标签存档: 英国硕士论文代写



这些方面是以相互沟通和理解的形式出现的(森和爱德华,第45页)。爱德华·霍珀的绘画也是对当今社会的真实写照。人们彼此很亲近,可以接触到每一种可能性,但他们无法深入了解对方(Cook, 2005)。他们在生活中迷失了太多,以至于没有时间和别人在一起。夜鹰仍然很受观众欢迎,因为人们把这幅画当作生活的一面镜子。这幅画展现了城市社会的真实面貌,给每个人上了一课。人们找到了相处的方式,但却失去了本质。人类的本性将保持不变,需要人类在身边,但当人们在身边,你仍然无法触及他们时,将会发生什么。爱德华描述了这个观点;可能性是存在的,但范围是有限的,人们在一起,但他们仍然是孤独的。人们可以接触到所有的东西,但是他们仍然在人群中感到孤独。人群中有很多面孔,但都是未知的,因为没有人愿意抽出时间过真实的生活。


Bright interior designed by the painter gave an extra edge to the painting by reflecting the diner and people sitting inside the restaurant. Right hand edge is clear across the window and reflects the vertical yellow band present in the interior wall. An interesting fact about this painting is in the form of Hemingway short story named “the killers”. Edward read this story in the Scribner magazine and liked it after reading it. He mentioned that the story was true and so was his work. Edward works are real and depiction of the society in many ways, his work is not based on fiction. Another fact associated with this painting was about the location of the restaurant. According to Edward the restaurant shown by him in the painting was real but at that time there was no restaurant like this in the location. Many people take this painting as an art work and how deep Edward was to portray the society of 1942 but for Edward the main concept revolved around feeling lonely in the crowd. He said once that he painted the loneliness of a big city (Cook, p. 75). Urban culture has given many advantages and helped in evolving the society but it has taken back some good aspects of the society.
These aspects were in the form of communication and understanding each other (Thesisen and Edward, p. 45). Edward hopper painting is a true depiction of today’s society as well. People are close to each other and have access to every possibility but they cannot see each other deeply (Cook, 2005). They are lost in their lives so much that they do not have time for others. Nighthawks remain popular for the audience because people take this painting as a mirror of life. This painting is showing the real picture of urban society and serves a lesson for everyone. People have find ways to be around each other but they have lost the essence. Human nature will remain the same requiring humans around but what will happen when people are around and one can still not reach them. Edward has portrayed this idea; possibility is present but the reach is limited, people are together but still they are lonely. People have access to everything but still they are lonely in the crowd. There are a lot of faces in the crowd but all are unknown because no one is willing to take out time and live a real life.



一般来说,在体育市场上可以看到,尽管新球员在场上表现出色,但他们的工资却低于球队中有经验的球员。工资率差异的一个原因是准备金条款。根据这一条款,球员在职业生涯的前六年都要与合同保持联系。由于这个合同,新球员的议价能力变弱了。因此,球员的经验和工资有着直接的关系。经验越多薪水越高,反之亦然。当劳动力的卖方与劳动力的买方相互作用时,就形成了劳动力市场。人们把他们的服务卖给雇主,以换取收入或工资。在竞争激烈的劳动力市场中,有大量的买家和卖家(Glaeser&Kohlhase, 2003)。


However, some factors show that professional athletes are underpaid. Uncertain career could be the reason for fewer salaries to professional players. There is always instability in player’s profession. In the sports labour market price controls are prevailing for professional athletes. There are certain criteria through which salary of a specific player can be decided. For example: during the year 2006-07, an NBA player was earning $1,262,275 with an experience of at least 10 years. Despite of having so many years of experience players are getting less salary (Evens and Lefever, 2011).Expectation plays an important role for players and management in deciding wages. The salaries of players have been decided in advance before any sports season starts. Magnitude of salary depends upon the past performances of the player (Evens and Lefever, 2011). Salaries based on expectations act as a motivator for the players. Best performance means good salary in the future.
Generally, it is seen in the sports market that new players are paid less than the experienced players in the team despite of their performance on the field. One reason for this difference in wage rate is reserve clause. According to this clause, a player is tied to the contract for the first six years of his career. Due to this contract, bargaining power of a new player becomes less. Thus, there is a direct relationship between player’s experience and salaries. More experience leads to high salary and vice-versa. When a seller of labour interacts with buyer of labour, it forms a labour market. People sell their services to employers in return for getting income or wages. In a competitive labour market, there are large number of buyers and sellers (Glaeser&Kohlhase, 2003).




