标签存档: 英国作业代写



  所有留学生都希望自己的留学生涯一帆风顺,那么不论是平时的课堂学习还是作业的写作,同学们都要非常的上心了,因为英国大学的课堂作业和论文都是和成绩直接挂钩的。所以很多刚到英国的留学生一定要尽快掌握它们的写作格式,如果实在来不及完成也可以适当的找找英国 作业代写 。下面就为广大留学生们讲解一下英国论文作业的写作格式。

  1、平时的小作业有essay和report两种格式:essay — 结构分为introduction, main body, 和 conclusion. 不用太复杂的结构;Report —– 要有executive summary, 结构要求很高,文章分为几个部分,每个部分都要有大标题,下面还要有副标题,等等。

  2、References问题文章一定要有references (参考文献),就是引用别人文章中的观点,但是这个引用不能整段的直接用书上,网上的文章,或者杂志上的文章的内容。如果一段话中有超过三个词是引用的,就要表明references. (如果完全是用自己的语言将别人的观点说出来了,引用的词是两个或更少,就可以不用标出references.)如果整段要直接引用原话,要用引号标出,而且这样的引用的比率不能超过全文字数的5%。全文注明references的文字,就是引用的文字不能超过全文字数的30%.References(参考文献)可以是书,也可以是学术杂志上发表的文章,或者网上的文章,但是引用的文章最好大多数是近十年的文章,而且References一定要按照正确方法标注。英国百事通论文小编提醒大家References在文中是在文中用自己的话说出别人书中或文章中的内容后,用括号标出作者和年代,而在文后的references列表中一定要用Harvard references system的格式来标出参考文献。参考文献的数量也是有要求的,一般是每1000字要有5个references.

  3、字数问题字数也是要按照要求写的,否则会扣分文后的references列表和附录(appendix)是不算字的。比如,文章要求如果是4000字,那正文的字数就是4000 +/- 10% 字。如果要求no more than 4000 words, 那正文的字数就不能超过4000字。如果要求no less than 4000 words, 那正文的字数就不能少于4000字。如果要求4000-4500 words, 那正文的字数就要写4000-4500字之间。

  4、人称问题因为写的作业都属于学术文章,所以不能用第一人称(I, we, in my opinion,…)这样主观的说法,可以用被动语态。不能说I do sth,要说XX has been done…特别是写Report的时候,老师喜欢看到被动语句。

  5、Introduction和Executive summary的区别Introduction:不能在introduction说出文章的结论,introduction是对文章的要写内容的介绍,结构的介绍。Executive summary: 阐述文章得出的finding, conclusion, recommendations.




  如果问一名留学生,在国外留学的印象中最深刻的是什么,相信有很多同学的回答都是essay写作。看来几乎每一名留学生都有一份essay写作的血泪史,但在小编看来,essay并不像传说中那么可怕,因为我们还能找 留学生作业代写 啊,而且只要掌握一定的写作方法,凑出一篇符合要求的essay并不是很难,难的是如何才能得到高分。下面小编给大家带来一篇essay写作攻略,相信会对大家有所帮助。























公司的主要缺陷是董事的素质,董事虽然成功了,但是他们的背景不同,对公司的发展和对旅游公司的正确指导是不够的。董事没有任何旅游行业的经验,而且是本公司的新人,在为团队提供相关和必要的指导方面可能没有那么有用。高层管理薄弱,对组织及其商业模式缺乏足够的了解,团队的结果显然会转化为较弱的绩效和整体缺乏成为旅游业领导者的动力(Pugh & Mayle, 2009)。董事会成员必须能够为公司增加价值,而不是仅仅因为他们在不同领域的成就或拥有良好的过往经验而进入董事会。因此,董事会成员的选择是一个大问题,它不能指导团队以一种将使公司成为探险旅行领导者的方式工作。另外,财务业绩显示销售在逐渐增长,但净利润却在定期下降,说明成本因素在增长,或者无法控制成本的上升。

