


3.家庭构成,即居住在家中的人以及家庭成员可以花在优质食物上的可支配收入的数额是评估家庭是否存在粮食安全的决定性因素。通常认为收入较少的人瘦弱,但现代人只能购买低质量食物的人也会变得肥胖。这是由于缺乏优质食品。反式脂肪和其他脂肪酸更便宜的食物(Burns 2004)。这种相关性证明,粮食安全完全依赖于房屋成员和可支配收入。

4.相对社会经济劣势指数(IRSD):该指数专门讲述生活在该地区的人们在社会和经济方面的劣势。低分指数是指生活中缺陷最多的人。高分人员对他们造成的不便程度最低。这个分数总体上说明了两极的平均值。 (Adams et al。,2009)这个指数评分可以让研究人员全面了解社区人民的生活。从本质上理解,生活得分低的人将具有较少的购买能力并且较少购买优质食物。根据收集的数据发现,Boroondora是最弱势的社区,Brimbank是三个LGA中处境最不利的群体。


5.维多利亚时代的食物篮子是一种调查工具,用于确定一个地区内人们可获得的营养和饮食的支出,质量和分类。在维多利亚州,它基本上有44种基本的食物组和非核心食物组,用于四种家庭系统。 (Palermo,&Wilson,2007)这个工具并不被认为是绝对的,但它被用作一个标记来确定这些家庭用他们拥有的资源进食的健康程度。使用这种调查工具分析和理解维多利亚州人口遇到的可行性和食物问题。


3. Household composition i.e. people living in the house and the amount of disposable income that the household members can spend on quality food are the determining factors to assess if food security exists in the household. It is usually assumed that the people who have less income are thin but in modern times the people who can only purchase low quality foods become obese as well. This is due to lack of quality foods. The cheaper foods are high in trans fat and other fatty acids (Burns 2004). This correlation proves that food security is exclusively dependent on the members in the house and their disposable income.

4. Index of Relative Socio-economic Disadvantage (IRSD): This index speaks exclusively about the socially and economically disadvantages of a people living in the area. Low score index refers to people who are living with the most shortcomings. High score people have the least amount of inconveniences stacked up against them. This score speaks about average of the two poles in general. (Adams et al., 2009) This index score can give the researcher an overall view of the life’s of the people in the community. It is inherently understood from this that the people who are living with low score will have less buying capacity and have less access to buying quality food. According to the data collected it was found that Boroondora was the least disadvantaged community and Brimbank was the most disadvantaged of the three LGA.


5. Victorian Food Basket is a survey tool used to determine the expenditure, quality and assortment of nutrition and diet that is available to the people within a region. It basically has 44 essential groups of food and non-core group of food for four types of family system in Victoria. (Palermo, & Wilson, 2007) This tool is not considered to be absolute but it is used as a marker to determine how healthy the families are eating with the resources owned by them. The feasibility and the food issues encountered by the Victorian population are analysed and comprehended using this survey tool.