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與績效低的組織相比,績效高的組織更有可能在更高的範圍內進行可持續性實踐。此外,必須更加重視與可持續性有關的品質,也必須將所有可持續性的品質保持在適度的範圍內。麥肯錫在2010年進行的一項調查顯示,從長遠來看,減少或管理氣候變化風險並沒有對企業推動關鍵問題的能力給予很高的評價(Akisik et al., 2011)。在這項調查中,被視為推動商業問題的一個關鍵因素是有效地解決基於監管的限制。這進而表明,未來的監管有助於提高與氣體排放等相關問題的重要性。

很明顯,組織實施戰略可持續性的範圍與他們從可持續性舉措中看到可衡量優勢的範圍之間存在相關性(Keeble et al., 2013)。這意味著,各組織採用這種可持續戰略的比率越高,它們就越能在最大程度上設想長期可衡量的利益。要以最有效和最成功的方式實施可持續發展戰略,需要具備三種品質。這些品質包括高層管理者對可持續性的可見支持,深度持有企業與可持續性一致的價值觀,並將可持續性放在企業整體戰略的中心位置。


In comparison to organizations which are low in performance, organizations which are high in performance have more likeliness of engaging in practices of sustainability to a much higher range. Also, it is essential to attach more significance towards qualities related to sustainability and it is also essential to have all qualities of sustainability to a moderate range. According to a survey conducted by McKinsey in the year 2010, reduction or management of the climate change risks was not rated highly with regard to the ability of driving essential issues of businesses in the long term (Akisik et al., 2011). In this survey, what was seen as an essential factor to drive issues of business was addressing regulation based restrictions effectively. This in turn results in suggesting that regulations in future can help in driving up the significance of issues related to, for example, gas emissions.

It is evident that there is a correlation between the range to which organizations implement strategic sustainability and the range till which they visualize measurable advantages from initiatives of sustainability (Keeble et al., 2013). This implies that, the higher the rate of adoption of such sustainable strategies by organizations, the maximum the extent is till which they visualize benefits measurably in the long term. For implementing a sustainability strategy in the most effective and successful sense, there are 3 qualities. These qualities are inclusive of visible support of top management towards sustainability, deeply holding values of corporate consistently with sustainability and placing sustainability centrally to overall strategy of corporate.





推荐信(Recommendation Letter):在英国留学申请过程中,学校通常会要求2~4封来自申请者工作主管或者教授的推荐信函。推荐信是申请文书中非常重要的组成部分。因为推荐信是申请材料中唯一的一个从第三者的角度对申请人学习成绩、学术科研能力、研究潜质和性格特点的评价。

















现在在当前自我的基础,论证了女性的理想是媒体在当代世界中给出的预测是非常不现实的。女性会无法满足这些标准在现实的方式,这对他们来说,是不可能不被身体羞辱如果他们对这些媒体的标准要求。研究由诺尔和弗雷德里克森(1998)调查格式建立了204多名妇女,性格自我报告将直接影响身体的耻辱,相关性研究中指出来自29 .51和范围的麦金利和海德(1996),相关性指出29和.51的范围。在这项研究中,大约360名女性进行了研究。这里大约有155相关性指出。


Now past research papers have presented the traits of Self-Objectification from many different aspects such as how the Self-Objectification will have an impact on the well-being of the individual, the issues with respect to neuroticism, body consciousness, body shaming and more. Negative emotional consequences results for the person who would self-objectify. Now according to most researcher arguments on the negative effects of Self-Objectification, it is proposed that Self-Objectification would result in more opportunities for the person to feel shame about one’d body than they would normally. Shame is the emotion that results in the normalization of individuals to societal standards, it is as such a moral emotion. Individuals would feel this emotion in such instances where they believe they have in some way failed to live up to some societal standard as is expected from them. The failure in societal standard may or may not be a real thing.