当成本上升,利润也必须上升,以保持底线的可持续和积极(Pettinger, 2002),这是可能的创新和智能营销,带来利润的核心专业知识或销售他们最好的产品。管理费用预计每年都在上升,这可能会扼杀利润的产生,给企业提高销售和利润的愿望带来更大压力。培训三名导游导游经验不足的导游,使其成为更有经验和经验丰富的旅游专业人员,提高服务水平。有三名员工,布朗尼,蒂娜和安德鲁,他们在旅游指南方面有非常丰富的经验,他们必须被提升为全职员工,而不是合同。理想情况下,任何企业都必须雇佣最优秀的人才,以便在不超出成本的情况下实现最大的生产力和组织目标。


The primary flaw in the company is the quality of directors which, though successful, are coming from different backgrounds which do not suffice to the progress and appropriate guidance to the travel company. The directors without any experience in the travel industry and are new to the company, may not be as useful in providing relevant and essential guidance to the team. The top management being weak and not possessing enough knowledge about the organisation and its business model, the results of the team will apparently convert into a weaker performance and overall lack of motivation to be a leader in the travel industry (Pugh & Mayle, 2009). The board members must be able to add value to the company and not just be on the board for their achievement in a different field or having a good past experience. Thus, the selection of board members is a big problem which does not direct the team to work in a way which will make the company a leader in adventure travel. In addition, the financial performance says that the sales are growing gradually but the net profit is declining on a regular basis, indicating the growth of the cost factor or its inability to control the rising cost.

When the cost goes up, the profit must go up as well so as to keep the bottom line sustainable and positive (Pettinger, 2002), which is possible with innovative and smart marketing, bringing in profits from their core expertise or selling their best products. The overheads are seen to be rising every year and this is probably killing the profit generation and putting more pressure on the business’ desire to improve its sales and profits. The three tour guides who have low experience in guiding are to be trained to become more experienced and seasoned travel professionals so as to improve the service standard. There are three employees, Brownie, Tina, and Andrew who have very high to high experience in travel guides and they must be promoted to full time employees and not be kept on contract. Ideally, any business must hire the best of talents so that it produces maximum productivity and the organisational objectives are easily achieved without any cost overrun.



几乎所有的昆虫都有很多天敌。防御共生体可以帮助宿主避免来自自然敌人的攻击。直接地说,由于细菌通常具有致病性基因,并产生具有毒素或阻抑作用的生物活性物质。在共生关系中,昆虫具有这些防御特性。间接地,共生可以刺激宿主启动免疫系统抵御入侵或“争夺”有限的宿主资源。这一领域是当前研究的热点。因为昆虫和共生体之间的相互作用可以用更高的营养水平来解释。汉密尔顿氏体防御已被确定为一种防御共生体之间的联系。pisum和寄生蜂Aphidius ervi。H.defensa降低了A.ervi的寄生率。对共生体基因型进行了分子水平的分析;说明毒性直接对拟寄生物幼虫产生负面影响。蚜虫携带h.s aphid的抗性是通过引起拟寄生物发育幼虫的死亡而获得的,而拟寄生物幼虫的死亡通常是由拟寄生物幼虫死亡引起的。

尽管有些蚜虫能成功地发育成成虫,但与没有防御系统的无共生蚜虫相比,它们的健康状况有所下降。大多数H. defensa菌株被认为对A. ervi具有保护作用。防御工蜂是一种生活在蚜虫共生体内的细菌。描述了昆虫王域菌与Photorhabdus之间的关系。与其他内共生体一致,它的重点是为蚜虫提供针对拟寄生物的保护。它也因烟粉虱的栖息地而闻名。这表明H. defensa保护蚜虫不受A. ervi的侵害。不同的H.defensa菌株具有不同程度的保护作用,从减少寄生小到完全覆盖。从克拉西沃拉蚜虫中分离出一株H.防御菌株,对A.ervi也有抗性。我们已经知道,一些直接的保护途径是通过毒素杀死蚜虫的寄生性幼虫。但有关诱导植物防御的间接保护途径会降低寄生蜂的引诱力的研究还很少。


