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以上就是有关英国论文代写之路的生活经验之谈,那么中国留学生论文不会写怎么办,请关注英国代写论文Advanced Thesis网站平台,英国代写论文Advanced Thesis平台网站是一家论文代写信誉高的留学教育机构,其中有24小时专业客服为留学们提供随时在线咨询服务,还有一些硕士论文代写、paper代写、essay代写、report代写等论文服务,英国代写论文Advanced Thesis会以专业认真的教学态度来帮助留学生们完成论文写作,也不会出现论文字数和抄袭的情况,留学生们可以放心的选择英国代写论文Advanced Thesis网站平台!



The documentary then explores the corporate manipulation on the fast food industry and how the corporate are encouraging customers to consume foods with pitiable nutrition for their own profits. The director used to eat three times a day at the McDonald’s restaurants at different places.
He used to eat each and every item that the food chain used to offer in their menu at least once. He used to consume 20.9 mega joules or 5000 kilo calories (which is equal to 9.26 Big Macs) on an average on a daily basis during the period of the experiment (Lee, 2004). A daily intake of 2500 kilo calories by consuming balance diet is usually recommended for any common man in order to maintain his weight (Laurance, 2003). Spurlock who was then just 32 years gained an weight of 11.1 kilograms, an increase of body mass by 13 %, his cholesterol went up to 230mg/dl and he started experiencing sexual dysfunction and mood swings and fat accumulation in his lever. The director then took around 14 months to reduce the weight that he gained as a result of his experiment by consuming vegan diet as supervised by his then girl friend. His then girl friend was a chef and specializes in vegan dishes (Lee, 2004).
Content of the documentary film: The experiment conducted by Spurlock
At the initiation of the film, the director was having higher than average shape as per Spurlock’s personal trainer. He was looked after by three specialized doctors, a gastroenterologist, a general physician and a cardiologist. He was also monitored by a personal trainer and a nutritionist. All the health experts forecasted that Spurlock’s McDonald’s diet also stated as McDiet” might have undesirable impact on his body and health but didn’t expect any radical issues. Spurlock ate different diet but every evening he used to prefer vegan meal to soothe her girlfriend, Alexandra. At the beginning of his experiment with fast food, Spurlock who has got a height of 6 feet 2 inches or 188 cm had a body weight of 84 Kilograms or 185 pounds (Lee, 2004).
During his experiment, Spurlock followed some specific rules like he must consume McDonald’s meal three times a day i.e. at breakfast, lunch and dinner. He must consume all the items offered in the menu list at least once within the period of his experiment which was 30 days, but the director did it within 9 days. He was prohibited from consuming any food items from outside and was allowed to eat food on the menu list of McDonald’s which includes bottled water as well. He must consume “Supersize” of all the meals as offered by the stores. He will walk as much as a normal American citizen which is about 5000 standard steps a day. However, Spurlock didn’t follow this working schedule tightly. He used to walk more in the New York City while less in Houston (Lee, 2004).
On day, Spurlock started his experiment by consuming McDonald’s food for his breakfast in an outlet near his house in Manhattan. In that area, there are four McDonald’s stores per square mile. He aimed to keep his walking to 5000 steps per day. On the second day, he was offered Super Size Meal for the first time during his experiment which includes “Double Quarter Pounder with Cheese”, “Super Size French Fries” and a coke which was 42 ounce in size. This entire food needs approximately 22 minutes to finish. Once Spurlock completed the meal, he started feeling stomach discomfort and then vomited the parking area of McDonald’s. Within a span of five days, the director gained around 4.3 Kg or 9.5 pounds. Within a very short span of time, Spurlock started facing issues related to depression, lethargy and headaches, which he claimed that were cured immediately after eating a meal at McDonald’s. He was stated as “addicted” by his general physician. In the second time when his weight was measured, it was found that he gained around 3.6 Kg or 8 pounds. His total weight went up to 92.5 Kg or 203 pounds. At the end of his experiment, his weight went to 95 Kg or 210 pounds which was an increase of around 11 Kg or 24.5 pounds (Lee, 2004).