Now in the current basis of Self-Objectification, the arguments made are that women’s ideals that are presented in media in contemporary world projections are very unrealistic. Women would not be able to meet these standards in a realistic way, and it would be impossible for them not to be body shamed if they were to hold these media standards as requirements. Research studies conducted by Noll and Fredrickson (1998) on a survey format with more than 204 women established that trait self-objectification would directly have an impact on their reports of body shame, the correlations noted in the study were from the range of .29 to .51 and in the case of the work of McKinley and Hyde (1996), the correlations noted were in the range of .29 and .51. In this study, around 360 women were studied. There were about 155 correlations noted here.



這是預測,GLIT4胰島素調控過剩12易位到細胞表面,是受損而提出糖尿病狀態。從這些決定重要的見解了,讓我對研究更為敏感。從這些努力和研究3個已得到增強的理解電生理學和在體內動物模型建立。在未來我想參與,獲得更多的經驗在臨床前試驗開發可行的解決方案不同的心臟並發症。假設的膜蛋白LRRC8a鏈接內皮轉導vasorexalation和血壓調節通過PI3K-AKT-eNOS p66shc信號。本研究的主要目的是了解和識別小說離子通道在內皮細胞生物學。


These results pointed towards a unique mechanism that regulated the activities of TASK1. In the third project the two pore domain potassium channel TASK1 was regulated by hypoxia-induced protein kinase C signaling that implicated the role of ischemic cardioprotection. The results pointed towards the fact that TASK1 was crucial for prevention of cell death during hypoxia. It was observed that there was suppression of TASK1 channels during hypoxia was activated through PKC and could lead to a new target in protecting the Cardiac cells from damage during times of hypoxia. One of the important determinations made in this research was that the TASK1 played an integral role in prevention of the cell death during hyopxia and played an important role in the suppression of TASK1 channels during theIn the fourth project there was analysis of the GLUT12 functions and its role in basal and insulin-independent glucose transporters. The novel mechanism in the regulation of GLUT12 by insulin was probed.

It was predicted from this, GLIT4 insulin regulated GLUT 12 translocation to the cell surface and is impaired while presenting diabetes condition. From these determinations important insights were gained and have made me more attuned towards research studies. From these endeavors and research thre has been enhanced understanding of the electrophysiology and in in- vivo animal model building. In the future I want to participate and gain more experience in the preclinical trials to develop viable solutions for the different kinds of heart complications.Hypothesis of the membrane protein LRRC8a links endothelial mechanotransduction with vasorexalation and blood pressure regulation via PI3K-AKT-eNOS and in p66shc signaling. The primary purpose of this research is to understand and identify the novel ion channels in endothelial cell biology.




无论是从文章的写作目的,还是从表面的层次结构,report与essay 都有着明显的不同,学生对此必须要有清楚的认识,在写作过程中加以留心和注意。






Report :一般要有摘要(abstract 或executive summary)或概论和建议(recommendation)部分,可能还会有附录部分。对于一些不需要参考其他资料的报考,如实验报告,参考书目部分可以省略。




Report:通常使用标题(heading)和次级标题(sub-heading ),并用序号标明,以使文章层次清晰。在标题下,人们习惯使用语言简练且不太长的段落,还可以采用要点排列的形式突出要点。

与report 相比,essay 一般不会采用序号标注的层次表达方式,但是可以采用标题方式来分清论述层次。另外,还可以采用各类关联词语来标示层次,并将上下文顺畅连接起来。







Pollution and environmental sustenance are being discussed in the global arena. Contamination and pollution has become a grave concern for people. There have been a number of efforts that are needed to deal with the current situation (Mies, and Shiva, 1993 pp 328). Global perspectives regarding population, natural resources and food have been constantly evolving. One of the more popular social movements is ecological feminism that was initially started in 1980s. It has been observed that in the case of Latin America and Caribbean region there has been an eclectic mix of the urbanization and there is significant biodiversity in the region. It has been found that this area has been significant biodiversity and there are a number of valuable crops in the region. In this area there has also been significant urbanization process that has been observed in the region (Karliner, Faber,and Rice, 1986). This has caused to affect he local biodiversity and has caused to affect the developing world with pollution, over utilization of water resources.

