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代写:帕金森病对澳大利亚患者生活的影响。帕金森氏症是澳大利亚严重的慢性健康问题之一(影响身体的自主神经系统)。帕金森病的显著症状是下巴、手臂和面部颤抖、僵硬、丧失自主运动能力(由于多巴胺减少)、姿势不稳定、疲劳、抑郁、便秘等。事实上,在澳大利亚,有超过8万人患有帕金森病,这对国家来说是一个可怕的事实,因为帕金森病严重影响了澳大利亚人宝贵的生活(Shake It Up, 2018)。接下来代写专家将帕金森病对澳大利亚患者生活的影响进行以下分析。

事实上,PD在澳大利亚的病人会遇到各种各样的问题,这些问题可能会以最糟糕的方式影响病人的生活。例如,帕金森病患者越来越多地面临震颤、运动缓慢、僵硬、不稳定、焦虑、痴呆和疲劳等问题(Berg et al., 2013)。因此,患有帕金森症的澳大利亚人在日常生活中会遇到各种各样的挑战。例如,这样的患者不能以适当的方式享受家庭生活。同样,由于PD的不同症状,患者的工作效率也会降低(Becerra et al., 2016)。在澳大利亚,许多员工都有与PD相关的问题,这极大地削弱了澳大利亚员工的自尊。有时,由于PD对人体的影响,对人的生活产生了一些意想不到的影响。另一方面,Parkinson ‘ s Australia(2017)指出,“帕金森病可能对某些男性的勃起功能有直接的不利影响”(p. 1)。因此,在澳大利亚,患者的性生活会因焦虑和抑郁等相关症状而受到干扰,严重影响婚姻生活。事实上,许多作者也阐明了PD对患者生活的广泛影响(Lee, Shine & Lewis, 2015)。例如,个体的驾驶能力可能会因为PD而下降,这可能会使人的生活方式从独立生活方式转变为依赖生活方式。

许多研究和研究根据PD的严重程度或阶段考虑了不同的干预措施(Demira, Vasilakisb, Lebcirc & Southern, 2015)。然而,一般来说,一些药物如左旋多巴、多巴胺激动剂和单胺氧化酶- b抑制剂是有效的,根据各种研究。此外,物理治疗、职业治疗和语言治疗也可以作为许多医生治疗PD患者的指南针。例如,根据罗杰斯、戴维斯、平克和库珀(2017)的说法,物理疗法可以是一种支持性疗法,通过各种锻炼帮助帕金森病患者缓解关节疼痛和肌肉僵硬。的确,心肺运动(健身训练)、柔韧运动(伸展运动)、阻力运动(力量训练)、平衡训练,可以为PD患者恢复身体运动功能铺平道路。接下来,说到饮食建议,很多医生建议增加食物中的纤维和盐的含量,以帮助患者解决便秘和头晕的问题。外科医生还采用脑深部刺激手术,用于有效减少PD的症状(Becerra et al., 2016)。

The Parkinson’s Disease is one of the grave and chronic health problems (affecting the autonomic nervous system of the body) in Australia. The notable symptoms of the PD are trembling in jaw, arms, and face, rigidity, loss of spontaneous movement (due to less dopamine), postural instability, fatigue, depression, constipation, and so on (Lee, Shine & Lewis, 2015). Indeed, such symptoms of the PD make the patient’s life miserable and dependent to a high extent. Actually, in Australia, more than 80,000 people are suffering from the PD, which is a terrible fact for the country due to the PD’s severe impact on the Australian’s valuable life (Shake It Up, 2018).

In truth, the PD’s patients in Australia come across sundry issues, which affect the life of the patients in the worst way possible. For instance, the PD’s patients face tremor, slowness of movement, rigidity, instability, anxiety, dementia, and fatigue to name a few problems increasingly (Berg et al., 2013). Therefore, the Australians with PD stumble across varied challenges in the daily life. For example, such patients cannot enjoy the family life in a proper way. Likewise, the productivity of the patients can be reduced in the workplace due to the PD’s different symptoms (Becerra et al., 2016). In Australia, many workers have issues linked to the PD, which lessen the Australian workforces’ self-esteem hugely. Sometimes, the job modification and early retirement are some unexpected impacts on the person’s life because of the PD’s effects on the human body. On the other hand, Parkinson’s Australia (2017) stated that, “Parkinson’s disease may have a direct, adverse effect on erectile function in some men” (p. 1). Thence, in Australia, the patients’ sex life can be disturbed due to the associated symptoms about the anxiety and depression, which can affect the married life badly. In effect, a number of authors have also shed the light on the wide-ranging impacts of the PD on the patient’s life (Lee, Shine & Lewis, 2015). For example, the individuals’ driving abilities can be declined due to the PD, which can change the person’s lifestyle from the independent lifestyle to the dependent lifestyle.