  1. 英國人的思維是反方向的,所以,我們寫東西也要這樣。


比如我們的習慣,是先有觀點譬如:我想吃蔬菜,(這就是你的觀點),然後你會去論證你的觀點,譬如:我今天需要補充維生素,維生素對於我身體有好處,(這些是你的論證),這些論證放在一起,就是你對觀點“我想吃蔬菜”的總結,而在外國人眼裡,你要先說“蔬菜有很多的維生素”,都有哪些種每一種對人體有什麼好處你為什麼要吃蔬菜,最後再說出你的觀點,“我想吃蔬菜”,這樣就是有說服力的說法,可以的話在舉個Reference什麼的,“人或者離不開case study”看看那個名人說過,拿來就可以引用一下。

  2. 得出結論的時候要把自己的觀點放在最前面.


  3. 引用觀點的時候不要整段引用.

挑出關鍵詞,多過3個字,要標明那裡引用的,如果需要大量引用觀點,不妨嘗試把觀點拆開引用,並且在每個觀點之前先寫上自己的觀點,或者理解. 如果你引用不夠三個字,可以不標明為Reference可以直接使用,當作自己的觀點.


  4. 英國老師很喜歡表格,圖表等等,來表示各種數據.


  5. 千萬不要為了湊字數,車軲轆話,來迴繞,得不償失.




英国硕士论文 :非股权模式投资

进入的非股权模式使投资组织以最小的风险和投资进入国际市场(New Economy, 2014)。研究发现,企业利用这种模式进入市场的速度要快于股权模式。这是由于许可和出口过程比起草合资企业协议或确定直接投资机会要快(Laufs和Schwens, 2014)。高利率(ROI)是通过投资许可选项提供的,可以降低监管和贸易壁垒(Hill, 2014)。从案例中可以发现,苹果生产的产品出口到赞比亚比竞争对手更有利(Johanson and Mattson, 2015)。这一过程加快了,随着关税基础水平的降低,政府引入了较低的关税制度。报告还取消了10%的进口许可证费用。此外,苹果认为这是一个获得巨大市场份额的增长机会(Hollender et al., 2016)。
有迹象表明,出口期权的风险小于苹果开设零售店,因为这将使过剩产品得到有效清算。股权进入方式包括合资和全资子公司。这种进入模式的主要缺点之一是公司投资需要更高的投资水平(Chang and Ming-Sung, 2009)。这种投资不仅需要货币性质的资源,而且还需要时间来建立与合作伙伴的合资企业或直接投资于目标市场的关系。当目标市场变得不稳定时,直接投资反过来又会使投资机构面临更高的风险。从事合资经营的组织有时应放弃对当地合作伙伴经营的某种控制。以苹果公司为例(Chen and jinging – yun, 2011)。该公司已选择在南非和赞比亚等多个地区建立合资企业。

