





HA has been facing numerous changes in the last few years due to the healthcare policy reforms and changing expectations from the people. These changes have truly affected the organization as well as the workforce. Strategic plan for nursing services development has been developed every 5 year to in line with the HA strategic plan, and outlined the directions and strategies that nursing services in HA are pursuing in the coming years. The strategic foci of the previous two strategic plans for nursing services development 2006 to 2010 and 2010 to 2015, focused on (i) strengthening community and primary healthcare, (ii) developing of leadership, (iii) improving positive practice environment, (iv) empowering the patient associated programs, v) developing sustainable care practices, vi) enriching the hospital infrastructure and (vii) enhancing the capability and competence of nursing workforce.Every year, there is a change in the nursing and health care plan because of the responsiveness of the patients. This strategic plan will have the capacity to accommodate and answer such changes.

The strategic plan 2016 to 2022 (Plan) leverages on the progress and evolvement from the previous strategic plans and responds to the present and emerging environment. The Plan will recommend ways to cope with future demand for healthcare manpower, strengthen professional training and facilitate professional development, with a view to ensuring sufficient healthcare manpower to meet the additional demand for services brought by the continuous rapid changing needs of the society and healthcare delivery system. Leadership development is the primary focus to empower the community and primary healthcare sector. However, it is equally important to develop positive practice environment. Such environment is influenced by three factors i) workforce planning ii) research and specialty development iii) nursing imageThese can create a revolution in the nursing environment. Further to the chapters in SARS and also the CGM(N) meeting understanding, the MSDC Paper No. 173 has insisted the need to enhance nurses due to the vulnerability of healthcare sector to sudden changes.