A number of researches and studies have deliberated different intervention as per the severity or stage of the PD (Demira, Vasilakisb, Lebcirc & Southern, 2015). However, generally, some medicines such as levodopa, dopamine agonists, and monoamine oxidase-B inhibitors are effective as per miscellaneous studies. Further, the physiotherapy, occupational therapy and speech therapy can also work like a compass for many doctors to cure the patients with the PD. For instance, as per Rogers, Davies, Pink, & Cooper (2017), the physiotherapy can be a supportive therapy in helping the PD’s patients to relieve joint pain and muscle stiffness using the assorted exercises. Indeed, the cardiorespiratory exercise (fitness training), flexibility exercises (stretching), resistance exercises (strength training), and balance training can pave the way for the PD’s patients to revitalize the motor functions of the body. Next, talking about the diet advice, many doctors suggest the fibre and salt’s increased quantity in the food to help the patient with the problem of the constipation and dizziness. The surgeons also employ the deep brain stimulation surgery, which is used to reduce the symptoms of the PD effectively (Becerra et al., 2016).



英国essay代写:新艺术。新艺术(Art Nouveau)是一种摆脱世界传统艺术思想的自由精神,是为了更好地利用传统艺术,使其在世界范围内适用。新艺术运动的目标是平衡主要和次要的艺术形式,并引入一种适用于所有情况的艺术形式。换句话说,这种艺术形式具有一种社会信息,即将实用与美丽相结合。这种艺术形式的优势在于对一个人的思维过程没有限制。它恰好是在其他地方看不到的独特结构中有趣的设计思想的中心。接下来英国essay代写专家对新艺术的分析。




新艺术是一种借助于多种材料的装饰风格。作为工业革命的结果,新艺术被压印在钢、铁、玻璃和陶瓷上(Horth pars。8 – 12)。这种风格也被用于灯饰和混凝土的制造。艺术运动以其形式而闻名,如突然的暴力曲线,雕塑在不对称的形状,杂乱的形状,抛物线和双曲线。有许多元素吸收了洛可可风格,其中包括贝壳纹理。

新艺术的自然形式包括自然元素和象征动植物的符号。这类似于象征主义风格(Eadie 9-13)。然而,新艺术的不同之处在于它具有独特的外观。风格和形式根据目的的不同而不同。例如,很少有艺术家使用这种形式来创作绘画、雕塑和珠宝,而许多人则将其用于商业目的、建筑、时尚和家居项目。

Art Nouveau indicates the spirit of freedom from the traditional thoughts of art in the world and is meant to utilize conventional art in a better way to make it applicable throughout the world. The objective of Art Nouveau is to balance the major and minor art forms and to introduce an art form that is applicable on all instances . In other words, this art form has a social message which is to mingle utility and beauty. The advantage with this art form is the absence of restrictions to one’s thought process. It happens to be a hub of interesting design ideas in unique structures that are seen nowhere else.

Art Nouveau was initially termed as new art as it was found to combine the arts and crafts movement of Britain and also clutter the existing designs formed during Victorian era. It originated during the times when Japanese art and Victorian art form were famous. Victorian art typically means the development of art colonies in this instance. It started with patterns and floral backgrounds and then extended to wooden blocks. It was addressed as an ornamental/decorative art in US and Europe due to the long lines that were widely used in interior designs, posters and architecture. Soon after it gained recognition, it underwent changes and new blocks and patterns such as typography and lettering were introduced.

Art Nouveau is called a movement of art with no limits on one’s creative ability as it can be applied to any need and it also encourages free flow of designs and ideas. While many Germans made use of this form, it rapidly spread to other countries and extended to architecture in smaller cities like Darmstadt and other European locals. Germans called it Jugenstil. It assured grandeur and changed the way the contemporary architecture used to be. For example, many buildings in Paris used a combination of tiles and terracotta to make the house unique. It undoubtedly became a hit and regarded as the choice of artists. Art Nouveau has then been used for business branding, jewelry and other visual forms of communication.

Forms and styles of Art Nouveau assimilated by artists

Art Nouveau belongs to the ornamental style that was used with the help of a number of materials. As a result of industrial revolution, Art Nouveau was embossed on steel, iron, glass and ceramics (Horth pars. 8-12). The style was also adopted in the manufacturing of lights and concrete. The art movement is known for its forms such as abrupt violent curve, sculpture in asymmetrical shapes, cluttered shapes, parabolas and hyperbolas. There were many elements that imbibed the Rococo style and these include shell textures.

