



由于“金砖四国”(BRIC,巴西、俄罗斯、印度和中国)的崛起,有大量的企业进入中国市场。这导致现有的产品比它们的生产更快地过时。Radio Shack的典型消费者是多重市场人口统计。由于可供人们选择,买主一般都有很大的权力。越来越多的人把注意力转向购买产品,供应商的议价能力很低。买方的激烈竞争对公司产生了复杂的影响。市场上发现了高水平的替代产品。这最终导致了公司的破产。竞争日益激烈,替代产品水平较高(Lavelle, Folger, and (Manegold, 2014)。


Another reason for the company was the weak sales in the wireless customer service. When it was introduced in 2000, there was high consumer support for these products. Eventually smart phones such as Apple and service providers started to provide cheaper services. Since the product concentration had turned only to mobile service, there was a huge decline in the sales. 50% of the sales of the company were depending on the wireless. The key management decisions that lacked in innovation and stiff competition was the reason for the company to fail. These factors lead to the company shares reaching “buy” rating and lead to the eventual decrease in sales and the stock price fell down steadily for the company. In the case of Meso environmental factors the Porters’ five force analysis can be used to make a systematic analysis.

There were a high number of entrants due to the rising of the BRIC (Brazil, Russia, India and China) nations. This caused the existing product to become obsolete faster than their production. Typical consumers of Radio Shack were multiple market demography. There was a general high power given to the buyers because of the choices available for the people. Growing number of people had shifted focus towards buying the products .The suppliers bargaining powers was low. The intensive competition of the buyers led to mixed effects towards the company. High level of substitute products was found in the markets. This had led to the company to fail eventually. There was rising competitions and high level of substitute products (Lavelle, Folger, and (Manegold, 2014).