


企业面临许多风险,这些风险必须加以处理。例如,组织各级、被收购方和被收购方的沟通不畅可能会导致冲突。组织中的人可能没有注意到收购的战略路径,并可能抵制这种变化(Datta, 1991)。如果在信息共享方面没有适当的透明度,员工在工作场所就会变得不安全,可能会倾向于担心自己的工作和职业前途。虽然保留一些资源和放弃其他资源是必要的,但管理层应该在任何计划中保持透明,以确保员工的士气不会下降。组织内部可能存在文化冲突。

同样,也可能存在领导冲突、工作过程-过程冲突等(Buono, and Bowditch, 2003)。最后,可能会给最终涉众(如消费者)带来风险。在进行收购的过程中,将会有过多的变更管理计划,但是这不应该成为消费者质量不一致的原因(Ranft & Lord, 2002)。ALK国际应该进行收购。ALK International在进行收购时,将非常符合其战略计划,而且ALK International和KO可以通过合并而共同获益。然而,在任何收购中都存在风险和内在冲突,因此建议进行适当的规划。


There are many risks for the organization and these have to be handled. For instance, the presence of poor communication at all levels of the organization, the one being acquired and the one acquiring could lead to conflicts. People in the organization might not be mindful of the strategic path of the acquisition and might resist the change (Datta, 1991).Where there is no proper transparency in the sharing of information, employees will become insecure in the workplace, might tend to worry about their jobs and their career future in the workplace. While it is necessary to keep some resources and let go of others, the management should be transparent in whatever plan they have so as to ensure employee morale does not go down. There could be cultural conflicts within the organization.

Similarly, there could be leadership conflicts, workplace process-procedure conflicts and more (Buono, and Bowditch, 2003).Finally, there could be risks to the end stakeholders such as the consumers. There will be an excess of change management initiatives going on which the acquisition is taking place, but this should not be a reason for any quality inconsistencies to the consumer (Ranft & Lord, 2002).ALK International should make the acquisition. ALK International will be quite within its strategies plan when making the acquisition, furthermore, it ALK international and KO could both reap benefits by coming together. However, there are risks and inherent conflicts in any acquisition and proper planning is recommended here.