The natural form of Art Nouveau included natural elements and symbols that denoted flora and fauna. This resembled the symbolist style (Eadie 9-13). However, Art Nouveau differed in the point that it had a unique appearance. The styles and forms differed based on the purpose. For instance, few artists used this form to create paintings, sculptures, and jewelry, while many others used it for business purpose, architecture, fashion and home furnishing items.









Modern day nations have democracy and their own history. It is imperative to understand modalities to determine the nature of each ideology which prevailed in systems. From a simplistic stand point, martial law is the form of military law and the civil system is how nations had existed in this schema. It is imperative to understand about political systems which existed in the state to understand the dynamics.

These were main factors which were determined from this analysis. Modern Korea is divided into North and South Korea. The kingdoms of Korea, China and Japan were appearing to be differentiated based on the race. There was the period of conflict between these three kingdoms. These were known as Koguryo in north, Silla in southeast and Paekche in the southwest. Silla had defeated and unified rivals in Korean peninsula between 668 CE. Korea had reached boundaries during the Koryo Dynasty (918-1392). Based on this, the Choson dynasty was considered. They had consolidated national boundaries. Within the region of Korea, there were regional differences which were expressed between the dialect and the customs. These were differentiated based on customs and dialects. In general, regional differences were overweighed by the cultural homogeneity.

In China, there was the rise of regional dialects from Korea. Korean language is observed to be distinct from China and they are structurally similar to the Japan culture. There are a lot of debate which exists between linguists about Korea and Japan. Many of customers, art forms and religious practices were different from China or Japan. Besides, the adaptation of the Neo-Confucianism and the philosophy of the ruling elite were derived from China. For many of centuries, Korea was considered to be a part of the Chinese “tribute system”. This entailed giving regular gifts to Chinese court and also acknowledging the fact that China was superior to the Korean king. However, these were symbolically dependent on China. They were dependent on China for the military protection and the political legitimization. In practice, Korea was considered to be independent on the internal behavior.

After the ambush of invasion by the Japanese towards the end of the 16th century and by the Manchus of Northeast Asia in 17th century, Korea was forced to have a policy which was based on the limited contact with other nations. This was a the main foreign contact which was sanctioned by the Choson Dynasty. Due to this, there was diplomatic missions for China for three or four times a year. In this time period, there was a small outpost of Japanese merchants in the southeastern part of Korea. In this time, there was a little population of Koreans who had left during the Choson Dynasty. Korea was considered to be the hermit kingdom for the west. They were later known for westerners at that time. The Japanese Colonial Period which was seen towards the latter half of the 19th century became the sole object for the competing imperial interests in China. These had caused countries to view for the open up of Korea for the trade and also the diplomatic relations. It basically took Japan to be recently opened towards the Western-style international relations. These were done to impose the diplomatic treaty for Korea for the first time since 1876. Basically, the surrendering of Japan created a newer realm for Korea which was split later on.

To conclude, it is imperative for nations to understand about the historical significance. Nations are seen to have a dynamic, which created political systems to be dependent on each other. Korea was deemed to be under the ideology of Chinese and Japanese forces. Each of these three nations have unique system which has manifested in many forms. These were main factors which are deemed from this analysis.




在一些后殖民时代和当前的话语中,我们发现女权主义作家几乎呈现出对国家的一种修辞上的拒绝。有时,他们甚至有必要采纳非国家行为体的观点、意识形态和背书,以呈现与女权主义相关的抵抗政治。这并不意味着所有的女权主义辩论都集中在对抗国家和变得反民族主义,事实上,也有人支持国家的角色,民族主义和后殖民民族主义,当涉及到保护妇女权利时,“激烈的,几乎是修辞上的对国家的拒绝,他们对非国家行为体的不加批判的支持和他们意识形态驱动的抵抗政治受到了那些认为国家仍然是整个后殖民世界中妇女和其他少数群体权利和保护的最大来源的人的挑战”(Parashar 372)。然而,国家存在的不足和一些国家机构的失败也确实导致了像突尼斯和埃及这样的国家的人民质疑社会正义和平等要求。


Compared to the normal feminist, the post-colonial feminist suffers a form of double colonization. At one end, there is the resistance to colonial power as a colonized subject, and at the other end, she is being oppressed in her own state by her colonized brothers (Tyagi 45). Feminist activist researchers have indeed argued a certain disenchantment with their state.