英国高阶论文代写Advanced Thesis平台机构为留学生们提供英国代写、essay代写、paper代写等论文代写服务,帮助留学生们解决论文的写作困扰,圆自己一个留学提升学位的梦想!


英国传播学论文代写-多元主义。多元主义是一种承认人民权力的政治哲学。人民的权力分布在人口中。各国的立法、规则和任务都集中于给予人口平等的权力。多元主义概念已经得到普及,并以多种形式表现出来(Judge, 1995)。多元主义的概念是古典多元主义、改革多元主义和新多元主义(Bjork, 2006.)。这些多元主义的变体是在世界上的民主自由国家中发展起来的。然而,多元主义概念的实际实施在世界上不同的民主国家是不同的(Bohman, 2000)。在此分析中,以多元主义的概念对英美两国的民主制度进行了探讨。为此目的,改革的多元主义和新多元主义思想被用于此目的。通过对多元议程实施情况的比较分析,得出分析和结论。

UK follows the reformed pluralist models owing to which there are some factors that are changed from the classical pluralist model. This model is more aligned with the classical theory. It has more specifics and it allows the governance system to be diffused among many organizations (Gagnon, & Tully, 2001). In the UK system the idea of state sovereignty is rejected. There is more power and autonomy is given to the Prime Minister in this system. This system is dependent more on the capabilities of the Prime Minister in handling of executive and judiciary duties.
Both these system are considered to be liberal and respects democracy. There is more importance given to the people view and there is high tolerance in the societal systems. This has lead to the progress and stability of the nations. US follow federalism on the other hand UK follows majoritarian system of governance. US system of constitution is a codified system and the UK system is considered to be uncodified.
UK party system has a major political party and opposition political parties sit in the House of Commons. However the Members of the Parliament are allowed not to have any party affiliates and can be independent. They are allowed to vote while making important decisions. They generally tend to lean against a party affiliate but they do not belong or consider themselves to be a member of any party system. This system is also observed in US. In this system again there are Democrats and Republicans. The elected representatives can choose any one party ideology or lean towards any party ideology. Their votes will also be considered while making policy decisions. There is a lot of autonomy that is given to the elected officials in this process. Each of these systems is not perfect. Each their own flaws are influenced by the political events of the world. However it is estimated that there will be a more balance approach owing to differing ideologies in the system.

From this it can be concluded that pluralism takes into account ideologies of many organizations. There are many varieties of pluralism that are developed in order to enforce the pluralism from individual countries. This classical Pluralism is a traditional system where the concepts and ideologies cannot be implemented. It is considered to be vague in order to overcome these issue countries like UK and US follow neo pluralism and reformed pluralism. Both these countries have a system that is very liberal and democratic. There is more emphasize given to autonomy of the people. There are several advantages and some implementation issues in both of these ideologies. But there is stability in the nations and historically the countries have been independent and have internal stability.

英国高阶论文代写Advanced Thesis平台机构为留学生们提供英国代写、essay代写、paper代写等论文代写服务,帮助留学生们解决论文的写作困扰,圆自己一个留学提升学位的梦想!



