

根据国家环境信息中心的定义,El Nino和Southern振荡也被称为ENSO,它是海面温度周期性波动的一种形式,它对海平面以上大气压力的影响。邓等(2010)认为,气候变化对ENSO的影响,对农业生产产生了显著的影响,进而对农业收入和粮食价格产生不利影响,从而影响了国家的经济。


本文重点论述了ENSO对江西水稻生产的影响,被认为是中国主要的水稻生产省份。Chen, Feng & Wu(2013)在这方面指出,由于江西是中国最贫困的省份,因此作物生产的变化会增加农作物的价格,危害农村的收入和国家的粮食安全。因此,本文的重点将是对厄尔尼诺和南方振荡对中国经济状况的影响进行研究(Dijk et al., 2013)。


As per the definitions of National Centers for Environmental Information, El Nino and Southern Oscillation which is also known as ENSO is a form of periodic fluctuation on the sea surface temperature and the effect on the air pressure of the atmosphere present above the sea surface. According to Deng et al. (2010), the climate changes occurring between the years with effect to ENSO, significantly impacts the agricultural production which in turn negatively affects the agricultural income and the food prices thereby impacting the economy of the country.

The essay here focuses on the impact of ENSO on the rice production of Jiangxi in China, which is considered to be the major rice producing province of the country. Chen, Feng & Wu (2013) in this regard stated that since Jiangxi is economically the poorest provinces of China, hence the changes in the crop production increase the crop prices and jeopardize the rural incomes and the food security of the country. Thus, the major focus of the essay will be to evaluate the ongoing research regarding the impact of the El Nino and Southern Oscillation on the economic conditions of China (Dijk et al., 2013).