


雨水收集是全球家庭和农业利用雨水的一种有效方法。这个过程已经使用了几十年。然而,技术进步有助于在社会发展项目中提供流动水。该技术在城市和半城市地区都有广泛的应用,这些地区对供水和可用水质的依赖较少。几十年来,雨水收集一直被用于确保家庭和农业用途的住宅和农田不间断供水(Ahmed, Masry, Saleh & Nada, 2013, p. 71)。在技术革新城市供水系统之前,雨水从建筑物的屋顶收集并储存在储罐中。然而,随着科技的发展,雨水作为家庭供水的主要来源,获得了本质。
雨水收集量随地点而异。例如,在加勒比群岛,雨水是最重要的供水资源,用于公共建筑、家庭和度假村的餐饮用水需求。因此,雨水在技术的帮助下收集,然后提供给公众使用后的过滤过程。该工艺流程进一步改善了供水条件,显著改善了水质。收集的雨水经过几个阶段的过滤和技术处理,确保水是卫生和安全的饮用水以及。雨水收集过程导致了水土流失和洪水的减少(Azoulay, 2016)。这是因为水从屋顶被转移到收集槽。


Rain water harvesting is an effective method used for utilization of rain water for household and agricultural use across the globe. The process has been in use for decades now. However, technological advancement has helped in providing portable water in social development projects. The technique has wide application in both urban and semi-urban areas where there is less reliance on water supply and quality of water available in the region. For over decades, rain water harvesting has been used for ensuring uninterrupted water supply to domestic houses and farmlands for household and agricultural purposes (Ahmed, Masry, Saleh & Nada, 2013, p. 71). Before technology revolutionized city water systems, rain water was collected from building’s roof and stored in storage tanks. However, with the advent of technology, rain water gained essence as primary source of water supply in households.
The quantum of rain water harvesting differs with location. For example, in Caribbean Islands, rain water is the most important water supply resource for catering water requirements of public buildings, homes and resorts. Thus, rain water is collected with the help of technology and then supplied to general public for use after filtration process. The technological process has further aided ease in water supply and improved water quality significantly. The collected rain water passes through several stages of filtration and technological treatment ensures that water is hygienic and safe for drinking purposes as well. The rain water harvesting process has resulted in decline in soil erosion and flooding (Azoulay, 2016). This is because of the fact that water is diverted from building roofs into collection tanks.