


为了确保目标的实现,获得市场份额,建立行业领导地位,引入产品,更快的创新对于提高公司的能力,同时应对特定产品不断增长的需求是至关重要的(Moore, 532)。为产品、Raid驱虫剂,公司可以考虑切断产品的开发周期从两个月到一个月,因此给予回应要求更好的质量和更健康的选择增加驱虫剂喷雾,少刺激引起在其利用快速开发新产品以及定期引入对成功有至关重要的影响在今天的市场竞争。

这需要大量的管理实践的参与,以增强SNPD并及时的引入市场,而SNPD的角色可以被审查以确定公司的竞争优势,同时与渐进式和突破性创新模式相关(Moore, 535)。第三,这需要确定有效的方法,以重新设计促进SNPD的管理和创新决策过程。这进一步需要利用SNPD的好处。组织将确保产品的用户友好性,同时确保目标市场和潜在目标市场的每个客户都能负担得起价格。该产品也可以被认为适合儿童使用,保持有效的包装和无害的香味。


For ensuring the achievement of objectives, it is crucial for acquiring share in the market and establishing leadership of industry, introduction of product, and faster innovation for increasing the ability of the company while responding the increased demand of a specific product (Moore, 532). For the product, Raid Bug Repellent, the company can consider cutting off the development cycle of the product from two months to just one month, thus giving response to the increased requirement for better quality and healthier options of Bug Repellent Spray such that less irritation is caused during its utilization Speedy development of new product along with regular introduction of having critical implications for successfully competing in the market of today.

This requires major involvement of managerial practices for the enhancement of SNPD and timely introduction of market, while the role of SNPD can be reviewed to determine the competitive edge of the company, while being in relation with incremental and breakthrough patterns of innovation (Moore, 535). Third, this requires the identification of effective approach in order to redesign managerial and innovative processes of decision making for the promotion of SNPD. This further requires to leverage the benefits of SNPD. The organization will be ensuring to maintain the user friendliness of the product, while ensuring to keep affordable prices for each and every customer from the target market and the potential target market. The product can also be considered as suitable for being used by children, maintaining effectiveness of packaging along with fragrances that are harmless.