英国硕士论文 :非股权模式投资

Non-equity modes for the entry enable the investing organization to enter the international market with minimized risk as well as investment (The New Economy, 2014). Organizations are found to use this mode to make entry in markets faster than the mode of equity. It is due to the fact that licensing and exporting processes take place faster than drafting agreements of joint ventures or identifying opportunities of direct investment (Laufs and Schwens, 2014). High rate of interest (ROI) is offered through the licensing option upon the investment and lowers the barriers of regulations and trade (Hill, 2014). It is found from the case that the exportation of the goods produced by Apple to Zambia is beneficial over its rivals (Johanson and Mattson, 2015). The process is faster and the government introduced lower tariff rate regime along with the reduction in basic level of tariff. The 10 per cent fee of import license is also removed by the reports. Moreover, Apple views this as opportunity of growth along with capturing large market share (Hollender et al., 2016).
It has surfaced that exporting option has less risk than establishing a store for retail by Apple as it will enable effective clearing of goods produced in excess.Equity modes of entry are inclusive of joint venturing and wholly owned subsidiaries. One of the key disadvantages of this entry mode is the higher investment level needed from the company investing (Chang and Ming-Sung, 2009). The investment needs not only resources of monetary nature but they also require time in establishment of relationships with either joint venturing with partners or directly investing in the market at target. Directly investing in turn results in exposing the investing organizations to higher risks when the market at target becomes unstable. Organizations engaged within joint venturing should give up at times, certain type of control on the local partners operations. For example, the case of Apple Inccan be depicted (Chen and Jing-Yun, 2011). The company has chosen joint venturing in several regions such as South African regions and Zambia.



雨水收集是全球家庭和农业利用雨水的一种有效方法。这个过程已经使用了几十年。然而,技术进步有助于在社会发展项目中提供流动水。该技术在城市和半城市地区都有广泛的应用,这些地区对供水和可用水质的依赖较少。几十年来,雨水收集一直被用于确保家庭和农业用途的住宅和农田不间断供水(Ahmed, Masry, Saleh & Nada, 2013, p. 71)。在技术革新城市供水系统之前,雨水从建筑物的屋顶收集并储存在储罐中。然而,随着科技的发展,雨水作为家庭供水的主要来源,获得了本质。
雨水收集量随地点而异。例如,在加勒比群岛,雨水是最重要的供水资源,用于公共建筑、家庭和度假村的餐饮用水需求。因此,雨水在技术的帮助下收集,然后提供给公众使用后的过滤过程。该工艺流程进一步改善了供水条件,显著改善了水质。收集的雨水经过几个阶段的过滤和技术处理,确保水是卫生和安全的饮用水以及。雨水收集过程导致了水土流失和洪水的减少(Azoulay, 2016)。这是因为水从屋顶被转移到收集槽。


Rain water harvesting is an effective method used for utilization of rain water for household and agricultural use across the globe. The process has been in use for decades now. However, technological advancement has helped in providing portable water in social development projects. The technique has wide application in both urban and semi-urban areas where there is less reliance on water supply and quality of water available in the region. For over decades, rain water harvesting has been used for ensuring uninterrupted water supply to domestic houses and farmlands for household and agricultural purposes (Ahmed, Masry, Saleh & Nada, 2013, p. 71). Before technology revolutionized city water systems, rain water was collected from building’s roof and stored in storage tanks. However, with the advent of technology, rain water gained essence as primary source of water supply in households.
The quantum of rain water harvesting differs with location. For example, in Caribbean Islands, rain water is the most important water supply resource for catering water requirements of public buildings, homes and resorts. Thus, rain water is collected with the help of technology and then supplied to general public for use after filtration process. The technological process has further aided ease in water supply and improved water quality significantly. The collected rain water passes through several stages of filtration and technological treatment ensures that water is hygienic and safe for drinking purposes as well. The rain water harvesting process has resulted in decline in soil erosion and flooding (Azoulay, 2016). This is because of the fact that water is diverted from building roofs into collection tanks.



因此,据说该组织是健全的。它表明本组织有效地利用了其与债务有关的总资产。速动比和电流比为0%。本组织的效率将视业务周期而定。较高的比率表明公司有能力偿还债务。虽然各个行业的情况有所不同,但可以接受的比率在1.5到3之间,这将被认为是健康的。在转让中,流动资产为634 680,流动负债为零。固定资产减少1 500项,结果为37 500项。15万英镑的长期贷款仍在继续。由于没有流动负债,虽然比率为0,但公司偿债能力状况良好。资产回报率是一个利润率,可以用特定时期总资产产生的净收入来衡量。资产产生收益的目的是通过循环经营周期的数量。更高的比例表明投资者与公司进行投资是一个积极的步骤(Amy Gallo, 2016)。


