标签存档: 英国论文怎么写



生物因素和亲社会行为:许多生物学家和心理学家认为,人类从基因上就倾向于从事亲社会行为。从进化的角度来看,亲社会的行为确保了生存(人类在相互帮助时能够找到食物和对抗敌人)。互相帮助的人类生存下来并繁衍后代,而其他人却无法生存。进化论的观点不能解释同情心、同理心和亲社会行为中存在的个体差异。这些行为的个体差异可以归因于遗传因素。研究表明同卵双胞胎在亲社会行为上比异卵双胞胎表现出更多的相似性。此外,研究得出结论,亲社会行为中遗传因素的作用随着年龄的增长而增加。被称为催产素的荷尔蒙在亲社会行为中起作用。这种激素与伴侣关系、同理心和父母依恋有关(Siegler, DeLoache & Eisenberg, 2003)。

此外,神经递质血清素在调节亲社会行为方面发挥着重要作用。血清素功能与攻击性和暴力行为呈负相关,而与从属行为呈正相关。导致血清素水平增加的活动和干预活动增加了社会交往行为。因此,血清素水平可以影响社会决策和亲社会行为(Rilling & Sanfey, 2011)。


根据社会学习理论,孩子通过观察他人来学习。这个理论可以解释儿童如何学习亲社会行为。孩子会模仿父母和老师的亲社会行为。家长和老师是孩子观察和学习亲社会行为的榜样。父母是孩子生活中极具影响力的榜样。他们可以通过讨论和实践他们所宣扬的东西来帮助孩子学习价值观和行为(Eisenberg, Spinrad & Knafo‐Noam, 2015)。

Biological factors and prosocial behaviours: many biologist and psychologist debate that humans are genetically predisposed to engage in prosocial behaviours. From evolutionary perspective, engaging in prosocial behaviours ensured survival (humans where able to find food and fight enemies when they gave assistance to one another). Humans who helped each other survived and reproduced while others were not able to survive. Evolutionary perspective does not explain the individual differences that exist in sympathy, empathy and prosocial behaviours. The individual differences in these behaviours can be attributed to genetic factors. Studies have shown that identical twins show more similarity in prosocial behaviours as compared to non-identical twins. Moreover, studies have concluded that role of genetic factors in prosocial behaviour increases with age. Hormone known as Oxytocin plays role in prosocial behaviours. This hormone is involved in pair bonding, empathy and parental attachment (Siegler, DeLoache & Eisenberg, 2003).

In addition, neurotransmitter serotonin is known to play important role in regulating prosocial behaviour. Serotonin function has shown negative relationship with aggressive and violent behaviour whereas it shows positive association with affiliative behaviours. Activities and interventions that result in increase in serotonin level and activity increase social affiliative behaviours. Serotonin level, therefore, can influence social decision making and prosocial behaviours (Rilling & Sanfey, 2011).

Environment and prosocial behaviour: there are several factors that influence prosocial behaviours in children: modelling of prosocial behaviours by parents and teachers, giving children opportunities to engage in prosocial behaviours and discipline children and making them to prosocial activities. Parenting style and school environment play an important role in prosocial behaviours.

As per the social learning theories, children learn by observing others. This theory can explain how children learn prosocial behaviours. Children imitate the prosocial behaviours of their parent figures and teachers. Parents and teachers act as models for children to observe and learn prosocial behaviours. Parents are extremely influential models in children’s lives. They can aid their children learn values and behaviours by means of discussion and practicing what they preach (Eisenberg, Spinrad & Knafo‐Noam, 2015).