This has caused detrimental health effects to the people. This has caused specific impacts on the economically downtrodden members of the society (Apergis, and Payne, 2009). There was recently a successfully ecofeminist movement in the region that has been successful (Gonda, 2009, p, 18). Owing this there is a need to develop more structured impacts to create ecofeminist movements in the region. This should be developed based on the past ideologies. It has been summarized from this analysis that there is a need for more such movement in the developing and emerging countries of the world. The case of Nicargua and the ideologies developed in the area can be used to make these important contentions of developing a formula to be used across the spectrum. Before divulging and developing basic fundamental formula to be used in each country there should be understanding of the ecological feminism.

代寫論文 價格:與消費者溝通

代寫論文 價格:與消費者溝通
應重視對發展中積極與消費者溝通。在許多情況下人們已經發現,有許多遊客參觀的地方第一次(沃克,1995)。如果酒店為他們提供指導,喜歡的地方能獲得更多的影響力。一般來說,有非常高的期望。在待發現員工非常熱情和服務是足夠的。在這種情況下,期望更大的實際性能有一個缺口,形成。這隨後導致消費者不滿(Ali et al ., 2016)。許多理論模型已經開發系統地分析各個公司的服務質量(Gronroos, 2004;李et al ., 2013)。 SERQUAL模型五個主要因素的重要性。可靠性、有形性、保證、移情和響應能力的五個主要方面,企業應該考慮開發一個整體服務質量(劉et al .,2015)。在已被陳述的所有五個因素的差距有可能發生(斯托克斯和凱文,200;金,漢族,和李,2001)。酒店行業特別是酒店和餐館應該解決差異。發現員工的響應能力是比我預期的慢,他們可以提高酒店提供的有形設施。

代寫論文 價格:與消費者溝通

代寫論文 價格:與消費者溝通

More importance should be given towards developing positive communications with the consumers. In many instances it has been found that there is many of the tourists are first time visitors to the place (Walker, 1995). If the hotels provide them with guidance to enjoy the place more leverage could be gained. In general, there was very high expectation felt. During the stay it was found that the staffs were pretty hospitable and service were adequate. In cases where expectations are greater the actual performance there is a gap that is formed. This subsequently leads to consumer dissatisfaction (Ali et al., 2016). A number of theoretical models have been developed to systematically analyse quality of services of the individual companies (Grönroos, 2004; Li et al., 2013). SERQUAL model states the importance of five main factors. Reliability, tangibles, assurance, empathy and responsiveness are the five major facets that businesses should consider for developing a holistic service quality (Liu et al., 2015). In all of the five factors that has been stated there is a possibility of gaps to occur (Stokes, and Lomax, 200; Kim, Han, and Lee, 2001). Hospitality industries esp. hotels and restaurants should address the gaps. It was found that the responsiveness of the staff was slower than what I had expected and they could improve the tangible amenities provided by the hotel.

代寫論文 價格:與消費者溝通
Being a first time tourist there should have been a more understanding concierge who had knowledge apart from the Internet regarding the place who should have been directed us. This was a considerable gap in services. Post stay the stay the staff collected feedback reviews. This whole process led to the realization the importance of customer service and quality of services rendered to the end consumers. They did take an attempt to address some of the grievances. This helped them gain reliability and it was felt that the hotel in general was empathetic and reliable. Owing to these factors in spite of certain gaps I felt that the stay as a whole was pleasant and fun. As a result, I posted good reviews in Trip Adviser website for other tourists to enjoy this hotel. Marketing communities and developing SERQUAL model is important for the hospitality industry survival. This was felt personally while staying in the Dunkled hotel. There were a number of good reviews and a general positive tone about the promotions regarding the hotel. It was felt that the hotels provided satisfactory services but could have improved certain aspects. The hotel in general was empathetic and discussed ways in which they would improve the services in the future.