The Group holds the equity of £522,179 with the Net profit of £99,372 and EBIT is £106,872. The current ratio and quick ratio seem to be zero. The Return on Own Assets is 21.03% whereas as return on Total Assets shows 17.16%. The Solvability of group is 77.68%. The Apolo Group consist of Apolo Skis, Apolo Bicycles, Apolo Foils and Apolo Surfboards. During the last four years, there was increase of in the profit. The price quoted in Stock exchange is £123.23 and gradual increase shown for the last five years. The solvency ratio shows the ability of the company to meet the long term financial obligations. The value of the total assets of the organization must be higher than the debt obligations. Professional investors use the solvency ratios to analyze the solvency of the organization. In the given assignment, solvent ratio indicates higher percentage i.e. 77.68. Solvency ratio varies from industry to industry. The organization will be considered financially sound if the solvency ratio is higher than 20%. In the given case, the solvency ratio is 77.68.
Hence the organization said to be sound. It indicates that the organization effectively utilized its total assets in connection with debt obligations.The quick ratio and current ratio shows 0%. The efficiency of the organization will be identified with the operating cycle. The Higher ratio indicates that the company is able to pay its obligations. Though varies from industry to industry, the acceptable ratio is between 1.5 and 3 that will be considered as healthy. In the assignment, the current assets shows 634,680 and current liabilities shows as Nil. There is a decrease of 1,500 in fixed assets resulting 37,500. The long term of £150,000 still continuing. As there were no current liabilities, the company solvency position is good though the ratio indicates 0. The return on assets is a profitability ratio and can be measured with the net income that was produced by total assets for particular period. The purpose of assets to generate the revenue is by rotating number of operating cycles. Higher ratio indicates a positive step for investors to make investment with the company (Amy Gallo, 2016).




The industry analysis has been done by providing a clear outlook of the industry and its impact on the society. The skills required for the industry have been analyzed completely. Further, there is an analysis on the impact of the same on economy and tourism. There is also an analysis of the other areas in which there may be an impact. Though, it is important to have few more evidence related to the required skills of the industry. One of the things which is lacking is the focus on the weakness. The proper industry analysis includes both the positive and the negative parts of the industry. Another important thing is that there should be a proper referencing. From the industry analysis, it has been found that there are some of the services including accounting, auditing and bookkeeping. The different accounting professions have been studied, but it lacks the proper critical analysis. It is important to ensure that the meaning of different sources is explained in a proper manner, to have the study related to the accounting standards, and to ensure that there are some of the structural issues with respect to the work.
It can also be find that there are a number of job opportunities related to the auditors, bookkeepers, financial analysts and accountants. Another reflection from the analysis is that there should be a better flow of information between the different paragraphs. There has been vast study on the details related to the CPA (Certified Public Accountant) and its importance.I have found out from the industry analysis that I need to do the improvement of my skills related to the accounting profession. I have realized the importance of the task. I have found that this task will also help me in my improvement as an accountant. I have got a good idea of how to prepare for the CPA Qualification after the completion of my graduation and to ensure that I become a successful and a professional accountant in future. I will make sure that I achieve my goals within the time frame mentioned.The feedback which I received from the industry analysis gave a better outlook of what exactly is required from the analysis. In addition, it helps me in getting an idea of my weakness and strength.


