
薪酬最高的演員羅伯特·唐尼(Robert Downey)在2014年賺了7500萬美元。 2014年,收入最高的女演員是安吉麗娜·朱莉,年收入3300萬美元。女職業運動員不能掙這麼多錢。此外,職業球員或運動員也從很小的時候就開始打球,因此犧牲了其他東西而不是運動。他們甚至比其他職業的人更早退休。當運動員在年輕的時候開始他們的職業生涯,他們無法繼續他們的教育,因為他們開始從事體育運動,他們的學院/大學因此被忽視。此外,體育運動員的職業生涯可以在一瞬間結束。例如,亨德森的腿受傷了,之後他就不能為其他球隊踢球了。身體健康在一個職業運動員的職業生涯中扮演著重要的角色,因為它可以犧牲他們的職業生涯。


A high level of performance in required from the professional athletes. The job of the athletes is always under pressure, as they have to bear the pressure from the audience, fans, and teams. A high performance needs to be shown by the athletes in the field, in order to advance in their career. Moreover, if the earnings of the big football and cricket stars are calculated, they are much less than what they should be receiving. The clubs of the professional football players earn a healthy amount of money at the expense of the professional athletes. By looking at the salary of the players who are making their club earn so much through their talents and skills, it will be realized that these professional players are not being paid enough and in fact, most of the money directly goes to the management of the club rather than to the professional player. Professional players attract heavy sponsorships for their teams and clubs. By comparing the professional athletes with the movie stars or musicians, it is evident that the movie stars are paid in millions per episode which much more than the professional athletes.
The highest paid actor, Robert Downey, made $75 million in the year 2014. The highest paid female actress was Angelina Jolie in the year 2014, who made $33 million. Female professional athletes are not able to earn such a high amount. Moreover, the professional players or athletes also start playing at a very young age, thus sacrificing other things over sports. They even retire earlier than the people in other professions. When players start their career at a young age, they are unable to continue their education, as they start playing sports and their college/university is neglected as a result. Furthermore, the career of a sports athlete can end in a split second. For example, EJ Henderson had a leg injury, after which he was unable to play for any other team. Physical fitness plays a significant role in the career of a professional athlete as it can cost them their career.