

布莱恩,杰克逊& Hartig断言,当威利男孩在与萨特的抗争,包括Berniece扮演“我想让你帮助我,”(254)和敦促他们的祖先求助。威利承认他非洲连接和遗产的重要性,返回到南,并鼓励Berniese继续弹钢琴,否则他或萨特的鬼魂可能再现。Berniece呼吁整个黑人社区的精神,唤起深埋在她的心的African-ness通过玩“沙沙作响的风吹过两大洲,“钢琴(255)。它指的是精神链接连接北美和非洲失去了在白人的压迫(苔藓&富兰克林,83)。Berniece交感神经力量从她古老的非洲祖先崇拜的实践并通过与本土非洲大陆。



Jackson, Bryer, & Hartig aver that when Willie boy involves in struggle with Sutter, Berniece plays “I want you to help me,” (254) and urges their ancestors for help. Willie acknowledges the importance of his African connection and legacy, returns back to south and encourages Berniese to keep playing piano, otherwise he or Sutter’s ghost may reappear. Berniece calls upon the spirits of whole African-American community and evokes deep buried African-ness from her heart by playing “A rustle of wind blowing across two continents,” (255) on piano. It refers to the spiritual link connecting North America and Africa which was lost during white’s repression (Moss & Franklin, 83). Berniece rejuvenates strength from her ancient African practice of ancestor worship and rekindles relation with native continent Africa.

‘The piano lesson’ is a medium to teach lesson to the entire African-American community on how should they compromise and make peace with their history despite migrating and resettling at new places. Though Berniece tried to overlook her family history, she was left with no choice than playing a piano in climax when she acknowledges the power in understanding, accepting and respecting her roots, heritage and values. From this historical phenomenon depicted in Wilson’s play, the playwright reinstates that African Americans should admire and celebrate their past no matter how delightful or agonizing it is. Just as Boy Willie reckons the prominence of piano above the materialistic gains and Berniece conquers her fears to use her legacy, Wilson vividly stresses on honouring our ancestors, cherishing memories, portraying historical events and preserving culture, and heritage to record black experience and pass it on to the next generations to help them build future with optimism, peace, security and harmony.