In some of the post-colonial and current discourses, it is identified that feminist writers almost present a rhetorical rejection of the state. Sometimes, it is even necessary for them to take up the opinion, ideology and endorsement of non-state actors in order to present politics of resistance as related to feminism. This does not necessarily mean that all feminism debates focus on antagonizing states and becoming anti-nationalistic, in fact, there are people who also support the role of the nation, nationalism and post-colonial nationalism when it comes to protecting women’ s rights, “vehement and almost rhetorical rejection of the state, their uncritical endorsement of non-state actors and their ideologically motivated politics of resistance has been challenged by those who believe that the state continues to be the biggest source of rights and protection for women and other minorities throughout the post-colonial world” (Parashar 372). However, it is also true that the inadequate presence of state and failure of some state institutions has led to people in countries like Tunisia and Egypt to question social justice and equality claims.

State policies that have led to gender issues of equality, created people segments revolting and rebelling against the state for their rights. The hope for women who continue to be excluded lay in challenging the system, the nation and the institution. Here then an argument is made against nationalistic ideals. It could be inferred that state as an institution which was considered with a reverence when it comes to post-colonial nationalistic sentiments, now comes to be viewed as something to be opposed or improved in the context of post-colonial feministic attitudes. Reforming the state and making sure the marginalized and excluded women segment get back their identity and social equality is hence at the heart of those feminism movements that seek to oppose their nations. Post-colonial feminism in this context can be understood as a form of response to understanding women in third world countries and their issues as opposed to just understanding the experiences of women in western culture. More emphasis is on the political, social and economic effects of non-western women in the post0colonial world, one that argued for the representation of non-western women like those in the countries of Tunisia and Egypt, but which also took up an active standpoint against their own nations, and institutions. As Said’ s orientalism reveals, people in decolonized countries are not only different in the way they fight for their rights, but also how they are restricted in even having a voice. This is observed in the Tunisian revolution and the Egyptian uprising.



硕士论文代写:非正式工作组。一般来说,非正式工作组有能力控制其成员的行为,并直接影响生产力的水平。乔治·霍曼斯(George Homans)发展了一个社会制度的模型来解释它们的力量从何而来影响个人的行为。霍曼斯确定了构成社会系统的三个要素:活动、互动和情感。活动是员工通常执行的任务。互动是人们在执行任务时的行为,情感是个体之间发生的态度。虽然这些概念是不同的,但它们之间有很强的相互依赖性(Jibowo 2007)。因此,在其中一个元素中发生的任何更改都会影响其他两个元素。接下来硕士论文代写将对非正式工作组进行以下分析与讨论。

在任何组织中,成员都必须参与某些活动、进行某些互动和表达某些情绪,否则他们就必须离开。有一些活动应该由一起工作的人来完成,并让人们在组织中继续工作感到满意。如果情绪变得更加积极,人们会加强他们之间的互动。如果这个过程持续下去,人们会发展出类似的情绪和行为。一旦群体的凝聚力增强,群体就会形成期望和规范,强调特定环境下人们的可接受行为(Jun et al, 2006)。如果这个群体有明显的凝聚力,成员就不会想离开,他们会很快接受规范。如果出现了员工偏离规范的情况,他们要么会被批准,要么会被迫离开组织。一个强大的非正式团体不应该被视为组织的问题。它可以帮助提高整体性能。然而,帮助他们整合自己的目标并使其与组织的目标保持一致是至关重要的。尽管McGregor等人认为基于X理论假设的人际能力提升管理已经过时,但它仍被广泛应用。此后,尽管它认为人们在工作场所不成熟、懒惰(Kamalian et al, 2010),仍然有许多公司使用它。


Generally speaking, informal work groups have the power to control the behaviour of their members and in directly influence the level of productivity. George Homans developed a model of social systems to explain from where their power comes to influence individuals’ behaviour . Homans identified the three elements that compose a social system: activities, interactions and sentiments. Activities are the usual tasks employees perform. Interactions are the behaviours between people while performing the tasks and the sentiments are the attitudes that occur between individuals. Although these concepts are distinct, there is a strong and mutual dependency between them (Jibowo 2007). As a result, any change that happens in one of these elements will influence the other two.

In any organization, certain activities, interactions and sentiments are required from its members otherwise they would have to leave. There are certain activities should be done by people that work together and be satisfying for people to continue working within the organization. If the sentiments are becoming more positive, people will enhance the interactions between them. If this process continues, people will develop similar sentiments and behaviours. Once the cohesion of the group increases, the group will develop expectations and norms that highlight the accepted behaviour of the people in specific circumstances (Jun et al, 2006). If the group is significantly cohesive, the members would not want to leave and they will embrace the norms quickly. If there are situation when people deviate from the norms, they will be either sanctioned or forced to leave the organization. A strong informal group should not be seen as an issue for the organization. It can help improve the overall performance. It is however essential to help them integrate and align their own goals with the ones of the organization. Increasing interpersonal competence management based on Theory X assumptions is still widely practiced, although McGregor and others consider it as being outdated. Henceforth, there are many companies that still use it today, although it considers people as being immature and lazy at the workplace (Kamalian et al, 2010).

