
與績效低的組織相比,績效高的組織更有可能在更高的範圍內進行可持續性實踐。此外,必須更加重視與可持續性有關的品質,也必須將所有可持續性的品質保持在適度的範圍內。麥肯錫在2010年進行的一項調查顯示,從長遠來看,減少或管理氣候變化風險並沒有對企業推動關鍵問題的能力給予很高的評價(Akisik et al., 2011)。在這項調查中,被視為推動商業問題的一個關鍵因素是有效地解決基於監管的限制。這進而表明,未來的監管有助於提高與氣體排放等相關問題的重要性。

很明顯,組織實施戰略可持續性的範圍與他們從可持續性舉措中看到可衡量優勢的範圍之間存在相關性(Keeble et al., 2013)。這意味著,各組織採用這種可持續戰略的比率越高,它們就越能在最大程度上設想長期可衡量的利益。要以最有效和最成功的方式實施可持續發展戰略,需要具備三種品質。這些品質包括高層管理者對可持續性的可見支持,深度持有企業與可持續性一致的價值觀,並將可持續性放在企業整體戰略的中心位置。


In comparison to organizations which are low in performance, organizations which are high in performance have more likeliness of engaging in practices of sustainability to a much higher range. Also, it is essential to attach more significance towards qualities related to sustainability and it is also essential to have all qualities of sustainability to a moderate range. According to a survey conducted by McKinsey in the year 2010, reduction or management of the climate change risks was not rated highly with regard to the ability of driving essential issues of businesses in the long term (Akisik et al., 2011). In this survey, what was seen as an essential factor to drive issues of business was addressing regulation based restrictions effectively. This in turn results in suggesting that regulations in future can help in driving up the significance of issues related to, for example, gas emissions.

It is evident that there is a correlation between the range to which organizations implement strategic sustainability and the range till which they visualize measurable advantages from initiatives of sustainability (Keeble et al., 2013). This implies that, the higher the rate of adoption of such sustainable strategies by organizations, the maximum the extent is till which they visualize benefits measurably in the long term. For implementing a sustainability strategy in the most effective and successful sense, there are 3 qualities. These qualities are inclusive of visible support of top management towards sustainability, deeply holding values of corporate consistently with sustainability and placing sustainability centrally to overall strategy of corporate.