标签存档: 英国论文代写哪个好









































LR就是Literature review即指论文写作中的文献综述部分。LR写作并不只是对于参考文献部分的简单罗列和直接照抄,它需要留学生们更加深入的对文献资料的了解,然后对于文献资料进行整合以及分析。现对本科学生的毕业设计(论文)文献综述写作基本规范做出如下说明与规定:








文献综述的正文:是文献综述的主要内容,包括某一课题研究的历史 (寻求研究问题的发展历程)、现状、基本内容 (寻求认识的进步),研究方法的分析(寻求研究方法的借鉴),已解决的问题和尚存的问题,重点、详尽地阐述对当前的影响及发展趋势,这样不但可以使研究者确定研究方向,而且便于他人了解该课题研究的起点和切入点,是在他人研究的基础上有所创新;






企业家是创造新业务的人,他的想法通过他雇佣的人来执行。这些初创企业通常具有创新性和独特性。创业者不仅参与创业的组织,而且在创业的过程中管理工作。创业时的利润和负债也是他的。在过去的十年里,澳大利亚有很多成功的企业家,其中最著名的是马特·巴里,他是一名自由职业者,有自己的事业。他是一位技术企业家,是Freelancer.com网站的CEO。Freelancer.com是一个进行众包工作的市场,同时也是全球在线自由职业者(Beaumont, Beaumont & Bardot, 2006)。


除了是自由职业者和首席执行官,他还是澳大利亚最著名的大学之一悉尼大学的副教授和兼职教授。他是大学计算机科学和网络安全等学科的老师,自2001年起就一直在那里工作。自2010年以来,他也曾在同一所大学从事技术创业。他参与的众包在这些网站中很有名,尤其是那些与设计相关的网站。在这一点上,马特不仅要让自己的业务成为一个根深蒂固的行业,而且还试图拓展众包业务。很多网站和杂志都把他的名字称为最近40岁以下最成功的澳大利亚企业家之一(Butler, 1987)。


An entrepreneur is a person who creates a new business, where his ideas are executed through the people he employs for the work. These start-ups are usually innovative and unique in nature. Entrepreneur is not only involved in the organisation of the business he initiates but also manages the work while the start-up functions. Also the profits and the liabilities are his when the start-up carries out business.Australia in the past decade has been a house of many successful entrepreneurs and one of the most renowned is Matt Barrie, who is a freelancer and has his own start up. He is a technological entrepreneur and is the CEO of Freelancer.com. Freelancer.com is a market place where crowdsourcing takes place and is also involved in the global online freelancing (Beaumont, Beaumont & Bardot, 2006).

Along with being the freelancer and the CEO, he is also an associate and adjunct professor at one of the most renowned universities of Australia, University of Sydney. He is a teacher of various subjects like computer science and network security in the university and has been working there since 2001. He had also been involved in technology venture creation in the same University since the year 2010. The crowdsourcing that he has been involved in has been famous amongst the sites especially the ones related to designs. At this point of time, Matt is trying to not only make his business a deep rooted one but is also trying to expand the crowdsourcing business. Many websites and magazines have covered his name as one of the most successful Australian entrepreneurs in recent times below the age of forty (Butler, 1987).





发起人的资本主义的理念和市场结构,亚当•斯密(Adam Smith)称,一名工人在做许多的工作和学习的inter-changeability产品,节省时间和被使用在不同的工艺在不同季节有一个丰富的优势拥有知识使用它自己的一个好处(史密斯,1839)。另一方面,亚当•斯密(Adam Smith)也以大头针制造为例,提出了一种更好的事件操作系统,其中一名工人正在做一项确定的大头针折叠工作。另一个参与为其他工人做别针之类的工作,最终会在一天内建造数千个别针,而在这种情况下,一个工人会做所有的工作,甚至不会在一天内完成一到两个别针。资本家开始直接以固定的工资雇佣工人,让他们在他们的监督下工作,并通过给每个工人分配固定的工作范围来学会系统化生产方法。如果工人们意识到他们所拥有的知识的价值,那么内部合同制度就有可能使他们变得更加强大。


The nature of the inside contract system and its impact on the workers。In an inside contract system, when a capitalist who has the capital, but no knowledge of the product to be made had only one option. And that was to hire craftsmen on a contractual basis and then contract the production to them on a pay per piece model of payment. The contractor who would bring in all the craftsmen would hire them, supervise their work, pay them their wages and make his own money in the difference of the amount paid by the capitalist and those paid to the workers as wages (Buttrick, 1952). This system primarily existed and kept on gaining interest and popularity on the firm foundation of the lack of superior knowledge of production by the capitalist. This knowledge-poor capitalists paid substantial money to contractors, who also paid substantial wages to workers and craftsmen since they were knowledge-rich and had all the methods of producing superior products, even on a mass scale.