The social influence generally comes from the reference groups like discussion forums on an internet, web site links and contact links related to that particular product or virtual communities. Different people’s outlook, view and experiences, have shown to affect consumers. Family is one of social group which influence the individual’s decision-making process.
Personal factors influence the decision-making process which includes gender, occupation, age, education, life style and income status. Younger individuals are mostly interested in online shopping than older ones because of familiarity with the internet. They are more interested in new technologies and search more information and assess other alternatives. Older adults are more traditional shopper and they consider the online shopping as risky business. Cross shopping is stronger in younger generation. Men are more familiar with online shopping than women
Psychological factors like personality of the customer, attitude, motivation and perception influence the online shopping behavior. It makes consumers examine the quality of the product and security of the web site. The consumers ask themselves, whether they should buy online more often or look for a better price. The organization’s success depends upon by providing a confidence to the customers. The personality factor and attitudes may impel consumers to buy things which are suitable to them. It helps the consumer to decide about the products that are suitable to them.
The extended 7 factors are followed below:
People: The staffs of the company play a vital part in running an organization. They must be knowledgeable and supportive and must have excellent skills in handling the customers. Experienced customer support team and knowledgeable staff regarding the product will give value-added benefit about the selling of a product. Customer satisfaction is the key to success in any organization. Therefore, hiring the experienced staff, training and teamwork will add a greater advantage in the smooth running of the business.
Processes: The Company’s policies, services and products are an important aspect in marketing. Customers want to know more about the company before buying. The back office staff must help the customers to give detail analysis of the products before buying and even judge their satisfaction role after buying the products.
Physical Evidence: This is an important factor in maintaining professionalism insurance of the product, bar code and experimentally tested packaging is necessary. It should be visually presented in the packages. It must be fall along with other alternative products. Interaction with the customer through e-chat can assure the physical presence of the staff. A nice layout of the product and company, clear instruction about the equipment or system is necessary.

留学生论文不会写,请关注英国论文代写Advanced Thesis网站平台,英国论文代写Advanced Thesis平台网站是一家论文代写信誉高的留学教育机构,其中有24小时专业客服为留学们提供随时在线咨询服务,还有一些代写论文、paper代写、essay代写、研究生论文代写等论文服务,英国论文代写Advanced Thesis会以专业认真的教学态度来帮助留学生们完成论文写作,留学生们可以放心的选择英国代写论文Advanced Thesis网站平台!



  国外的大学通常会在课堂上让同学们完成Daily Report,,这与一般需要协作的英国论文不一样,它的目的是锻炼学生们的口头表达能力,但这对于中国的留学生而言却是非常令人头疼的,因为除了语言上障碍外,还有中外在教学上的差异,中国的留学生可能普遍的课堂临时反应和口头表达会比较弱一些,所以不知道怎样去进行Daily Report。因此,今天数学作业代写老师给大家讲的是如何做好DailyReport。


  背daily report内容。提前一个星期开始背你之前确定要作为daily report的文章,因为这是要在全班同学面前脱稿讲的,一定要背得滚瓜烂熟,一定得前些下苦工才行,每日反复背,才不至于一上讲台一紧张啥都忘了。


  巧妙运用黑板。在汇报的时候,争取可以把自己介绍的内容在黑板上用一些箭头、流程、英语词汇等展示出来。一边用英语说一边写。虽然这些东西完全可以用PPT就轻松做到,但是运用PPT的同时再巧妙配合黑板的图解,可以更好展示自己的风采、自信。比较daily report本身就是提供一个展示自己的机会。


  以上就是英国高阶论文AdvancedThesis教育网为大家带来的如何去进行Daily Report的仔细讲解,希望留学生们可以参考上文去认真准备,好好把握这次锻炼自己的机会。如果有需要数学作业代写的同学,请快来联系我们哟。

















