标签存档: 英国论文代写哪个好






More support is to be given from educational authorities to teach media education through some guidelines or books in Canada. Faculties of Education in Canada should hire skilled staffs and in-service training should be given at school level for implementation of media education. Schools in different districts need skilled consultants for media literacy to establish proper communication networks. Finally, there should be collaboration between teachers and students as media education has diversity of skills and experience. Media education plays a vital role in communication and understanding various issues in social and political atmosphere. it is clear that media education can be said to be an innovative program at the grass root level and teachers should take part to resolve issues and apply the media education.

Canada is a country with many contradictions. On the one hand, it loves American brashness, their sense of risk taking and their culture and on the other hand, Canada likes the arrogance and policies of imperialism. A large number of people in Canada are aware of the proper communications in the country. This study will discuss about the media education in Canada and it will be proved in this essay that Canada has mandated the media education in many provinces in the state. Two concepts will be clear from this essay. Firstly, the Canadians are critically concerned about the pervasiveness of the American culture. Secondly, Canadians have a progressive educational system across the country that fostered the necessity of education.

This is a media text for scanning television programs and scanning the movies. This is a mass media text for teachers, students, and people of Canada. Different factors have been analysed in different parts in the thoughtful analysis of this media text. The awareness regarding education has been discussed. It has been discussed how the audience should be approached for explaining the media text. To explain the media text, it is necessary to understand audience and their culture. Classroom practice has a great importance in communicating the students and other audience regarding the discussion of median education in Canada. With good aspects, violation and attitude problem may come from the part of students. In such problems, discussion through ethnic groups and representation of media text can resolve various issues. This study is important because of its significance regarding identifying the benefits and issues of media education in Canada. This study will help one to understand the system of media education in Canada and how further development is possible in media education in Canada.

The object of the study is to make aware the people of Canada how media text benefits the students, teachers and enrich the culture of the general public in Canada and how media text can be utilised in future for the awareness of people regarding education and culture.




这个过程发生的系统可以描述如下。首先,煤从一侧进入反应器,启动反应的蒸汽和氧化剂从底部进入反应器。煤以正常的速度进料,但送进去的蒸汽氧化剂混合物将以一定的速度推进。在气化炉的温度将是一个恒定的高,以确保所需的碳转化率是满足的。碳转化率,通常预期在气化炉是90- 95%的转化率。



The system in which this process happens can be described as follows. Firstly, the coal will enter the reactor at one side, and steam and oxidant to start the reaction will be sent inside from the bottom. The coal is fed at a normal speed, but the steam oxidant mix that is sent inside will be pushed at a velocity. The temperature in the gasifier will be a constant high one in order to ensure that the needed carbon conversion rate is met. Carbon conversion rate that is usually expected in the gasifier is 90-95 percent in conversion.

The temperature ensures that tar, oils, and the associated phenols will be decomposed steadily. Now while the temperature has to be high in order to ensure such decomposition happens, an important point of difference between the gas beds and the ash fusion models is that the ash fusion models make use of much higher temperatures. This is not needed for the fluidized bed gasifier. The formation of clinkers could result in de-fluidization of the bed and this is the reason behind the very high temperatures in ash fusion reactors. During the process, there would some char particles that will be entrained and sent in the form of raw syngas. This is the gas formed at the top of the gasifier system and the gas is recovered to be reused. It is recovered and recycled. It will continue to play a role in the reactor process.

While the raw syngas is one of the by-products, there are ash particles that are formed just below the gasifier bed. The particles usually play a role in the heating up of the steam, so nothing is lost in the form of energy. Incoming steam and the recycled gas being pushed back through a cyclone will be heated in parallel. Therefore, there is a difference in the amount of external heat that is given before feedstock is introduced and after. External heat requirement is needed at start-up, and some of this heating requirement will go down after feedstock is introduced because of the way heat energy is recycled.