Argyris considers that bureaucratic-pyramidal values lead to poor and superficial relationships between the members of an organization. These relationships moreover are not authentic and lead to low interpersonal competence, because they do not allow the natural expression of feelings. Further on, Argyris points out that an environment that is not psychologically safe is a proper ground for conflict, rigidity and low performance (Khalid et al, 2010). On the other hand, if management emphasizes on humanistic and democratic values, authentic relationships developed on trust will develop among people leading to higher interpersonal competence and organizational competence. In such an environment, people are given the opportunity to develop their full potential and management strives to create an exciting and challenging environment. The members of the organizations are treated as persons with a complex set of needs and are given the chance to influence the way in which they relate to work and environment. The bureaucratic-pyramidal values that dominate most organizations have lead to many issues (Khan et al, 2010). Individuals have to change in order to make the transition toward mature people. First, they need to move from a passive attitude to a state of activity. Next, they should develop to a state of relative independence and start behaving in many ways. The members should develop deeper and stronger interest, while having a long-term perspective.



英国代写:毕加索作品中的立体主义。巴勃罗·毕加索是立体主义的共同创造者之一,英国代写分析了在巴勃罗·毕加索作品中观察到的立体主义方面。立体主义是20世纪早期的一种艺术运动,当时的艺术家通过让空间围绕物体表现形式来采用一种更开放的可视化形式(the art Story, 2017)。这是一场从艺术透视风格的运动,自文艺复兴时期以来一直占主导地位。接下来英国代写专家将对毕加索作品中的立体主义进行以下分析。

巴勃罗·毕加索于1881年出生于西班牙。他在西班牙和法国以艺术家的身份生活,创作了2万多幅油画、素描和雕塑。他的艺术作品涵盖了广泛的风格,他是为数不多的能够全面记录他的艺术作品和发展的艺术家之一(PabloPicasso, 2009)。他的艺术开始于现实主义的技术和象征主义的艺术作品在他年轻的时候。后来在法国,他把现代主义融入到他的艺术作品中,在一个饥饿的艺术家的岁月里,他发展了单色色调的忧郁绘画。他的一些作品如《人生》描绘了他对当时生活的悲观看法。这一时期被称为“蓝色时期”,从1901年至1904年(PabloPicasso, 2009)。在后来的玫瑰时期(1904-1906),他创作了一些更加欢快的艺术作品。他在作品中使用了橙色和粉色的色调,《格特鲁德·斯坦因的肖像》就是这一时期的典范之一。在1907-1909年的后期,毕加索探索了艺术家保罗·塞尚的成就,并通过他开始理解对人体的程式化处理。这被称为非洲时期。


非洲的影响是毕加索走向立体派的原因。毕加索从人物的程式化处理中获得灵感,创作了《阿维尼翁的少女》。这幅画大概是五个裸体女人。这些人物以一种扁平的分裂方式组成,脸部看起来像是非洲面具和伊比利亚面具文化的混合体。女性的身体以一种扭曲的方式呈现,它的形状也是几何的(Foster et al., 2012)。传统艺术的形式和表现在这里完全被抛弃了。原始主义在图片中被看到,透视被交换为二维平面。这被认为是一件非常创新的艺术作品,毕加索本人觉得这把他从更经典的技术中解放出来,他在法国工作时受到了影响。这些绘画形式后来引领了立体主义的潮流。

立体派早期的许多艺术作品都探索了类似的风格,尖锐的人物和物体在一端与背景融合,在另一端显示一个投影表面。立体派画家将角度和物体与环境中程式化的人类联系在一起。现代世界的空间、运动和时间都在变化,其影响在立体主义中可见一斑。对人体的抽象、简化和风格化的表现,启发了巴勃罗·毕加索(Pablo Picasso),也是立体派的灵感来源(Cooper, 1971)。

毕加索对立体主义的直接影响来自他1907年在《阿维尼翁的少女》中的作品。作品对人的彻底扭曲的风格与古典技术形成了鲜明的对比(Chave, 1994)。碎片化的几何平面、柔和的色彩等等被认为对布拉克这样的艺术家产生了影响。布拉克受到毕加索作品的启发,在20世纪初创作了风景画,直接影响了毕加索的作品。埃斯塔克的这座房子以柔和的立方体形式呈现树木和山脉,被法国评论家路易斯·沃克斯塞勒命名为“奇异立方体”。19世纪的巴勃罗·毕加索对立体主义产生了多种影响。古老和部落的艺术形式挑战了文艺复兴艺术的传统(Galenson & Weinberg, 2001)。立体主义的第二种形式叫做合成立体主义色彩变得很重要。没有画的物体和有颜色的物体被做成拼贴画。毕加索对主流绘画技法提出了激进而富有挑战性的想法,开创了立体主义的新趋势。