但與此同時,人們注意到的是,吸煙者在沒有任何限制的情況下繼續吸煙,而煙草銷售公司是全球最大的總收入來源。因此,“中國所有公共場所都應該禁止吸煙”這一話題仍然存在爭議。人們需要明白,吸煙的壞處遠遠大於被注意到的好處,如果有的話,而且這也僅限於吸煙者。因此,當它說在中國所有的公共場所應該而且肯定需要禁止吸煙時,這個概念是積極的。中國是一個從各個方面考慮公民福利的國家,因此這種行為是非常必要的。人們已經註意到全世界,特別是在中國,吸煙的人數在過去的幾十年裡急劇增加。吸煙的人通常很清楚吸煙的後果,但仍然選擇吸煙(Bell, 2013)。必須明白,吸煙和其他任何活動一樣,都是個人的選擇,任何第三方,甚至政府都無權干涉與個人生活有關的選擇。但與此同時,吸煙不僅限於吸煙的人,它還涉及到他周圍的人。

總之,在所有公共場所都應該禁止吸煙的另一個原因是,吸煙的有害後果不僅限於吸煙者,而且會傳播到他或她周圍的人。當一個人從這個觀點轉到道德的觀點,可以說吸煙的行為對在場的孩子來說是一個不好的例子,因為他們很容易掌握他們在公共場所看到的一切。由於他們仍然不能區分正確和錯誤的事情,他們傾向於模仿他們在公共場合看到的任何東西,吸煙往往是一個壞習慣模仿。此外,可以看到,青少年和年輕的成年人仍然在發展,他們傾向於接受任何標誌著他們從青少年到成人生活過渡的東西。當他們看到人們在公共場所吸煙時,這就加強了他們的信念,即吸煙是成長的一部分,當他們在公共場所和朋友一起吸煙時,往往會顯得很“酷”(Li et al., 2013)。因此,在公共場所吸煙影響了兩類非常容易上當受騙的人,這是不正確的,因此,在中國和世界範圍內,在公共場所吸煙是絕對應該禁止的。


But at the same time what is noticed is that smokers keep on smoking without any kind of restriction and cigarette selling companies are the biggest gross earners all across the globe. Thus the topic ‘Smoking should be banned in all public places in China’ remains to be a debatable one. One needs to understand that the cons of smoking are much more than the pros which are noticed, if any, and that too only restricted to the smokers. Therefore the notion is positive when it says that smoking should and definitely needs to be banned in all the public places in China. China is one country that thinks about its citizen’s welfare in every manner, therefore this kind of an act is more than necessary.It has been noticed all over the world, especially in China that the number of people who smoke has increased drastically over the past few decades. People who smoke are usually well versed with the consequences of smoking, but still choose to smoke (Bell, 2013). It has to be understood that smoking like any other activity is a personal choice and no third party, not even the government has the right to interfere when it comes to making choices related to personal life. But at the same time smoking is not restricted to the person who is involved in the act of smoking, it involves the person around him too.

In short another reason why smoking should be banned in all public places is because the harmful consequences of smoking is not restricted to the smoker only, but also spreads to the people around him or her.When one moves from this point of view to the moral point of view, it can be said that the act of smoking is a bad example to the children who are present as they tend to grasp everything that they see in public places very easily. Since they still cannot differentiate between the right and the wrong things, they tend to imitate anything that they have seen in public, and smoking tends to be one bad habit to imitate. Also it is seen that teenagers and the young adults are people who are still developing and they tend to take on to anything which marks their transition from the teenage into the adult life. When they see people smoking in public, it strengthens their beliefs that smoking is a part of growing up and tends to be ‘cool’ when they do it in public and with friends (Li et al., 2013). Thus smoking in public influences two categories of very gullible people which is incorrect and therefore smoking should definitely be banned in public places in China and worldwide.



笔者需要重新分析现状和事实,重申双语的优点。这篇文章在支持我的假设方面用处不大,但它仍然可以作为一个基线,在牢记本文中提出的类比的基础上,起草与双语相关的好处的详细说明。引文6:诺布尔,G。,和道尔顿,G。陈建民,“双语教学的认知意义”,国立台湾师范大学外语教学研究所硕士论文。Noble在他的文章中提到了支持双语认知暗示的事实(Noble, 1976)。他在《发散思维测试》中提到,双语者优于单语者。根据研究数据,某项目显示,9岁时掌握第二语言的能力,在使用发散性思维时表现得比在智商上表现得更好。这里的范围在于描述双语的认知含义。