The originator of the idea and market structure of capitalism, Adam Smith asserts that one worker doing the work of many and learning about the inter-changeability of the products at a time, along with saving time and being employed in different crafts during different season has an abundant advantage to possess knowledge an use it to his or her own benefit (Smith, 1839). Adam Smith on the other hand also proposed an event better system of operations considering the example of pin manufacturing, where one worker doing a define work of folding the pin. The other involved in shaping the pin and so on for other workers would end up building thousands of pin in a day compared to the situation, where one worker would do all the work who would not even make one or two pin in a day. This proposition taking its flight reaped in a lot of benefits and the capitalists started to hire the workers directly on a regular pay and allowing them to work under their supervision and learn to systemise the method of production by allotting fixed scope of work to each worker. The inside contract system had the potential of making the workers more powerful had they realised the value of the knowledge they possessed.







The tax implications and relief discussion is being conducted for the business of Bertie. Bertie wants to use his retirement payment of €200,000 when he left Twilight Ltd where he was working into setting up a new company in Online learning. He wants to own 100 percent of the share capital and wants to also understand the form of structure that would be useful to minimize tax liabilities as well as have the most tax reliefs. Applicable Taxes for Bertie’s Company: Corporation tax, withholding tax, refundable research and development tax are some of the key tax elements to be incorporated when the company is incepted. The Branch tax rate applied at 12.5 percent. Real property tax, stamp duty tax and relevant contract tax would be variable in the case of Bertie’s situation. VAT can be applied anywhere from 9% to 23%. According to the tax infrastructure of Ireland, there is a low corporation tax rate as such which is set at 12.5 percent for trading activities. This is approved taxation by the EU.

Trading income and non-trading income will both become taxable in the case of Irish laws and hence the trading income will be taxed at 12.5 percent and the non-trading will be taxed at 25 percent. There is generally no withholding tax. Only in the context of patent royalties, a withholding tax would be imposed as such the situation of Bertie and his proposed business does not have any patents and hence there would be no withholding tax as such. Tax Credit: Tax credit in the form of refundable research and development taxes are available to some businesses that qualify as research and development organizations. Now for qualifying for such a form of tax credit, it would be necessary for Bertie’s organization to be incorporated into some existing research and development structure, but since Bertie is at present not concerned with incepting or developing the business beyond a basic online selling course, this hence would not be advised as an initiative. There will be less activities in the value chain as in the case of management activities, financial activities, customer relationship management, procurement and more. So the overall tax consequence on account of profit distribution and operations would also be reduced here.







swot analysis 代写:了解敌意收购

swot analysis 代写:了解敌意收购

本文选择的三种重组形式包括并购、敌意收购和联合冒险。其目的是解释每一种形式的重组的目的。敌意收购——这是一种公司内部的收购,通常是违背目标公司董事会的意愿进行的(Gaughan, 2010)。这种独特的收购并不像友好性质的收购那样经常发生,因为收购在这里被认为是很重要的。收购敌意性质对任何公司来说都是痛苦的,反过来对被收购的公司来说也可能是危险的,因为收购公司可能没有能力获得目标公司所需的特定信息(Maksimovic et al., 2011)。公司是购买和解决日常基础。恶意收购的目的在于确保公司在没有得到另一家公司适当批准的情况下被接管。当控制权为公开交易的公司控制权而被争夺时,获得控制权的一方试图接管具有敌意的性质,并可能以一般两种方式中的一种绕过董事会的批准而继续进行收购。目的通过两种方式实现(Cartwright et al., 2012)。

