


这场辩论是历史性的,批评者认为不平等的机会。维克多的故事不仅仅是一些女孩,来自一个大城市和小镇面临的社会压力。大多数美国学校种族隔离和数以百万计的白人学生被给予额外的设施。甚至通过提供这些机会的大部分高中学生不能毕业的高中。除了这个问题像高中生吸烟比率的增加。据统计高位学校大多数的学生开始吸烟是因为原因引起的焦虑来自同辈的压力和好看的压力在其他女孩。这样的压力在青少年发展和成长在严重的焦虑和成瘾问题。个人对少数民族的思维方式生活在美国仍然存在。这种思维方式的种子从一代到另一个地方。还在这个国家的许多地区传统的白人认为少数民族低阶级和避难所居住在美国波洛克(223)。这是胜利者的故事中观察到当她朋友的父亲叫她波多黎各女孩和他的儿子不应该与她约会只是因为她是棕色的。美丽的理念心里仍在大多数人特别是女孩缺席。不仅男人,女人也认为黑色是类越来越低的类。维克多解释说,她在早期的年龄和遭受的压力看起来不错,这个元素使她忘记,集中对其他积极的方面她的性格就像研究。“当她来到了大学成为异国同学在她不同的颜色(棕色)和有一个诱人的吸引力。多社会生活她需要稳定生活”(Mcquade 341)。


This debate is historic and critics argue about the unequal opportunities in the country. Story of victor is not just about some girl that comes from small town to a big city and faces social pressures. Most of the schools in United States are segregated and millions of the white students are given additional facilities. Even by providing these opportunities most of the high school students cannot graduate the high school. Apart from this issues like increase in smoking among the high school students. According to statistic most of the students in highs school start smoking because of anxiety caused by reasons like pressure from the peer and the pressure of looking good among other girls. Pressures like this develop during the teen and grow in to serious anxiety and addiction issues. The mind set of individuals about minorities living in US is still present. The seeds of this mind set are transferred from one generation to another. Still in many parts of the country traditional white people consider minorities as low class and refuges living in United States (Pollock 223). This was observed in the story of Victor when her friend’s father called her Puerto girl and his son should not go on a date with her just because she was brown. The concept of beauty in the mind is still absent in most of individuals especially girls. Not only men but women also consider color black as class less and low class. Victor explained that she suffered in her early age and had pressure to look good and this element made her forget and concentrate about other positive aspects of her personality like good in studies. “When she came to the college she becomes exotic to her fellow students as she was of different color (brown) and had a seductive appeal. More than social life she needed stability in her life” (Mcquade 341).