessity of incorporating business practices that would aim at reducing the negative societal and environmental impacts (Lambert & CC, 2000, pp. 65-83). Therefore, suitable changes could be adopted by the Volvo Group in terms of modeling their purchasing habits. Critics like Roa argued that society and environmental sustainability could be adopted by the supply chain managers by designing green products and organizing awareness seminars (China et al., 2014, pp. 696-698). They could develop their support system and environmentally sustainable practices to improve their production quality.

However, Sarkis is of the opinion that mainly the responsibility of the organization is to improve their practices. He recommends that the companies should integrate environmental sustainability while adopting and strategizing their business practices (Chinaet al., 2014, pp. 696-698). This would involve the adoption of the CSR or the corporate social responsibility that would encompass the purchasing habit of the company. However, Paulraj has contended that it is the responsibility of the corporate governance to collaborate with the suppliers in procuring the raw materials so that waste reduction technique could be introduced. This would encourage the suppliers to implement innovative strategies and improve the technological infrastructure to enhance the production quality (China et al., 2014, pp. 696-698). In the light of this context, it is to be noted that the adoption of the practice would require dissemination of the necessary education among the people and the suppliers to increase the environmental awareness. Therefore, it could be critically contended that the Volvo Group could organize the seminars and environmental awareness campaigns to educate their suppliers regarding the importance of adopting environmentally sustainable practices. The Volvo Group aims at improving the mobility and the quality of life in the megacities that could be effectuated through the process of adopting the eco-friendly methods of purchase habits (Prnewswire, 2012).