他们需要了解消费者的行为,并开发度量标准来满足这些需求。在这方面,苹果iWatch的消费者行为已经被详细披露。这是公司新推出的一款产品。这种创新是公司产品多样化政策的一个重要方面。本报告的目的是了解Apple iwatch产品,并从产品分析、产品属性、市场细分、目标消费者和消费者行为等方面提出建议。Apple watch是苹果公司开发的一款具有多种应用的智能手表,于2015年4月发布(Schiffma et al., 2013)。它拥有最新的iOS版本,无线同步和健康监测服务。这使得该产品在目标消费群中是独特的和首选的。苹果手表是苹果科技产品的最新版本。苹果手表被认为是市场上技术最先进的产品之一。这款手表最初是作为一款健身追踪器设计的,是一款电子产品,可以作为iphone的补充来接收电话和短信(Etkin, 2016)。发布了四款不同价格、不同用途的apple watch系列。
它们分别是Apple Watch Sport、Apple Watch、Apple Watch Edition和Apple Watch Hermes。每个集合有两个大小。一个是1。5英寸,另一个是1。7英寸。手表的设计是为了让人们摆脱对手机的依赖。这款手表使用蓝牙技术与手机相连。手表可以使用任何与手表兼容的手机应用程序。这款手表适用于iphone 5或更高版本。它运行在iOS 8.2操作系统上。这款手表几乎立刻成为最畅销的产品,2015年第二季度,苹果的手表销量约为420万只。手表配备内置充电电池(Nayyar, & Puri, 2016)。力触技术是用来区分轻敲和按压的触感。Apple pay是另一个令苹果用户高兴的选择。2016年3月,苹果发布了新版本,并将价格下调了50美元(Nykanen, Tuunainen, & Tuunanen, 2015)。尽管Apple watch有很多吸引人的功能,但它也有一些缺点。它只兼容iphone和iOS。它与Android或其他智能手机不兼容。这使得它成为一个附加产品。


They need to understand about the consumer behaviour and develop metrics to cater to those requirements. For this aspect the consumer behaviour for Apple iWatch has been divulged in detail. This is a relatively new product that has been created by the company. This creation is an important aspect of the product diversification policy of the company. The purpose of this report is to understand about Apple iwatch product and develop recommendation from analysis of the product, the attributes of the product, market segmentation, target consumer and consumer behaviour. Apple watch is a smart watch with multiple applications developed by Apple Inc and released in April 2015(Schiffma et al., 2013).. It has the newest iOS version, wireless synchronization and serves as health monitoring service. This makes the product unique and preferred among the target consumer base. The Apple watch is the latest edition to Apple’s fleet of technology products. The Apple watch is considered to be one of the most technologically advanced product in the market. This watch was originally designed as a fitness tracker and as an electronic item which could supplement iphone to receive calls and text messages (Etkin, 2016).. Four collections of watches were released as apple watch with different prices and variation of uses.
They are Apple Watch Sport, Apple Watch, Apple Watch Edition and Apple Watch Hermès. Each collection is found to have two sizes. One is the 1.5 inches and the other is 1.7 inch. The watch design was intended to free people from their dependence on the phones. The watch works by connecting to the phone using Bluetooth technology. The watch can use any application in the mobile which are watch compatible. The watch works with iphone 5 or later models. And it runs on iOS 8.2 operating system. The watch almost instantly become a best seller and Apple was able to sell around 4.2 million watches in the second quarter of 2015. The watch is equipped with built- in rechargeable batteries( Nayyar, & Puri, 2016).. The force touch technology is used to differentiate the touch of a tap and press. Apple pay is another option which is a delight for apple users. On March 2016 Apple announced its new release and also has lowered the price by 50 USD (Nykänen, Tuunainen, & Tuunanen, 2015). Despite all the attractive features, Apple watch has a few drawbacks. It is compatible only with iphones and iOS. It is not compatible with Android or other smart phones. This makes it a add on product.