The writer needs to reanalyze the situation and the facts and restate the pros of bilingualism. The article is not useful in supporting my hypothesis but still it can be used as a baseline to draft the detailed note of benefits associated with bilingualism keeping the analogy presented in this article in mind.Citation 6: Noble, G., and Dalton, G., 1976, “Some Cognitive Implications of Bilingualism”, Oideas 16, 4252. Noble in his article mentioned the facts in support of cognitive implications of bilingualism (Noble, 1976). He mentioned in divergent thinking tests bilinguals are superior than monolinguals. As per research data certain project showed that skill of a second language at an age of nine were better showed using a thinking which is divergent than by IQ. The scope here lies in depicting the cognitive implications of the bilingualism.

It was said that due to bilingualism a speaker who is bilingual will not be able to speak properly due to overhead of two languages, but in actual this involved the person to select the words, come in a theme and prepare himself for the speaking actually uses the cognitive skills. This is one of the major advantages of the bilingualism. This is useful as it enhances the cognitive skills such as selective attention as well as inhibition. This basically focuses on the choosing the information which should be focused and ignoring the information which is irrelevant. As a limitation there is not much to highlight but still a detailed comparison can be presented by the writer. This is supporting my hypothesis of learning a second language at an early age on 3-5 years as this build a base for them where they can build the information effectively as they have fresh minds.With this analysis this can be concluded that the early learning of a second language for children builds a sound background for them while helps their personalities in multiple ways.



来自语言和文化多样化背景的妇女可以被认为是不同的,不同的群体考虑不同的结果和问题。随着文化背景的不同,女性的居住地位、受教育程度以及出生和中风的经历也不同。然而,似乎存在着一些共同的问题,这些问题可能最终影响到来自不同语言和文化背景的妇女所进行的产前保健。这些包括但不限于以下因素(Savard‐Preston, 2004):缺乏读写能力或语言能力。无法接受或无法获得卫生保健服务。关于男性卫生专业人员的文化问题。缺乏社区和家庭对女性的通常支持系统。跨主流卫生服务和产前保健的传统做法之间的冲突。

卫生专业人员缺乏文化素质。移民以外的创伤、损失和悲伤的过去。缺乏免费保健的权利。缺乏合适的资源。以下是可在此背景下提供的关键建议(Ramaekers, 2005):孕妇在30周或更长的时间内,通过触诊腹部来评估致命表现,而这种表现很可能最终会影响分娩日期。可疑的非头部表现需要在超声检查中得到证实。现提供37周妊娠期结束后无并发症的单例臀中卒中头侧外翻。相当矛盾的外部版本的头将包括以前的剖腹产,以及许多其他条件有关中风。


Women from linguistically and culturally diversified backgrounds can be considered as diverse and varying groups consider different outcomes and issues. Along with cultural background, the experiences of women are different with respect to the status of residency, level of education and previous experience of birth and stroke. However, there seems to be an involvement of common problems that may end up affecting the antenatal care up- taken by women from backgrounds diversified in terms of language and culture. These are inclusive of but not restricted to the following (Savard‐Preston, 2004):Lack of literacy or language.Unacceptability or inaccessibility of health care services.Issues of culture with respect to male professionals of health.Absence of usual support systems from community and family for the female.Conflict among traditional practices across mainstream health services and antenatal care.

Absence of the competency of culture among the professionals of health.Past of trauma, loss and grief apart from migration .Absence of entitlement to free care of health.Absence of suitable resource.Following are the key recommendations that can be provided in this context (Ramaekers, 2005):Assessment of fatal presentation by palpation of abdomen by the time 30 weeks or more have been completed by the pregnant women, and this presentation, most probably, ends up influencing the date of delivery.Presentation of suspected non- cephalic requires confirmation in the assessment of ultrasound.Offer has been made for external version of cephalic with singleton breech stroke without any complications after the gestation period of 37 weeks comes to an end.Considerably contradictions for external version of cephalic will be inclusive of previous section of caesarean, and many other conditions related to stroke.