Pablo Picasso was born in Spain in the year 1881. He lived his life as an artist in Spain and later in France and has created more than 20,000 paintings, drawings and sculptures. His art works encompassed a wide range of styles and he is only one of very few artists that had managed to have a comprehensive record of his art work and developments (PabloPicasso, 2009). He started his art with the realism technique and the symbolist influences of artwork in his young age. Later in France, he incorporated modernism in his art works and in the years of a starving artist, he developed sombre paintings in monochromatic shades. Some of his works like La Vie portray the gloomy outlook he had on life at that time. This time period is called the Blue period, lasting from 1901-1904 (PabloPicasso, 2009). Later in the Rose Period (1904-1906) he developed art works that were more cheerful. He made use of orange and pink hues in his work, and the Portrait of Gertrude Stein is one of the exemplars of this time. In the later years from 1907-1909, Picasso explored the achievements of artist Paul Cezanne and through him came to understand stylized treatments of the human body. This is called the African period.

African influence was what led Picasso to Cubism. After getting inspired by the stylized treatments of the human figure, Picasso created the Les Demoiselles d’Avignon. The painting was about five naked women. The figures were composed in a flat splintered way and the faces appeared like a mix of African masks and Iberian masks culture. The female body is presented in a distorted way, and it was geometric in its shape as well (Foster et al., 2012). Form and representation of traditional art were totally abandoned here. A primitivism is seen in the picture and perspective was traded for a two-dimensional plane. It was considered a very innovative work of art and Picasso himself felt that it liberated him from the more classic techniques that he was influenced into working in France. These forms of paintings later came to set the trend for Cubism.

Much of the early art work of the Cubists explored similar styles of piercing figures and objects that blended with the background at one end and showed a projective surface at the others. Cubists worked with angles and objects with stylized humans in context. Space, movement and time in the modern world were changing and its effects were observed in cubism. Abstract, simplified and stylized representations of the human body that had inspired Pablo Picasso were also an inspiration for the Cubists (Cooper, 1971).

Picasso’s direct influence on Cubism is from his work in the Les Demoiselles d’ Avignon in 1907. The work’s style of radical distortion of humans was a sharp contrast from the classical techniques (Chave, 1994). Fragmented, geometric planes, subdued colors and more were seen to be an influence on artists like Braque. Braque was inspired by Picasso’s work and he created landscape paintings in the beginning of the twentieth century as a direct influence form Picasso’s work. The House at L’Estaque with trees and mountains in subdued forms of cubes was named by French critic Louis Vauxcelles as the “bizarreries cubiques’. A mix of influences was projected on Cubism by Pablo Picasso from the nineteenth century. Archaic and tribal art forms challenged the conventions of renaissance art (Galenson & Weinberg, 2001). In the second form of cubism called synthetic cubism color become important. Non-painted objects and colored objects were made into a collage. Picasso gave radical and challenging ideas to the main stream techniques and created a new trend in cubism.

The work discussed the life and art achievements of Pablo Picasso, starting from his early influences, the French influence and then the latter cubism art forms. A co-creator of Cubism, his Les Demoiselles d’Avignon which is considered as an inspiration of the Cubism was discussed here.



研究论文代写:有效的社会项目。有效的社会项目包括与产品安全、多样性、员工关系、人权和社区相关的倡议。通过与公益事业相关的企业慈善和市场营销,与社区相关的倡议是可以实现的。公益事业相关营销适用于企业做出捐赠或贡献的承诺,其收入比例与产品销售相关(Saether和Aguilera, 2008)。这还包括与公司和非营利组织合作。这样的倡议被赋予了创造一种关系的潜力。这应该是在非营利组织和企业之间,因为非营利组织的财政支持和产品销售的产生。接下来研究论文代写专家将对有效的社会项目进行以下分析与讨论。


当一个公司为某项事业或慈善事业直接捐赠时,它被称为企业慈善。最大的企业慈善是由美国最大的连锁杂货店Kroger (Emerson, 2012)。这家公司捐赠了6400万美元,占他们利润的10%。克罗格每年为非营利组织、医院、K-12教育和宗教组织提供数百万美元的资金。克罗格服务的组织包括许多学校、联合方式、男孩女孩俱乐部和救世军。



