


在这两本小说中,“黑暗”在第一章结束前都被用了很多时间。两本书的主要区别在于结果。温斯顿·史密斯最终成为政府结构的牺牲品,以至于他无法从书的最初部分被认出来。另一方面,理查德选择了牺牲自己的传统风格(Cohn 39)。这反映了以一个有价值的目标实现现有可能性的范围,让读者相信这个案例。

1951年,欧内斯特·米勒·海明威(50岁)写下“人不是为失败而生,一个人可以被打败,但不能被打败”在他最著名的中篇小说《老人与海》中。人们开始仔细地审视自己,看自己是否下定决心要读它。然而,在另一部小说《一九八四》问世四年之前,它还是一个地雷。它不仅破坏了一个人的尊严,也破坏了它的人性。那些反乌托邦式的小说,比如1984年的《动物庄园》和《勇敢的新世界》(Huxley 34),让几代人重新思考关于社会、国家和世界命运的更大问题。


In both the novels, “dark” has been used a number of time prior to the ending first chapter. The major difference between both the books is the outcome. Winston Smith ends up becoming a prey to the structure of government such that he cannot be recognized as the protagonist from the initial parts of the book. On the other hand, Richard made the choice of sacrificing himself gung-ho stereotypical fashion (Cohn 39). This reflects the scope for achievement of existing possibility with a worthy goal allowing the reader to believe the case.

In 1951, Ernest Miller Hemingway (50) wrote down “People are not made for defeat, and a man can be defeat but not defeated” in his most known novella The Old Man and the Sea. People began to closely examine themselves whether they are determined to their aspiration after reading it. However, four years before another novel, Nineteen Eighty-Four, came out as a landmine. It not only defeats a person’s dignity but also destroys its humanness. Those dystopian novels, like 1984 and Animal Farm and Brave New World (Huxley 34), make generations of people to rethink greater things over themselves about the destiny of societies, counties and the world.