The above situation of an advertisement and a reward is not so simple when considered based on different legal contexts, meaning the situation might decide how the law is being interpreted. Consider a simple example presented in a research article. Assume for the sake of discussion that a person John owns a dog. Now the dog has disappeared and John has advertised that anybody that can provide John with some information on where to find the dog will be rewarded. If the advertisement is to be treated in the legal sense, it goes without saying that the person who views the advertisement and who presents John with some information on where the dog is would be rewarded by John once he finds the dog based on the shared information. However, the case scenario need not be so straightforward. Every one of the action does not lead to another. Consider for argument, that a person Peter finds the dog and he brings the dog back to John. Now the question will arise as to whether John should reward Peter. The question might not arise ethically or morally.
In either case, since Peter helped John and returned his dog back to him and since John had set out the reward for the person who finds and restores the dog anyways, John would give away the reward to Peter. However, in the legal context, there can be many questions. Firstly, Peter has not seen the advertisement, so in essence he might not be responding to the advertisement, so would this mean Peter has not entered into the contract with John through the rewards advertisement? What are the legal entities that can be discovered here and what framework will appropriately capture the legal obligations or the lack of it becomes a significant issue to understand here. Understanding these forms of questions are also a motivation for the research.Different legal systems in different countries approach the problem based on whether or not a legal relationship is necessary (as in the case of a contract) or whether a promise made has to be carried out, no matter what (as in the case of a unilateral doctrine). The reward is a declaration made to the public. When a declaration is made promising a sum of money or something, then some legal systems state that the person who performs the act advertised is automatically entitled to the reward.




  Report Introduction怎么写






  Report Summary怎么写




  为读者提供尽可能多的细节内容,使读者能够对mainfacts和criticalfindings有一个清楚的理解和认识。一般是用Past tense写,因为Past tense表示已发生的事情。尽管Summary出现在Report的开头,但是这部分最好能够在整个Report完成后再写,这样你才会有时间对整篇Report进行反思。

  Report Recommendations怎么写








  Report body部分怎么写

  Report Body部分并没有特定的公式,你需要做的就是彻底调查,研究和分析当前形势因素的影响。在正文中,经常会有一个组成部分:Literature Review,此外你需解释研究方法和原因。一些methods的使用很大程度上取决于需要调查方式,Research的结果和发现需要进行分析和总结,并以逻辑合理的的方式展现出来,这样可以清楚地展现出每段中提供的信息。



到羅斯福總統第二任期結束時,失業率約為21%。財政部長表示,總開支比以前多得多。但即使年度預算增加,羅斯福的大部分計劃仍在繼續。在奧巴馬執政期間,美國的失業率約為8%,但後來又升至10%左右。他的顧問們感到困惑的是,儘管支出巨大,失業率卻沒有大幅下降。他爭辯說,他花的錢是在挽救那些否則就會失去的工作。奧巴馬和羅斯福的批評者一直堅持認為,把這些錢花在經濟衰退之外是不可能的。在其中一項新交易中,經濟學作家亨利·黑茲利特(Henry Hazlitt)觀察到,與已經創造的就業崗位相比,公共工程支出在很大程度上摧毀了大量就業崗位。


One of the main causes of both the crises was the federal government’s action. This led to the choking of the overall investment. During this time, President Hoover signed the law sky-high Smoot-Hawley Tariff. As a result, a lot of damage was done to the trade and American exports. The cause of great recession had been first observed during the times of 1990’s when the government was forcing the homeownership. This was the rule even for the people who did not deserve the same. This was done with the help of the vengeance. The mortgage based securities led to the building of the dubious mortgage loans. Consequently, the housing market faced a huge downturn. This led to the collapse of a large number of banks. The desire of the government to uplift the banks and the corporations led to the creation of the condition related to uncertainty and instability which resulted in the widening of the recession.In spite of the huge spending done by the federal government, the rate of unemployment was constantly high There was the fluctuation of unemployment but recovery had never been observed.
By the end of the second term of President Roosevelt, the rate of unemployment was around 21 percent. It was stated by the Treasury Secretary that the overall spending was much more than before. But most of the FDR’ programs continued even with the increase of the annual budget. During the times of Obama, the unemployment rate was around 8 per cent but the same increased to around 10 per cent. His advisors was puzzled that in spite of the large spending, the unemployment rate didn’t slash. He argued that the money which he spent was saving the jobs which had been lost otherwise. It had been insisted by the critics of Obama and Roosevelt that it was impossible to spend the money out of a recession. In one of the new deals, it was observed by the economics writer Henry Hazlitt that the spending on the public works by the large extent destroyed a large number of jobs in comparison to what had been created.