


航空公司利润微薄一直阻碍着航空业的发展,这迫使航空公司同时关注收入增长和通过更好地与客户互动降低成本。2015财年,维珍航空增长2.2%,澳航增长3.5%。目前,澳航集团的市场份额为62%。2015年产能变化的累积效应显示增长缓慢。澳大利亚的四大主要航空公司已经发布慢增长自2015年以来,被Tigerair占8.9%,2.2%的公司维珍澳大利亚(与2014年相比下降3.5%,减少2.3%澳航的捷星和减少了3.5%。澳航大幅削减运力,捷星航空(Jetstar)的市场份额也小幅下降,抵消了虎航(Tigerair)和维珍澳大利亚航空(Virgin Australia)的增长。澳航已经是“同一个世界”联盟的成员,最近与阿联酋航空建立了这种有针对性的合作关系。澳航没有足够的客流量飞往欧洲多个城市实现盈利,但这是其忠实客户群的一个重要需求。相比之下,阿联酋航空有足够的需求进入欧洲的许多目的地,但它在澳大利亚没有一个忠实的本地客户基础。
新的合作伙伴关系使澳航可以进入欧洲更多的目的地,并使阿联酋航空获得一个非常忠诚的客户群(Nordenflycht, 2013)。对于航空行业的主要企业来说,关键的方法是先预测乘客的需求,然后确保飞机的运动满足这一需求。从航空工业的角度来看,澳大利亚由多个主要城市组成,其中大部分城市的距离和地理位置都是分开的。监管该行业有几项法律义务。作为一个重要的例子,《贸易行为法》发挥了至关重要的作用,其核心内涵是抑制整个行业的不公平竞争。然而,这导致了对保护小型企业免受掠夺性定价影响的有效性的质疑(Lai, 2010)。这对当前国内航空业具有特定的现实意义。除了竞争的趋势外,航空公司的经营环境和政策在过去几十年里也发生了重大的变化。考虑到航空工业的基础设施,该领域仍需经历重大的发展趋势。除此之外,整个联邦政府都在名义上放松了对该行业的监管。


There has been a hampering of the airline industry by slim margins of profit that forces carriers for focusing upon both, growth of revenue and reduction of cost by better interactions of the customer. In the financial year 2015, there has been a growth of Virgin airlines by 2.2 percent, shrinking the growth of Qantas by 3.5 percent. Currently, the market share of Qantas Group is 62 percent. The cumulative effect of capacity changes for the year 2015 saw rates of slow growth. The four main airlines of Australia had been posting slowest growth since the year 2015, being 8.9 percent for Tigerair, 2.2 percent for the company of Virgin Australia (coming down from 3.5 percent in comparison with the year 2014, reduction of 2.3 percent for Jetstar and reduction of Qantas by 3.5 percent.The reduction of large capacity by Qantas, and a small reduction of share for Jetstar, has resulted in offsetting the growth from Tigerair and Virgin Australia. Qantas, which was already part of the one world alliance, recently forged such a targeted partnership with Emirates. Qantas did not have the traffic to fly profitably to multiple cities in Europe, yet that was a significant demand among its loyal customer base. Emirates, by contrast, had sufficient demand to access a large number of destinations in Europe, but it did not have a loyal base of local customers in Australia.
The new partnership gives Qantas access to many more destinations in Europe, and it gives Emirates access to an extremely loyal base of customers (Nordenflycht, 2013). For major businesses of the aviation industry, the key approach is inclined for forecasting the demand of passengers first, and then ensures the movements of aircraft for the satisfaction of this demand. From the perspective of airline industry, Australia consists of a number of major cities, majority of which have been separated in terms of longer distance and geographical location. There are several legal obligations to regulate the industry. As a significant example, the Trade Practices Act plays a crucial role with key intension of inhibiting unfair competition in the entire industry. However, this has resulted in questioning the effectiveness to protect small size business from what can be referred to as predatory pricing in terms of dominating organization (Lai, 2010). This has specific relevance for the domestic airline industry of current time. In addition to the trends of competition, there have been significant changes with respect to the operating environments and policies of the airline organizations since the last few decades. Considering the infrastructure of aviation industry, major trends are still to be experienced in the field. In addition to this, there has been a nominal deregulation of the industry across federal level governing the respective organization.