  一般国外的文献引用方法和中文有很大的差异性,中文引用喜欢照搬别人的原话,但英文一般不这样,要自己归纳别人的观点,或者说别人做了什么研究,结论怎么样啊,所以中国留学生在论文写作引用 时最好不要原文照搬。如果留学生们的reference出了问题,分数至少会减10%,而且英国大学抓剽窃抓得很严,想要复制粘贴基本不可能,一定要特别注意reference的格式和标点符号。具体的英国论文reference标准格式要求和写作注意事项如下:






  References 的陈列要按字母顺序陈列,可以用网址的reference放在最初






  另外这种网站一般只能提供简单格式的reference,复杂的reference还是需要参考英文版文件。一般来说一份1000字的文章,至少需要8个references,2000字需要12-15个左右,因为国内的英文出版物有限,留学生们可以去参考国外大学图书馆的网站。(关于这个数量问题,根据经验,可以不一定严格要求,但不能太少。一般1000字的写4个或5个,2000字的写10个左右。当然如果你本来就有这么多个的话就更好了。一种是在文章最后出现的reference, 也就是reference list。英国高阶论文代写AdvancedThesis辅导老师提醒留学生写一篇论文,2种reference都要出现,也就是说做完in-text reference,还要做最后的reference list。Reference的格式可以去找一个有模板的相关网站,只要按照他要求的内容输入,他的系统会自动生成一个完整的reference,不过那只是reference list,不是in-text reference. In-text reference 还是需要自己完成。

  综上所述就是英国论文reference格式的标准要求和注意事项的解析。中国留学生论文不会写怎么办?英国论文代写推荐英国论文代写Advanced Thesis平台机构,此代写平台还有一些paper代写、essay代写、assignment代写等论文服务, 英国论文代写Advanced Thesis 会以专业认真的教学态度来帮助留学生们完成论文写作,从而顺利拿到专属自己的学位证书!





  1. 剽窃原著作的主要观点、整体构思和框架。

  2. 直接整段、整页地复制,同时为了隐蔽或误导,照搬原著中的引文和注释,或只将极少数的文字作注。

  3. 使用原著的表述,或将原著的资料、用词直接进行修改,或更换表述方式,而未注明来源出处。

  4. 从同一文章中抄袭,并对文章的顺序及逻辑进行修改。

  5. 摘凑不同文章的语句或段落,把它们粘贴为一篇文章。

  6. 与同学论文中出现部分段落或语句雷同。


  1. 不少学校开学时会有专门的一节学术写作培训课,强调禁止抄袭及如何规范引用,学校网站上一般也有相关规定,而一些教授会在布置作业时再次强调。

  2. 去大学图书馆借一些关于规范写作的书,这类书很多。

  3. 学校Writing Center里的老师会帮助你校正语法、思路等,但学生要去主动寻求帮助。





“确实,有些科幻小说和科幻电影一样,缺乏原创性,不合逻辑,骇人听闻;但是你必须知道去哪里才能找到他们中的许多人”(Hodgens 37)。这些台词解释了故事情节在现实世界中的相关性。然而,在更深层次上,也有关于被剥夺了自己的身份或自由意志的人的讨论,这些都在故事情节中得到了探索。在这些故事情节中,人们对社会所承担的道德和伦理义务经常受到质疑(Hodgens 37)。将这些概念应用到故事情节中,很明显,在《男人的孩子》中,与这一类型的其他故事情节类似,世界处于灾难的边缘,主角是用来拯救世界的。故事的结尾有希望。这使人们从观看电影中产生希望和满足感。桑塔格指出,这些故事都被简化了。对观者来说,存在着极端的情境和对与错的区别。
这种道德暗示使得故事情节吸引了所有观众。“这些电影提供的另一种满足感是极端的道德简化——也就是说,一种道德上可以接受的幻想,在这种幻想中,人们可以发泄残忍或至少是非道德的情感”(Sontag 45)。这些因素给观众带来娱乐吸引力。正是因为这些因素,观众才会被故事情节所吸引。在当今时代,人们注意到同样的情节主题出现在故事情节中。不可能的情况和非理性的恐惧是有前提的。主人公遵循道德伦理准则,帮助人民,拯救人类。故事情节可能很可笑,但导演巧妙的想象力和创新的努力使人们理解故事情节的细微差别。在制作成功的电影时,有积极的观众参与。


