



Human rights from the perspective of the conventional accounts tend to observe them as given by God or as natural and they also look at them as providing the base for the responsibilities borne by the states. The grounds for the creation of rights are based on the responsibilities which we owe to other members of the human moral community so as to protect the vulnerable individuals. It is because of the fact that the people are vulnerable and valuable that they have rights. Moreover, various other members of the moral community have the power and capability to make an impact based on their interest either for the ill or good (Rorty, 1996). On this view, human rights are moral constructs that are designed for the protection of the people from the institutionalized and most common forms of systematic oppressions. States are only one among the several kinds of institutions to give the responsibility for protecting, observing and the fulfillment of human rights, even though the primary responsibilities for the protection and observation of human rights is on the government. The basis for the moral obligation to prevent and oppose oppression is the shared social responsibility to protect the vulnerable among us. Thus, this would render the construction of human right and the institutions that are associated with its implementation.