董事会在公司与其利益相关者的关系中确保透明度、公平性和责任性的实践和规则框架。企业社会责任的治理也有应用,因为企业发布高质量和全面的企业社会责任报告至关重要。企业在没有企业社会责任广告或企业社会责任报告的情况下,企业社会责任计划不会影响企业的财务表现。这是因为没有意识到企业社会责任项目及其实施的利益相关者(Barney, 1991)。这就是为什么完整的企业社会责任报告作为衡量适当的透明度或治理一直是企业社会责任计划有效的重要组成部分的原因。

在过去的十年中,支出的指数增长是为了加强企业的社会责任,这表明企业社会责任项目有可能产生经济效益。考虑到公司的财务目标是使股东的财富最大化,这一点尤其正确。然而,对CSP和财务业绩的开始进行的实证研究有好有坏。研究结果表明,CFP与CSP之间存在一定的关系。这种关系可以是正关联、不关联和负关联。经验性研究的方法与CFP和CSP的测量最具可比性(Wernerfelt, 1984)。本研究讨论了三个结论中的每一个,并提供了可归因于每个结论的可能原因。

One instance of cause related marketing which has been effective is “Save Lids to Save Lives” (Participating Is Simple, 2012) by Yoplait. The program entails the customers to be collecting and clipping pink lids when they buy Yoplait yogurt and then sending them to General Mills. It will be followed by the General Mills donating ten cents for a period of time to the selected customers for cure.

When a direct donation is made by a corporation for a cause or a charity, it is called corporate philanthropy. The biggest corporate philanthropy was made by the largest chain of grocery store in United States called Kroger (Emerson, 2012). This company donated $64 million that had been 10 percent of their profits. Millions of dollars are shelled out by Kroger every year in funding nonprofits, hospitals, K-12 education, and religious organizations. The served organizations by Kroger include a number of schools, United Way, Boys & Girls Clubs, and Salvation Army.

The social initiatives also include initiatives of product safety, diversity, employee relations and human rights. The companies having strong initiatives towards human rights, having the ensuring of two way communication between corporate executives, customers, and the employees. Additionally, the companies refrain from violating rights, such as fairness, privacy, and child labor.

The initiatives of employee relations are inclusive of robust benefit programs, robust health programs, and good union relations. The initiatives related to diversity include actions in increasing the minority and women population of the company. This initiative also includes their increased representation in the Board of Directors. The initiatives related to the product safety are ensuring of the safe use of the products.

The framework of practices and rules, with which, transparency, fairness, and accountability are ensured by the board of directors in the relationship of the company with its stakeholders. There is application of governance with CSR as there is essentiality that high quality and comprehensive CSR reports are issued by the corporations. A CSR program of a corporation will not be able to affect the financial performance in case there have not been any CSR advertisements or CSR report in some form. This is because there is no awareness of the CSR programs and their implementation with respect to the stakeholders (Barney, 1991). This is the reason why the complete reporting of CSR as a measure of proper transparency or governance has been an essential part of a CSR program to be effective.

The increase of expenditure exponentially is for enhancing the corporation’s social responsibilities in the last decade, is suggestive of the possibility that economic benefits can be derived from the CSR programs. This is particularly true with respect to the consideration that a corporation’s financial objective is maximizing the wealth of the shareholders. However, the studies conducted empirically in relation to the CSP and the starting of the financial performance has been mixed. Based on the results, there is possibility that a relationship exists between CFP and CSP. The relationship can be positive association, no association, and negative association. The studies conducted empirically have the methodology which is most comparable to measure CFP and CSP (Wernerfelt, 1984). Each of the three conclusions is discussed in this study along with the provision of the probable reason attributable to each conclusion.










Big Bang theory was proposed in the year 1927 by a Catholic priest named Georges Lemaitre. The priest has highlighted the redshifts that happened in spiral nebulae and applied other Einstein’s theories to derive Hubble law. Even before Lemaitre, Alexander Friedmann had come forward to develop a theory to explain about general relativity changes.According to the theory, past and present matters in universe had occurred and evolved simultaneously and this happened about 13.8 billion years ago. All matters combined together at an intense heat and this process was called singularity. It was after the expansion of singularity that scientists realized that the universe had evolved. The theory then stated that universe underwent a cooling process where matters disintegrated into atoms and sub atoms that spread across the universe in the form of galaxies and stars.

Big Bang theory is all about the cosmic evolution of this universe. These cosmological models had multiple instances like inflation epoch, cooling epoch and structure epoch that affected the way the forces worked between atoms and shaped up the universe on the whole. It is interesting to note that these instances were reasons for natural elements to evolve in the universe and spread energies.

Just when big bang theory was introduced, there was a solid foundation to understand the formation of clouds and gases present in the universe. It guided scientists to calculate various effects of physics that acted in the space. Not just restricting to the cosmic background of universe, the theory was responsible to guide scientists towards concepts like light years, dark matter and crunch between elements.