英国论文代写:加州坚果行业的安全问题。“自2013年以来,价值1000万美元的35卡车杏仁、核桃和开心果在加州消失了。”坚果的偷盗和损失几乎存在于供应链的每一步。这不是一个可以局限于供应链任何部分的问题。然而,最近的报告显示,在运输和分销端有坚果盗窃的增加(Rose, 2016)。现在供应商可以采取措施,以确保盗窃不会发生在他们的终端。接下来英国论文代写专家将为同学们分析下加州坚果行业的安全问题。




The thefts are quite sophisticated in that the thieves make use of the vulnerabilities in the supply chain (Daniels, 2015). An example is the cargo theft, where the distributors are tricked into giving the criminals the cargo as they either scam the IT system used by distributors and has them legitimately believe that they are the ones who should receive the nuts cargo. Sometimes, a driver with no proper paperwork drives off with a truckload of expensive nuts and drops them elsewhere for a good price.

The vulnerabilities in the supply chain are 1) lesser accountability where paperwork’s are not read well. People should do a thorough job of checking the papers of drivers before releasing the shipment instead of hurriedly releasing shipments and focusing on clearing the warehouses. 2) The IT systems used to make the supply chain efficient must be checked for vulnerabilities and security issues.

Sourcing/ Supply End: In the sourcing supply end, nuts are just harvested and are dried and are being sent out to respective processing units. Now when the supplier can have taken steps to ensure that thieving does not happen at their end. Firstly, when they dry the nuts in their harvesting houses, they should ensure there is some revolving security. Secondly, when they send nuts to processing units, they must ensure that all forms are filled out by the driver. The driver credentials must be checked, and also invoice and other details. This will ensure there is no error later. At present, a multi-county task force is being proposed. The purpose of this task force is to work against nut thefts by passing legislature to make strict the laws against cargo theft. “Besides creating the task force, which would involve law enforcement from Tulare County and 17 other counties, the bill also would create standards to detect and track cargo theft. Though the legislation was requested by the Western Agricultural Processors Association, the idea for the task force came from Boudreaux in response to several thefts of semi-trucks full of nuts — mostly pistachios and almonds — from processors in Tulare County and other parts of the state” (Castellon, 2016, para. 3). Therefore, it can be understood that there are multiple stakeholders in the set wanting to see justice.




为了克服我为我的组织发现的两个困难,首先,作为领导者,有必要将公司不同的员工群体引入到坦率的讨论中。在Jon Stegnor的案例研究《董事会桌上的手套》(Gloves on the Boardroom Table)中,作者谈到了他如何引入执行部门,亲自了解公司采购战略的现实情况(Stegnor, 2002)。从理论上讲,讨论公司的竞争现实、金融市场和组织的机会和危机将有助于员工和管理层成为变革的一部分。我相信我的组织。作为一个领导者,我会让他们说出自己的建议,让他们成为变革的促进者。可以要求经理和员工互相讨论如何推动组织抓住机会或处理危机。事实上,可以要求员工根据他们发现的机会利基提出建议。这有助于促使人们走出舒适区。他们不再无动于衷,而是动员起来进行变革。


In order to overcome two difficulties that I identified for my organization, firstly, as the leader, it is necessary to bring in different employee segments of the company into frank discussions. In the example case study Gloves on the Boardroom Table by Jon Stegnor, the author talks about how he brought in the executive division to see in person what the reality of the company’s purchasing strategy was (Stegnor, 2002). In theory, the discussion about the competitive realities of the company, the financial market and opportunities and crises of the organization would help the employees and management become a part of the change. I believe in my organization. As a leader, I would ask them to speak up their suggestions and by doing so make them the instigators of change. Managers and employees can be asked to speak to one another about what could be done for pushing the organization to embrace an opportunity or to handle a crisis. In fact, the workforce could be asked to come up with suggestions based on opportunity niches they identify. This helps propel people out of their comfortable zones. They are no longer in inertia and are mobilized for change.

The second difficulty identified for the organization when creating the sense of urgency was that the employees could easily feel that the sense of urgency being created by the leaders is a pathway to doom. Now, as a leader, I believe it is necessary to have clear and honest communications when creating the sense of urgency. In the case study of Stegnor (2002), an authentic representation of the problem was done. “What they saw was a large, expensive table, normally clean or with a few papers, now stacked high with gloves” (p. 29). When a leader makes use of fabricated information or dishonest communication proposals, then the employees would only feel a sense of doom as they would sense distrust. On the other hand, when the stakeholders are presented an actual authentic picture of why the change is needed and where the organization will be after the change, then the stakeholders and employees are more likely to believe the urgency and become part of it.



