



因此,我的结论是,责任控制气候变化更多的是发达国家和发达国家的肩上,像印度这样的发展中国家,中国和世界其他地区仍在努力满足他们的食物、住所的基本需求,服装和基本的教育是不可能没有工作机会最大的公民创造这些国家的这些国家,这需要巨大的产业化发展。另外,在我们的研究中我们发现,工业国家排放的温室气体相比,像中国和印度国家的发展。因此,发达国家有最大的责任以这样一种方式,气候变化可以减少,也指导发展中国家如何避免污染气候通过技术转让(相关科学家联盟,no date未注明出版日期)。这是通常被称为作为气候正义和公平,因为它强调,所有的这些国家今天的成功是造成过去对环境的巨大破坏的事实,并采取纠正措施来清洁环境,停止对环境的任何进一步的损害他们的道德责任。例如,使用沼气、可再生能源、更清洁的能源形式,如太阳能、水力发电等,应比传统的能源形式,如原油和煤炭更为广泛。如果富裕国家将引导发展中国家使用这些替代能源,那么我们相信地球一定会成为一个更好的生活场所。


One of the reports of 2005 by Reuters says that one of the Chinese energy firms plans to invest $2.48 billion in next five years in other alternative energy projects, treatment of waste and garbage, biomass, etc.

On the other hand India rewards those companies through carbon credits which can be exchanged for money i.e. which can be sold by that company to any other company which is causing pollution in the environment.

Thus, I would conclude that the responsibility to control climate change is more on the shoulders of developed and rich nations as developing nations like India, China and rest of the world are still struggling to meet their basic needs of food, shelter, clothing and basic education which is not possible without development of these countries and this required huge industrialization in these countries with job opportunities created for maximum citizens. Also, in our research we have found out that industrial nations have emitted more greenhouse gases when compared to developing nations like China and India. Thus, rich countries have the biggest responsibility to act in such a way that climate change can be reduced and also guide developing nations how to avoid polluting the climate through technology transfer (Union of Concerned Scientists, n.d). This is often termed as climate justice and equity because it emphasises on the fact that all those nations which are successful today have caused huge damage to the environment in the past and it is their moral duty to take corrective measures now to clean the environment and stop any further damage to the environment. For example- use of biogas, renewable forms of energy, cleaner forms of energy like solar energy, hydro power, etc should be more used when compared to traditional forms of energy like crude and coal. If the rich nations will guide the developing nations about use of these alternate forms of energy, then we are sure that this earth will definitely become a better place to live.