




1. Problem related to work-life balance: With increase in responsibilities, employees feel the pressure in co-coordinating their professional life with the personal one. Competition is becoming stiffer between companies in present economy, which make the organizations demand more from its employees. To keep employee cost in check often companies make their employees perform multiple tasks. The problem of workload comes into picture especially under longer work hour requirements or even asking workers to work in weekends. The choice between professional life and personal life creates trouble which gets compounded in the course of time. After a point of tolerance the employee gives up doing the difficult task of balancing two lives and quits the job.
2. Problem with the organization: Organization related problems arise when the management becomes inefficient in resource planning. Continuous restructuring and reshuffling creates uncertainty about the overall direction of the organization. It also creates a distance between the organizational vision and employee’s perception about the purpose of their role. Change in priorities and lack of clear communication results in annoyance which then leads towards inadequacy and finally resignation.