“It is true that some science fiction stories are as unoriginal, illogical, and monstrous as sf films; but you have to know where to look in order to find many of them” (Hodgens 37). These lines explain about the relevance of the story line in the practical world. However, on a deeper note, there is also the discussion of the people deprived of their own identity or free-will that are explored in the plot lines. The moral and the ethical obligations that the people hold towards the society is often questioned in these storylines (Hodgens 37).Applying these notions to the story line, it is quite clear that in Children of Mensimilar to the other storyline of this genre, the world is in the brink of disaster and the main protagonist is used to save the world. There is hope towards the end of the story. This makes the people develop hope and a sense of satisfaction from viewing the movie. Sontag notes that these stories are found to be simplified. There is extreme situation and differences between right and wrong to the viewer.
This moral implication makes the storyline to be engaging to all the audience demographics. “Another kind of satisfaction these films supply is extreme moral simplification-that is to say, a morally acceptable fantasy where one can give outlet to cruel or at least amoral feelings” (Sontag 45).These factors give an entertainment appeal to the audience. It is because of these factors that the audience feels drawn to the storyline. It has been observed in the current times that the same plot themes are found in the story lines. There is the premise of an impossible situation and an irrational fear. The main protagonist is found to follow the moral and ethical guidelines to help the people and save humanity. The storyline can be ridiculous but the artful imagination of the filmmaker and the innovative efforts cause them to make people understand the nuances of the storyline. There is active audience engagement in making the successful movies.



哲学家说过,自由意志的概念是一种幻觉,一个人的信条完全受他的基因和环境的影响。这意味着一个人的行为与他的行为毫无关联,他完全没有责任。哲学家的这种说法提出了几个疑问。如果自由意志是一种幻觉,那么它表明人们对自己的思想认识有限,对人们的命运没有提出明确的看法。本文将讨论为什么这个说法是不恰当的,并给出相关的论点。一般来说,每个人都要对自己所做的事情负责。根据哲学家的说法,人的意图似乎只是由潜意识决定的。另一方面,现代学者运用各种数据驱动的方法来研究早期哲学家的这一立场。这里有一个例子来证明这种想法是完全错误的(Max, 2002)。

一个人被要求移动他的手指,因为他已经开始和某人谈论一些有趣的事情。在这种情况下,手指的运动是自动发生的,不需要潜意识的存在,对话也会继续。这表明自由意志不是幻觉,它是真实的。因为他的大脑允许他交谈和移动他的手指,他能够做到,而且大脑活动的测量也是有限的。我对这个问题的观点如下:决定不太可能是瞬间做出的。心理过程影响决策,但也有其他的影响因素。自由意志实验似乎更依赖于对行为的认识和对行为可能发生的时间的实际估计。这只是一个复杂的问题。自由意志与自由是完全不同的(Max, 2002)。


Philosophers have stated that the concept of free will is an illusion and a person’s tenet is completely influenced by his genes and surroundings. This implies that the actions of a person are no way associated with the behavior and that the person’s accountability is totally absent. This statement given by philosophers raises several doubts. If free will is an illusion, then it shows that people know limited knowledge about their minds and have put forward no clarity on the destinies of people. This paper would discuss on why this statement is inappropriate and relevant arguments would also be given. In general, every person is responsible for what he or she does. According to the philosophers, the intentions of people appear to be decided only by the subconscious mind. On the other hand, modern scholars have applied various data driven methods to study this stand given by the early philosophers. Here is an example to show that such thoughts are totally wrong (Max, 2002).

A person is asked to move his finger as he has been already into a conversation with someone on something funny. In this case, the finger movements automatically happen and do not require subconscious presence and the conversation also continues. This shows free will is not an illusion and it is true. Because his brain allows him to converse and move his fingers, he is able to do and the brain activity measures are limited, too. My arguments on this subject are presented below:Decisions are less likely to be instantaneous.Mental processes influence decision making but there are other influencers as well.Free will experiments seem to have higher dependence on the awareness of actions and the actual estimation of time within which the actions might happen. This is a mere complication. Free will is totally different from freedom (Max, 2002).






