


市场环境的波动性使投资组合经理能够将其持有的资产国际化。证券投资的内部化不仅提供了稳定证券投资组合的机会,而且还保证了与较少风险相关的潜在较高收益。因此,可以说,投资组合经理国际化他们的资产是为了减轻不同类型的风险。通过控股的国际化,投资组合经理将能够投资于外国证券,并参与其他国家的增长。这可能会分散看跌市场的风险,从而使投资组合经理能够管理风险。控股国际化背后的一个重要原因是,它将有助于降低投资组合管理中的波动性(Bartram and Dufey, 2007)。国际投资的收益是建立在收益相关性和波动性的基础上的。
另一方面,新兴经济体正在促使投资组合经理做出将其所持资产国际化的决定。新兴市场一直在提供有吸引力的投资选择,随着它们变得越来越容易获得,这些选择确保了更高的回报。归根结底,是全球化使各国经济一体化,为国际贸易和国际投资铺平了道路。如果根据长期的眼光促进国际投资,那么投资组合管理人员的持股内部化将是有益的。风险可以被管理,因为资产的国际化意味着有一个广泛的信贷基础,因为投资组合经理能够获得不同国家的信贷(Keiber, 2007)。信贷基础的扩张被认为与母国无关。因此,当信贷来源在母国昂贵时,资产的内部化将增加信贷来源。这将有助于投资组合经理管理信贷风险。


The volatility in the market conditions enables a portfolio manager to internationalize their holdings. Internalization of the portfolio investment not only provides the opportunity to stabilize the portfolio but would also warrant potential higher yields associated with less risk. Thus, it can be said that the portfolio managers internationalize their holdings in order to mitigate different types of risk. Through internationalization of holdings, the portfolio managers would be able to invest in foreign securities and participate in the growth of other countries. This would potentially diversify the risk of the bearish market and thereby portfolio managers are able to manage risks. One of the important reasons behind the internationalization of holdings is that it would help to reduce the volatility in the portfolio management (Bartram and Dufey, 2007). The benefit of the international investing is based on the return correlation and volatility.
The emerging economies, on the other hand, are contributing to the decision of the portfolio managers to internationalize their holdings. The emerging markets have been offering attractive investment alternatives which ensured higher returns as they become more and more accessible. Ultimately it is the globalization that is responsible for the integration of the national economies which paved the path for international trade and international investment. If international investments are facilitated based on the long-term horizon, then the internalization of holdings of the portfolio managers would be beneficial. The risk can be managed as the internationalization of holdings would imply that there is a broad credit base as the portfolio managers are able to access credit in different countries (Keiber, 2007). The expansion in the credit base is considered to be irrelevant in the home country. Thus, internalization of holdings would increase the credit sources when the same is expensive in the home country. This would help the portfolio managers in managing the credit risk.