Virtually all insects have a lot of natural enemies. Defensive symbionts can help their host avoid attacking from nature enemies. Directly, since bacteria usually possess pathogenicity genes and produce bio-active contents that function as toxins or deterrents. During symbiotic associations, insects will have these defensive properties. Indirectly, symbiont can stimulate to start the host immune system against invasions or “fight for” limited host resources. This area is real hot in current research. For the interactions between insects and symbionts can be explained in higher trophic levels.Hamiltonella defensa has been identified as a defensive symbiont in the association between A.pisum and parasitoid Aphidius ervi. The H.defensa reduced the rate of parasitism of A.ervi. The analyses of symbiont genotype on molecular level have been shown; it suggested that toxicity is directly giving negative impact to the parasitoid larva. The resistance of aphid carrying H.defensa is conferred by causing mortality of developing larvae of the parasitoid, which usually kill the parasitoid larva.

Although some will develop into adults successfully, compared to regular growth from the symbiont- free aphids without H.defensa, they suffer reducing fitness. Most strains of H. defensa are conferred to have protective function against A. ervi. H. Defensa is a bacteria living in a symbiont of aphids. It depicts the relationship between Regiella insecticola and Photorhabdus. In alignment with other endosymbionts, it focuses on providing protection to aphids against parasitoids. It is also well known for the habitation of Bemisia tabaci. This shows H. defensa protect aphids from A. ervi. Different H.defensa strains have different level of protecting effect, from small reduction of parasitism to being completely covered. One strain of H. defense have been isolated from aphids craccivora, also have resistance to A.ervi.21 It is already known that some about the direct protect pathway is via toxin to kill parasitoid larva in the aphids. But about indirect protect pathway of inducing plant defenses will reduce attraction of parasitoid wasps is known little.



墨西哥的Sierra Gorda遗址是一个生物圈保护区,因为里面生活着大量的高质量和数量的物种。这里是30多种鸟类、6种猫科动物和黑熊的家园,它们在这一地区繁衍生息。这里遍布着崎岖的山脉、郁郁葱葱的山谷和垂直的洞穴。这些都形成了一种罕见的存在,通常在这个地区繁荣发展的物种将在内部受到保护。该地区有超过10万人,分布在700个社区,他们的唯一生计是伐木,他们赖以生存和进步(Pineda & Brebbia, 2012)。困境在这种情况下是地区内的物种是重要的保护该地区生活社区繁荣的森林地区生存是平衡整个地区的保护,不允许一个完整的滥用该地区商业利益(Perez-Arce,2006)。该地区应该受到保护,因为它对维持城市和国家的气候至关重要,因为它确实会影响降雨,以及完全依赖该地区本身的各种食物和物种。



The Sierra Gorda site in Mexico is a biosphere reserve due to the extensive quality and number of species living inside. The site is home to more than 30 species of birds, six feline species, and black bears species who thrive on the region, and the site is full of rugged mountains, lush valleys, and vertical caves. These all form a rare presence and the species in general who thrive on this region are to be protected inside. There are more than 100,000 people spread across 700 communities who live in the region whose sole livelihood is the wood-cutting from which they survive and progress(Pineda & Brebbia, 2012).The dilemmas in this case is that the species inside the region which are important for the protection of the region and the living communities who thrive on the forest region for their survival is to be balanced with the protection of the entire region and not allow a complete misuse of the region for commercial interests(Perez-Arce, 2006). The region is to be protected because it is essential for maintaining the climate of the city and the country as it does impact the rainfalls, and the various food and species that are solely dependent on the region itself.

The communities living are also the local ones whose forefathers were the original settlers and it is an unethical act to ask them to vacate the region and live elsewhere. Thus, the problem is dual where a suitable decision is to be taken to provide justice to both the requirements of the dilemma, such that it does not become a biased decision. The primary decision which is possible here is to allow certain wood cutting but then ask the local community to keep on planting new plants which will sustain the oxygen level and not deplete the good quality of air. On the other hand, the protection of areas must be handed over to the local people in addition and association with the forest authorities and conservationists who will take care of the region by disallowing any activity which is environmentally harming and sows the seed of discomfort for the region’s natural subsistence. The decision making model used is rational, since the model provides a clear description of the dilemma, clear description of the problems, and a suitable justified decision for both which does not harm anyone or weighs the long term and short term costs and benefits of the decision.





