


企业社会责任(CSR)是一个概念,组织必须考虑社会感知到的利益,同时承担其活动对环境、社区、股东、员工和客户的影响,并与关键运营的每一个方面相关联(Jenkins, 2005)。主要的义务被认为是超越了遵守法律的法定义务,在更大的环境中看到企业组织采取额外的步骤来改善员工和家庭的生活质量,以及社会和当地社区。在20世纪70年代,CSR一词被广泛使用,尽管很少有缩写出现。利益相关者指的是那些受组织活动影响的群体,这个术语用于描述股东群体以外的公司所有者。

大量的商业组织在发布年度财务报告的同时也发布了企业社会责任报告。企业社会责任报告主要关注的是非财务性质的社会活动,而且大多倾向于在全自然中做出积极的贡献(Du et al., 2010)。企业社会责任引起了许多争论,一些人声称企业社会责任似乎是在挑选好的活动,其中有公司的关键参与,而忽略了坏的活动。因此,企业社会责任必须在更大的范围内处理,使企业的形象和声誉成为一个对环境或社会负责的组织。此外,还有一些人认为这可能会抑制自由市场平台(Carter and Jennings, 2004)。


CSR is a concept in which organizations have to take into consideration the interests perceived by the society, while taking up the responsibility the effect of their activities on the environment, communities, shareholders, employees and customers in context with each and every aspect of the key operations (Jenkins, 2005). The key obligation is known to be extending beyond statutory obligation for complying with legislation, and seeing the business organization taking up addition steps for an improvement in the quality of life for the employees and the families along with the society and the local community in the larger setting. There had been a common utilization of the term CSR itself in the years of 1970s, even though there had been an involvement of seldom abbreviation. Stakeholders are referred to as those groups who are affected by the activities of the organization, and this term was used for describing corporate owners beyond the group of shareholders.

A large number of business organizations have been seen issuing a report of CSR along with their yearly financial report. The report of CSR has key concentration on the social activities that are non- financial by the nature, and mostly tend to be making contribution positively all across nature (Du et al., 2010). CSR has attracted the attention of a number of debates as it has been claimed by some that CSR seems to deal to pick out the good activities, in which there is key involvement of the company, while ignoring the bad activities. Thus, CSR has to deal with the better scope for businesses greenwash their image and reputation as an environmentally or socially responsible organization. In addition, a number of others have argued that this tends to be inhibiting free market platforms (Carter and Jennings, 2004).