代写:社交媒体使用网络欺凌的研究分析。在现有的关于社交媒体使用及其对网络欺凌、抑郁和自杀率影响的文献研究中,该问题的当前形态给出了好坏参半的结果。平均而言,13-17岁的青少年每年用手机上网的时间约为2.7小时(41天),其中大部分上网时间与社交媒体的使用有关。这比成人每天2.1小时的使用时间要多(Lenhart et al. 2010)。对7313名学生样本的研究分析发现,社交媒体使用增加与网络欺凌、网络欺凌和抑郁之间存在关联。接下来代写专家对社交媒体使用网络欺凌的研究分析如下。

根据Bond等人(2007)的研究,具有高社交连通性的学生样本有较高的焦虑和抑郁风险,这可能会引发自杀想法。对678岁的8名学生进行的研究证实了这一发现(Bond et al. 2007)。然而,像Hamm等人(2015)等研究人员认为,社交媒体使用与网络欺凌率和抑郁症之间的联系是不确定的。在对美国34份关于网络欺凌的出版物进行的系统回顾中,我们发现网络欺凌和抑郁之间的关联很弱(Hamm et al. 2015)。网络欺凌率本身并没有因为社交媒体的使用而增加,而是因为青少年的关系问题,尤其是女孩(Hamm et al. 2015)。

为什么年轻人过度使用社交媒体,导致更多地接触网络欺凌的情况,这可能表现为抑郁或自杀倾向,有几个基本原因。作为一项针对年轻人的定性研究方法的一部分,7项调查和21次访谈显示,他们使用Facebook等社交媒体是为了获得满足(quanhaase & young, 2010)。满意度的六个维度分别是:过去的时间、情感、时尚、分享问题、社交和分享社会信息(Quan-Haase & Young 2010)。Quan-Haase & Young(2010)指出的一些方面也出现在其他研究作品中,如Lenhart等人(2010),他们认为年轻人使用智能手机来保持联系。他们在一天内与在线社区和朋友进行多次联系。O ‘Keeffe & Clarke-Pearson(2010)等研究人员认为,在这种社交媒体互动中会产生一种团结和社区感。然而,Hamm等研究人员(2015)发现,这种增加的接触会导致一些弱势群体的担忧,比如面临网络欺凌形式的关系问题的女孩。Bond等人(2007)确实发现了社交媒体使用、网络欺凌和抑郁之间的联系。因此,一些基础原因是积极的,但也有很多负面影响。

Student samples with high social connectedness had an elevated risk of anxiety and depression according to Bond et al. (2007) which could trigger suicidal thoughts. Research conducted with 8 students from 678 Year corroborated this finding (Bond et al. 2007). However, researchers like Hamm et al. (2015) argue that connections between social media use, and rates of cyberbullying and depression are in-conclusive. In a systematic review of 34 publications on cyberbullying conducted in the United States, it was identified that the association between cyberbullying and depression is weak (Hamm et al. 2015). Cyberbullying rates itself are not found to increase because of social media use, but rather because of relationship issues of teens, especially girls (Hamm et al. 2015).

There are several underpinning reasons on why social media is overused by young adults which leads to increased exposure to cyberbullying situations, which could manifest into depression or suicidal tendencies. Seven surveys and 21 interviews conducted as part of a qualitative research methodology on young adults showed that they used social media like Facebook for gratifications (Quan-Haase & Young 2010). Six dimensions of gratifications identified are past-time, affection, fashion, sharing of problems, socializing and sharing social information (Quan-Haase & Young 2010). Some aspects as pointed out by Quan-Haase & Young (2010) are presented in other research works like Lenhart et al. (2010) who argue that young adults use their smartphones to stay connected. They connect with their online communities and friends multiple times in a day. Some researchers like O’Keeffe & Clarke-Pearson (2010) argue that a solidarity and community feeling arises in such social media interactions. However, researchers like Hamm et al. (2015) identify that such increased exposure leads to some concerns for vulnerable groups like girls who face relationship issues in the form of cyberbullying. Others like Bond et al. (2007) do identify a connection between social media use, cyber bullying and depression. Therefore, some underpinning reasons are positive, but there are much negative implications.








































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