annotated bibliography怎么写:开题报告写作

annotated bibliography怎么写:开题报告写作



annotated bibliography怎么写:开题报告写作




1.不断重复的句子结构(the…the…the…or However,…Additionally,…Therefore,..)

annotated bibliography怎么写:开题报告写作

2.避免复杂的词语和令人费解的句子结构,像utilize和use; cognizant和aware尽量选择简单的那个。



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文化在任何时期都受到不同的元素,它负责生产(威廉姆斯,1991)。弗洛伊德精神分析的研究还提供了一个不同的角度对文化。他的定义解释说,“他精神分裂成两个主要部分——有意识的组件,直接与世界上交易,和处理本能驱使的无意识和压抑的愿望”(p . 91)。层的研究指出,当前世界是由资本主义。“我们正在积极参与文化”(p . 234)。根据马克思主义时代的设置,需要一些注意力转向“文本化,细节的生产和消费”为了未来的布局文化研究(p。235)。为进一步发现在文化、也很重要,以避免“反智主义”和“dismissivelitism”(235页)。


Some of the definitions given by Storey in his text are:Popular culture is the culture, which is liked by many people.Popular culture could also be the left over culture, which is separated from ‘high culture’. Culture, which is inferior to other culture.Popular culture is also the culture, which is aimed towards mass audiences. This definition also suggests thatpopular culture is intrinsically commercial by nature. Whereas high culture is “the result of an individual act of creation” (p. 6)Popular culture is something, which is formed through the ‘people’ rather than being imposed by the elites.Storey explains that according to the Marx argument “each significant period in history is constructed around a particular ‘mode of production’: that is, the way in which a society is organized (i.e. slave, feudal, capitalist) to produce the necessaries of life – food, shelter, etc” (p. 59). This theory is quite relevant in the case of Culture.

Culture in any period is influenced by different elements, which are responsible for producing it (Williams, 1991). The Freudian study of psychoanalysis also provides a different perspective towards culture. His definition explains that “he mind splits into two main parts – the conscious component that deals directly with the world, and the unconscious that handles instinctual drives and repressed wishes” (p. 91). The studies of Storey states that, the current world is dominated by capitalism. “we are the active participants in culture” (p. 234). According to the post-Marxist setting, some attention is required towards “details of production, textuality, and consumption” in order to have the future layout of the cultural studies (p. 235). For further discovery in culture, it is also important to avoid “anti-intellectualism” and “dismissivelitism” (p. 235).





However, there are some inherent vulnerabilities in this process. These training modules are not able to explain the complexity of the socio cultural dynamics. This leads to significant gaps in knowledge and issues in application of the principles. There is a significant intimidation of the formal learning method and causes the people to shy away from implementation of the changes. This leads to significant application and productivity issues . Informal learning methods are proven to be less costly and at times found to be more efficient. The advent of the social media tools and mobile devices enable the people to learn the concepts much faster. There is less intimidation for the people who are willing to learn through this process. The subject matter experts from different geographical locations that are able to share their knowledge easily. These work processes have been found to seamlessly integrate with office dynamics and have been found to be more efficient.

Change management is found to be easier in this process. There is significant change resistance and fear in the formalized learning process. It has been found that these informal methods are also effective in bringing change. In the current times, the most important tool of the adult pedagogy is social media. There are a number of advantages in these learning modules. According to the latest statistical reports, the people aged between 15 to 30 prefer to learn via the newer modules. Social media learning provides the people to learn by a two-way streak towards communications. The communication is more open and specific. It caters to the requirements of the individuals. The people find it easier to share their ideas and experiences along with gaining proficiency of the subject.