


Team work is very important in achieving any kind of success in a project, as it needs to have lot of people infusing their time, effort, skills, and knowledge to make the project a success (Grant, 2013). The team work at the centre is more towards the children which are the centre of attraction and reception of all benefits. The team work among the staff is stronger than in any corporate organisation because handling the out of school children aged between 5 and 12 are difficult to handle and it requires the team handling them together to be more knowledgeable about the actions they take personally and the actions of their colleague as they are there to pass on the correct, accurate, and important information about health and other benefits. The visual image of the team work is very interesting as it involves the staff members interacting very often with their eyes and convey some message which is to be uttered and some actions which are forbidden in handling specific cases of children. For example, the children in this fun-care group which are between 5 and 12 years of age are more likely to play outdoors and have an affinity towards playing with their friends outside. When such a thing is in existence, there is a strong possibility of hurting themselves, so the team of this particular groups needs to carry out a risk assessment when the children are playing. When they are playing, there is a special observation from this team and if they feel that there is a likelihood of them hurting themselves they will assess the possible risks and then suggest alternative play options. However, if they find that the risk likelihood is proportional to the benefits of the children, they are left to play with observation being continued. If there are serious injury possibilities which are too difficult to manage, they will immediately stop the play and suggest alternate play options, warn children against any fall or injury to make them alert and aware, and then log the incident and carry out a detailed assessment among team members before the next play time arrives. Thus, these risk assessment steps are taken by the team of the fun-care out-of-school group and maintain harmony with least amount of injuries and a healthy development of the child’s physical features and strength.