

在她对死亡和永恒的描绘中,她表现出一种尖锐的微妙和深刻的视觉,在她的同时代人很难找到。她的诗渗透边界一般谈死亡没有忧郁和发病率的预期值。 因此,这首诗她指出她激进的宗教信仰,也是她的聪明才智和跨之间的期望和新的能力的一个很好的例子。
在本文第一次源于Jane Donahue Eberwein的一篇文章发表在Emily Dickinson Handbook和解释在这篇文章开始,狄金森具有罕见的诗歌天才,她可以很容易地克服一般科学的界限,宗教和法律(Eberwein 42,努涅斯1)。在本文接下来的引文是从哈罗德·布鲁姆的文章对狄金森 谁提出辞职或死亡之手平静的接受作为诗人的角色护送的概念(开花37,努涅斯1)。然而,这一辞职并不是一个接受上帝旨意和设计的标志,相反它挑战了狄金森社会的严格宗教信仰。它还建议在狄金森内部的异议与日常教会的做法,她被迫出席,直到三十岁。David Yezzi在文章中“走离家近”发表在公益提到相同的(yezzi 20-21,努涅斯2)。Thomas Johnson在他的狄金森传记指出死亡拟人作为一个朋友,一个指南,一个巨大的信任的人,一个真正的绅士,他反映说William Howland等不同的男人,Elbridge Bowdoin跟她浪漫的关系。因此这一幕的约翰逊在诗中浪漫的宫廷认为点武侠传统,强调死亡的可怕人物人文感知。


The essay argues that Emily Dickinson’s understanding of Death was not in consonance with the dominant religious beliefs of her provincial Amherst life. Dickinson’s experiments and heavily with the death imagery and the poem transcends all the acceptable and practiced ways of discoursing on death. In her depiction of Death and then Eternity she exhibits a piercing delicacy and depth of vision that is hard to find in her contemporaries. Her poem pervades the boundary of the general and talks about death devoid of the expected degree of melancholy and morbidity.  Thus, in this poem she points to her radical religious beliefs, and is also a fine example of her intellectual prowess and ability to straddle between the expected and the new.
The first secondary source used in the essay is from Jane Donahue Eberwein’s article published in The Emily Dickinson Handbook and explains at the onset of this essay that Dickinson possessed such uncommon poetic genius and that she could easily overcome the boundaries of general science, religion and law (Eberwein 42, Nunes 1). The next citation used in the essay is from Harold Bloom’s essay on Dickinson who puts forth the notion of resignation or a calm acceptance of the hands of Death as an escort for the poet persona (Bloom 37, Nunes 1). This resignation is however not a marker of acceptance of God’s will and his designs instead it challenges the stringent religious beliefs of Dickinson’s society. It also suggest the dissent within Dickinson with regarding daily church practices which she was forced to attend till the age of thirty. David Yezzi in the essay “Straying Close to Home” published in the Commonweal mentions the same (Yezzi 20-21, Nunes 2). Thomas Johnson in his biography of Dickinson points to the personification of Death as a friend, a guide , a person of immense trust, a true gentleman and in him is reflected the various men of repute such as William Howland, Elbridge Bowdoin with whom she had romantic affiliations. Thus this scene of courtly romance in the poem Johnson argues points to the chivalric tradition and highlights the humanistic perception of the fearful character of Death.