



旅游和活动是相关联的,因为它们构成了其产品交付和服务规定的基本性能。婚礼、会议、办公会议、约会、聚会等活动始终是酒店产品中最具活力的产品和服务之一,同样,也有相关的风险需要抑制其发生,避免其损害。在危机和类似灾难的情况下,有多种因素影响风险的发生,这些情况有时具有不可弥补的损害。影响风险的最重要因素之一是活动期间风险评估的管理不善和规划不周(Hall, Timothy, Duval, 2003)。当风险可能性较大时,说明在评估中没有察觉到并消除这些风险,这对相关的客人造成了严重的损害和损失,包括伤害。


Tourism, events and hospitality industry are full of excessive use of people, instruments, vehicles, and venues which constantly present new areas of the possibilities of risks. Risk is always likelihood unless it is assessed, attended to, and eliminated of its occurrence and resurgence. The hospitality industry is poised with multiple events and tourism related incidences where there are possibilities of risks to arise and this makes it necessary for the risk elimination team to constantly keep on assessing the damages and try to eliminate it completely for avoiding any risky act injuring or damaging any guests. This essay will analyse the factors which lead to the risks in crisis and disaster situations in tourism industry and also analyse the treatment of risks options available to manage such crisis like situations. Factors influencing the level of risks with crisis and disaster situations in tourism .

Tourism and events are associated, because they form the basic performance of its product delivery and service provisions. Events like marriages, conferences, office meetings, engagements, parties, etc. are always one of the most dynamic products and services of the hospitality product, and likewise, there are associated risks which need to be suppressed of its occurrence and save the damage. There are multiple factors that affect the occurrence of risks in terms of the crisis and disaster like situations which sometimes have irreparable damages. One of the most important factors which affect the risks is the poor management and poor planning of risk assessment during the event (Hall, Timothy and Duval, 2003). When the risk likelihood is more, it indicates that those risks are not perceived and eliminated in its assessment and this causes severe damages and loss for the guests involved, including the injury.