Despite a number of theories that speak about formation of universe, Big Bang theory is known for its accuracy in the estimation of activities within space.

It is well known that the universe is expanding but the degree of expansion is not known. That is when Big bang theory came into picture. Unlike other theories that gave a vague definition about the evolution and expansion of universe, Big Bang theory is well supported with cosmological evidence. Perhaps, this theory is considered as the most accepted solution for a gravity theory on general relativity.

For example, it has given a detailed solution on how photons can impact the energy in the universe including temperature. What if the universe comprises of photons and neutrons?Big Bang theory has an answer to that and it tells the compounds formed from photons and neutrons. The nucleosynthesis is explained here unlike any other theories.

The theory does not restrict itself with a single concept. There are various models of Big Bang discovered in due course of time but models were created in an aim to give answers to untouched areas like ratio of net kinetic energy of universe to gravitational potential self energy. This detailed evidence makes it special and appreciable to scientists and researchers.











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完善的税收制度至关重要。它坚持三个原则,这是公平,效率,简单,它旨在提高收入,重新分配财富和控制经济活动(Theunissen, 2017)。在新西兰,只有议会有权决定征税的地点和方式。2007年所得税法SBB1规定,年度税法规定了计算所得税时应纳税所得额的固定税率。根据《所得税法》和《1994年税收管理法》,根据应税收入比率计算的金额应支付给王室。

2007年所得税法是目前所得税评估的法律。ITA 2007的BD1(1)规定,如果C部分满足金额,则为收入。收入的分类可以通过立法和判例法两种方式简化。CA 1涉及一个一般原则,如果它被立法确定为收入或在普通概念中满足,那么它就是收入。CA1(1)是判例法中根据不同案件情况而产生的基于普通概念的收入认定。


MacNaghten勋爵在伦敦郡议会诉司法部长[1901]AC 26中指出,所得税是对收入征税,而不是对其他任何东西征税。纳税评估根据来源的性质而不同。新西兰税基确认,一旦发生收入牵引,就应该对收入征税,因为纳税是法律规定的责任。MacNaghten勋爵提出的方法很可能是调度方法。应纳税所得额的标准因来源的不同而不同。按照scheduler的方法,收益和收益是分开的,每个类别对损失和支出的评估、收取和扣除有不同的规则。


Taxes are classified as direct and indirect taxes, for instance, direct income tax is classified as 60% of the tax revenue. NZ income tax is significant according to the amount of revenue. It is the main resource of government revenue. In NZ, the rate of Income Tax is 10.5% up to $ 14,000, 17.5% for $ 14,000 to $ 48,000, 30% for about $ 48,000 to $ 70,000 and 33% for above $ 70,000.

A well-developed tax system is essential. It adheres to 3 principles, which are equity, efficiency, simplicity and it is aimed towards raising revenue, reallocating wealth and controlling economic activities (Theunissen, 2017). In New Zealand, only the parliament has the right to decide where and how to charge tax. The Income Tax Act 2007 has SBB1 stating that an annual tax act regulates the fixed rate on the taxable income for calculating the income tax. The amount calculated by the rates of taxable income is payable to the Crown under the Income Tax Act and the Tax Administration Act 1994.

Income Tax Act 2007 is the current act for income tax assessment. BD1 (1) of ITA 2007 states that if the amount is satisfied by part C, then it is income. The classification of income can be simplified by two ways, legislation and case law. CA 1 involves a general principle that the amount is income if it is identified as income by legislation or satisfied in the ordinary concept. CA1 (1) is the identification of income based on ordinary concept that was created in case law based on the circumstances of different cases.

Case law has testified that for examination of the circumstances that identify income, it is required to determine the characteristic of the receipts. If the items of receipts satisfy the primary or most income characteristics, then the item is classified as being an income.

Lord MacNaghten states in London County Council – v – Attorney General [1901] AC 26 that income tax is tax on income, and it is not meant to be a tax on anything else. Tax assessment varies according to the nature of the source. NZ tax base has confirmed that once the income traction occurs, the income should be taxed as paying tax is the responsibility regulated by the law. The approach stated by Lord MacNaghten is likely to be scheduler approach. The standard of taxable income varies based on different nature of source. As per scheduler approach, the gains and receipts are separated, and each category has different rules to assess, collect and deduct the loss and expenditure.

In the current taxation policy of NZ, the nature of the source of income is regardless. The assessment of the tax is based on the source amount, called the global approach. Previously, NZ tax law was operational in net scheduler regime. From 1997, the global income tax has been adopted in NZ. Therefore, gains and receipts are combined with permissible deductions, irrespective of the type of income and the way it was incurred based on the tax rate of overall taxable amount.