The following is a PESTLE Analysis for China in order to depict the reason behind this country’s selection. Political: In China from the perspective of political factors there is market development over economic development based on market orientation and welfare in the society. Further the system is characterized as individual party dictatorship of communists making an enhance contribution to stability nationally in turn allowing the economy to stay sustainable as well as dynamic in nature. When the economic system was deregulated however from the economic command to economic market and as a result, in the economic management power was decentralized increasingly causing the issue of regional economy to raise. However, presently the government is encouraging foreign investment and has been supportive to those international organizations trying to make their way in the nation. The change is a transformational change in which the company has selected to change its culture.

With regard to culture, the company seeks to adopt an open culture in which ideas, beliefs and assumptions are collectively shared in comparison to its traditional culture where the company was not able to foster open and wide communication of culture and beliefs. Also, with regard to scope of change, the company will undertake adaptation as well as restructuring itself. The selected, market development strategy implementation implies a soft systems approach without use of any technical or technological requirement as the change will initiate with the help of people and their skills. The change being proposed is a major change. The change will take place in a slow way over a period of 2 years. The reason for change taking place is better growth, sustainable advantage in terms of competition and customer satisfaction. The scope of the change will be internal and will influence all internal stakeholders of the organization. The change would be influential across departments internally.



众筹(Crowdfunding)指的是一种用于指定目的的融资机制,如商业冒险或文化项目。人群被认为是表明资金来源的概念,可以归因于一些人,每个人以小的价值订阅。尽管这种模式不能被认为是在当地慈善或政治活动中被发现的人群的新特征,但众筹的基本基础是利用大众化的无边界的互联网。这种现代的技术形式为克服决定地理距离的因素提供了帮助,进一步促进公众在涉及偏远地区的个人的具体资助提议中的参与。功效与集资”导致了促使全球集资”平台基于web的发展创造一个潜在贡献者和筹款活动之间的联系,包括2012年在阿根廷,Afluenta FundedByMe 2011年在瑞典,2009年Kickstarter美国Auxmoney 2007年在德国,唐宁在2006年在中国,和Zopa英国在2005年。众筹作为一种新型的产业平台,对显著分享经济增长具有逐步的责任。


到2012年,在众筹的帮助下,已经筹集了14.41亿美元用于创业融资,作为消费者的信贷或支持其他附加活动。因此,本研究的目的是研究众筹在香港的可行性。为了本研究的目的,将收集二次数据。为平衡投资者保护与众筹发展之间的关系,美国和英国分别于2014年3月和2015年11月出台了具体的众筹立法。同样,澳大利亚财政部和新加坡金融管理局(Monetary Authority of Singapore)也在前一年公布了咨询文件。作为一种对比的观点,香港迄今为止似乎没有任何等同的立法议程。监管的唯一回应是2014年证监会发出的预警通知,试图澄清目前对众筹活动的具体类别和剩余投资者风险参与的金融监管规定。


Crowdfunding is referred to as a mechanism of financing for the purpose of designation, like a business adventure or a cultural project. Crowd is being considered as the concept indicating the source of finance that can be attributed to a number of people, each making subscription in small values. Even though this mode cannot be considered new with respect to the feature of crowd to be found in local donations of charity or campaigns of politics, the fundamental base of crowdfunding lays upon utilizing popularly accessible and territorially borderless internet. This modern form of technology provides assistance for overcoming the factor determining geographical distance, further ahead facilitating participation of public within a specific proposal of funding from an individual covering a remote location. The efficacy related to crowdfunding has resulted in prompting global developments of crowdfunding platforms based on web for creating a connection between potential contributors and fundraisers that include Afluenta in 2012 in Argentina, FundedByMe in 2011 in Sweden, Kickstarter in 2009 in USA, Auxmoney in 2007 in Germany, Creditease in 2006 in china, and Zopa in 2005 in UK. Being a new industrial platform, crowdfunding holds a gradual accountability for sharing the growth of economy significantly.