英国作业代写 :如何提高essay阅读写作速度




  2. 一次只看一个单词

  有的同学是逐词逐词地看,一眼只看一个单词,这样做,不仅速度慢, 而且可能会出现这样一种情形:每个单词都认识,但整句话就是理解不了。








经典的蓝色牛仔类型我夹克首次出现在1900年年初的和已知的506 xx批号。这1936 1型夹克从李维斯复古服装由世界著名的锥生边牛仔工厂改变了世界所有的认可。它与传播领100%保证棉花和按钮门襟与柄螺栓前面按钮(阿克,1997)。让李维斯夹克其标志性的外观是其直接配合和倒塔克可调有把握的事情。这个有把握的事情也被称为“夹子”和位于较低的中心的夹克。早在1900年- 1930年的银扣使用但自1940年以来的李维斯开始使用铜扣的成本效率。其他细节包括褶前和沿着室内门襟边工作。


夹克首次出现在1905年,被称为“上衣”,直到1930年底。这意味着作为一种防护服恭维粗犷的牛仔马裤。最初的李维斯506 xx夹克是由9盎司牛仔。逐渐这single-pocketed buckle-back夹克被称为“1型,”,慢慢地演变成熟悉的双将版本在1962年盛行至今。


The classic blue denim type I jacket first appeared in the early 1900’s and known by its 506XX lot number.  This 1936 Type 1 Jacket from Levi’s Vintage Clothing made from raw selvedge denim from the world famous Cone Mills transformed the world beyond all recognition. It is 100% guaranteed cotton with spread collar and button front placket with shank stud buttons (Aaker,1997). What gives the Levi’s jacket its iconic look is its straight fit and inverted tuck with an adjustable cinch back. This cinch back is also called as “clincher” and is located at lower centre of the jacket. Earlier in 1900’s – 1930’s silver buckles were used but since 1940’s Levi’s started using bronze buckles for its cost effectiveness. Other details include pleated front and selvedge works along the interior placket.

Levi’s world famous Type I jacket stands as a perfect epitome of the American work culture and lifestyle. It often symbolizes as the unofficial uniform of the working class. The most unique and glorious thing about the jacket is its simplicity yet elegancy. One doesn’t have to be a Levi’s super-fan to appreciate the intricate work that has gone into it. It is hard to not to notice the beautiful exposed copper rivets, knife pleats and the bovine leather patch.

The jacket first appeared around 1905, and was referred to as “blouse” until late 1930’s. It was meant as a kind of protective clothing to compliment rugged denim pantaloons. The original Levi’s 506XX jacket was made from 9 oz. denim. Gradually this single-pocketed, buckle-back jacket became known as the “Type 1,” and slowly evolved into the familiar double pocketed version in 1962 which is prevailing till date.








The two key aspects that determine the liability to Australian tax are residence and source of income. Any taxpayer, whether is an individual or a company residing in Australia, is liable to pay taxes on any income that is earned from sources which are either in or out of Australia. If a person is not a resident of Australia, then he/she is only liable to pay taxes on income earned from Australian sources (McBurney, n.d.).  The criterion that determines whether a person is a resident for tax purposes is different from the criteria used by the Department of Immigration and Multicultural Affairs. Resident Australian citizens are eligible tax-free threshold of up to $18,200. The non-residents of Australia do not have the eligibility of tax-free threshold (Taxpayer.com, 2013).

The criteria that are considered for tax purposes are:

The person has come to Australia with the intention of living there or the person has been in living in Australia for more than half of the year. This does not apply if the person has a house overseas and if the person has no intention to live in Australia (McBurney, n.d.).

Tax accounting is based on the financial year that is from 1 July to 30 June of the next year. Income received from business is generally characterized as income from business in a two-step process; if the taxpayer states that he/she is carrying a business and the income is earned from that and they are not earned from other activities. The income earned on a business is taxable under s 6-5 of ITAA 1997. Under this section, the income earned from non-business activities is not taxable.