swot analysis 代写:了解敌意收购

首先,收购人可能会试图购买足够的公司股份,以获得公司内部的控制权。其次,收购方更应该尝试说服当前的股东在一个新的董事会中投票,这个董事会接受收购要约。合并:当两个组织联合起来组成一个单独的组织时发生的合并。合并与收购有一定的相似之处,除了在合并的情况下,这两个涉及的组织的利益相关者保留了他们对新组织的集体保留的兴趣。相反,在收购中,一个组织可能会从第二家公司购买大量的股票,从而在新制定的组织中产生不平衡的所有权平衡(Gomes et al., 2013)。整个并购过程通常对公众和相关公司的大多数员工保密。由于大多数试图进行的合并都没有取得成功,而且大多数都是保密的,因此很难确定在特定年份有多少合并可能发生。有可能这个数字比较高,但是考虑到成功的并购数量和不同公司的并购意愿。

swot analysis 代写:了解敌意收购

The 3 forms of restructuring selected for the purpose of this paper are inclusive of merger and acquisitions, hostile takeover and joint venturing. The aim is to explain the purpose of each of these forms of restructuring. Hostile Takeovers- This is a kind of takeover within corporate which often is carried out against the target company boards wishes (Gaughan, 2010). This unique kind of acquisition does not happen as often as takeovers of friendly nature wherein 2 organizations work collectively, because takeover is considered here as important. Takeover of hostile nature is traumatic for any company and then in turn can be risky for the one being taken over, as the company acquiring might not have the ability of obtaining specific information as needed on the targeted organizations (Maksimovic et al., 2011). Companies are purchased and solve on everyday base. The purpose of a hostile takeover lies in ensuring that a company is taken over without board of director of another company’s proper approval. When control is being vied for publicly traded firm control, the one acquiring attempts the takeover of hostile nature and might proceed with it for bypassing the approval of the board in one of 2 manners generally. The purpose is accomplished in 2 ways (Cartwright et al., 2012).

swot analysis 代写:了解敌意收购
The first is that acquirer might make attempts of purchasing sufficient shares of the organization, so as to acquire an interest of control within the firm. Secondly, acquirer should rather try persuading current stakeholders for voting in a newer board, which takes acceptance for the offered takeover. Mergers: A merger happens when 2 organizations combine to formulate an individual organization. A merger is somewhat same to acquisition except the fact that in the situation of merger, present stakeholders of both involved organizations retain their collectively retained interest in the new organization. On the contrary, within an acquisition, an organization might purchase a bulk of stock from second company resulting to create an uneven ownership balance in the newly formulated organization (Gomes et al., 2013). The whole process of merger is generally kept secretive from the common public and often from most of the employees at the companies involved. As most of the mergers attempted do not result in success and most are kept secretive, it is problematic to depict how many mergers have the potential of occurring in a particular year. There is likeliness that the number is quiet high, but considering the successful mergers amount and the mergers desirability for various companies.







Ethical decision making in organization will need to be based on the understanding that any decision will have an impact on the organization and the many individuals in it. Decision making is usually an intricate process and as with any work place situation, there would be ethical dilemmas and more to consider in the decision making process as well. At the foundation of ethical decision making for an organization, there are rules of management to consider and hence the decision making becomes a little more complex than a normal ethics issue. Hojnacki, (2004) argues that three rules of ethical decision making for an organization are that, 1) there must be no private gain, private gain must not be why the organization supports or rejects a decision, the decision must be made in order to support the organization as a whole, and also any other stakeholders who would be affected by the decision making. So a way for the management to question if they are making an ethical decision is to understand if only a few and not everybody is gaining from the situation. Notice at this stage, making a decision for the majority might also not might be ethical at times.

This is because his decision would only affect the majority in a positive way whereas depriving the minority in the decision making. 2) The second major rule to be considered in the decision making of organizations is that of the general argument that everybody does it, so why is going to get hurt. Sometimes, ethical behavior is about doing the right thing even if a vast majority of others might still be making the wrong decision. An organization can stand out of the crowd by making ethical decisions with respect to the environment for instance, even if other companies have not adopted such decisions. 3) The final element to consider is that of the benefits versus the burden. Sometimes, in indulging in the right decision, it might appear that taking the most ethical decision might be a cost burden whereas just taking some decision irrespective of ethical consequences might be easy. However, it is necessary for organizations to understand that such decision making in the long run might affect the wellbeing of the organization. The essay attempts to understand ethical decision making in the four perspectives of location, suppliers, human resources and industrial relations.