Until the year 2012, by the help of crowdfunding, 1.441 billion dollars have been raised for financing start- ups, functioning as credit of consumer or supporting other additional activities. Hence, the aim of this research is to research the feasibility of crowdfunding in Hong Kong. For the purpose of this research, there will be collection of secondary data. For striking a balance between protection of investor and development of crowdfunding, USA and UK were found introducing specific legislation of crowdfunding in the year 2014 for March and in the year 2015 for November. In the similar sense, the Treasury Department of Australia and the Monetary Authority of Singapore made announcement of consultation papers in the previous year. As a contrasting view, there does not seem to be any equivalent agenda of legislation in Hong Kong until yet. The only response of regulation is the issue of warning notice by the Commission of Securities and Futures (SFC) in the year 2014, trying to clarify the currently applied regulations of finance towards specific categories of activities of crowdfunding and the involvement of risks for remaining investors.







One of the biggest reasons for employees to leave an organization is due to the company’s management. Many employees blame management for their reason of leaving their job. Many researchers and scholars have emphasized on the fact that employees would not prefer to work for an organization if it is not concerned about their intrinsic and extrinsic needs. There are several reasons due to which employees are dissatisfied from the management. Some of them include mismanagement of people, employee discrimination, miscommunication or setting up unrealistic targets for employees (Sexter, 2002).

Occupational Stress

Many employees feel that the company’s workload is too heavy and this does result in employees leaving their job. Occupational stress is one of the biggest problems in today’s work environment. Several employees across the world have complained about occupational stress within a company. According to Kirby & Richard (2000), one-third of organizational employees across the world have viewed their jobs as one of the biggest source of stress for them. As a result, workplace stress has become one of the biggest causes of turnovers within a company. Due to consistent pressure and stress at the workplace, employees can suffer from nervous breakdowns and various other psychological problems which thus lead towards decreased motivation and in being unable to excel in their job.







Traditional HR service delivery: Traditional HR service delivery model comprises of generalist, specialist and administration. This service delivery model is a tested service delivery model and there are definite protocols that are associated with the traditional service delivery model. The definition of the scope of work is very clear in some cases rigid in this service delivery system. This service delivery pattern is still prevalent in many companies; this is owing to its past success. It is followed especially in the small and medium sized companies. These companies seem to prefer this model owing to its structured approach. The HR team looks after the needs of the employees particularly of those employees who are performing general duties than people who are performing expert functions. In traditional HR delivery systems, there are a group of twelve people who handle a group of 1200 people in a company. Basically, this service delivery team would usually consist of a HR director, three managers’ four assistants to these managers, three HR officer post and a supervisor. There is a definite working pattern in these groups. The work that is allocated to one employee in the company cannot be easily shifted to another employee in the company when this traditional HR service delivery system is practiced. The focus of the team is more on the administrative actions of the company and very less focus is given to the strategic long-term vision of the company. The company views the HR department as a knowledge source regarding the legalities and the administrative actions of the company. The HR department will generally have more influence on the administrative and the legal ethics of the company. In the current times, more importance is given to the HR department.  The HR department is gaining leverage and more importance in the recent times with companies owing to the company’s dependence for the knowledge regarding ethics.






It has a boon to the society by having the individual’s response by the sociologist. However, there are unit sensible reasons for being the social scientist with a theory. This builds step towards the selection to own course higher than the other. It is the privilege to make the people aspects among the society to be told. It is taken into the society to make the aspects to manipulate the courses to loving individual support. The values and temporary area of units along with support in performing social science will create a gaggle to its culture. The assorted ways in which area unit will send the individuals in the individual area unit will be taken into the step to accomplish the society desires. A snug values place the foremost impacts of the society to regulate the people. This might separate the goals and concern of the social scientist from the people. To come for the aspects within the society, it is to update the numerical ways to calculate the individual’s strength within the society. Whereas regarding at completely different rates, the course takes the steps to develop the people among the society. It maybe the higher thanks to opt for the social studies from the assorted chores. The biological rationalization can have the regards to denote individually the individual and also the society. It keeps justifying the priority and technological aspects of the course to make analysis concerning the social scientist. Some social scientist decides to have the sense and able to perform operating of the social issues. It takes to counterpart the clear concepts concerning the social scientist. It is developed the thanks to carry the impacts on the social norms.