


2014年7月3日,一场名为“圣詹姆斯之路”的个人圣地亚哥之旅开始了。这是800公里的旅程。这段旅程的开始是坚信这不是一段宗教之旅。这次旅行没有任何政治意义。在这段时间里,我的日常生活非常简单。最基本的仪式是走路、吃饭和睡觉。这次旅行使我的注意力从日常的城市活动转移到接受新的现实。它让心灵慢慢体验孤独与自然之美。在这段旅程中,它让我成为一个短暂的观察者,了解复杂的人类情感和人类行为。它帮助一个人发现新的情感和对生活的见解。从这个经历中,它不断地帮助一个人回忆简单的快乐和重复行为的美丽。一些简单的动作,比如挥手“Buen Camino!”有很多意思。这个短语的意思是问候和祝好运。感谢分享卡米诺。旅行者祈祷他们的一天会被优雅地祝福,并希望他们安全地到达目的地,享受一次愉快的散步。有趣的是,在这个小小的问候下,卡米诺的人、关系、现象和社会都可能受到影响。

它也是社会中存在的规范程序的基础。这种简单的问候是关于社会的一致性和社会中实证主义的存在。亨利·列斐伏尔(Henri Lefebvre)提出,人们的任务是“发现日常生活中最卑微的事实所包含的巨大的人类财富”(列斐伏尔,2008)。从这个有利的角度来看,通过逻辑和历史分析可以得出许多推论。日常生活活动或对象的这一简单事实,最终可能揭示社会视角和规范方面的意义或历史。此外,在身体反应中,当例行公事一遍又一遍重复时,旅行变成了一种冥想,让人陷入深度恍惚状态,有助于反省生活的细微差别和人类行为的复杂性。这一特点有助于人们理解节奏、日常活动和社交礼仪。它实际上是自我认识自我的治疗。它有助于从一个不同的角度来看待社会,它使个人自我升华为一种独特的精神状态。


On the 3rd of July in 2014, a personal journey into Camino de Santiago or called Way of St James was started. It was 800 kilometers journey. This journey was started with the conviction that this not be a journey for religion. This journey was not for any political significance. During this period, my everyday life was very simplistic. The basic ritual followed was walking, eating and sleeping. The trip had made my mind shift focus from everyday banal city activities and transforms the mind to accept the new realities. It allows the mind to slowly experience the beauty of solitude and nature. During the journey, it allowed me to be a transient observer who understood the intricate human emotions and people behavior. It helped a person discover new emotions and insights about life. From this experience, it constantly helped a person reminisces of the beauty of simply joys and repetitive behaviors. Some of the simple action like waving “Buen Camino!” has a lot of meaning. This phrase means a greeting and wishes luck. It is an appreciation for sharing Camino. Wayfarers prayed that their day would be gracefully blessed, and hoped that they arrived safely at their destination with an enjoyable walk. It is interesting that under this little greeting, people, relation-ships, phenomenon, and the society of Camino may be affected.

It also underlies the normative procedures that existed in the societies.This simplistic greeting is about social conformities and the existence of positivism in the society. Henri Lefebvre suggested that it is the task for people to “discover the immense human wealth that the humblest facts of everyday life contain” (Lefebvre, 2008).From this vantage point, it is understood that through logistic and historical analysis many derivations can be made. This simple fact of everyday life’s activity or object could eventually reveal the significance or history in terms of societal perspective and normative. Furthermore, in physical reaction, while the routine repeated again and again, the journey becomes a meditation that puts a person in deep trance and helps introspect about the nuances of life and the complexities of human behavior. This feature helps a person understand about rhythm, daily activities and social conformities. It is actually therapy for the self to realize about the self. It helped in viewing about societies from a different viewpoint it has allowed sublimation of the personal self into a distinctive mental state.