


用于电影的音乐元素可以根据人物进行分类。在乔治的情况下,这是一个用来创造情绪的6位数字的钢琴(旋律流派)。当音调改变或场景再次出现时,速度会变化。对于Peppy Miller来说,音乐总是很活泼,并且使用高弦。每当发生重要场景时都会有脉冲。额外的独奏和节奏让她在电影中显得华丽(Caldwell,2012)。作曲家根据角色扮演的角色对音乐进行了精美的分类。乔治的妻子扮演一个小角色,因此,只要有冲突就会听到孤独的单簧管独奏。另外,演播室老板还伴随着慢速的定音鼓。清扫铜管乐器和琴弦的演奏是为了创造情绪。音乐根据动作而改变。有很多情况下,非节奏音乐的出现是为了设定情绪并坚持一个特定的信息。由于它属于无声电影时代,作曲家确保它不会使用多种乐器,并且清晰地与观众互动。有些互补的声音,但它们听起来很像传统的电影和卡通电影,其中最少的音乐被用来突出信息(Phillips,2011)。在给定的场景中,没有突然的声音。尺度几乎是对称的,模式并不复杂。节奏和表情是同步的,这些都是电影成功的原因。



Music elements used for the film can be categorized based on the characters. In the case of George, it was a 6 figure piano (melody genre) used to create the mood. When the tone changes or the scene occurs again, the speed varies. For Peppy Miller, the music is always perky and makes use of high strings. There is a pulsing whenever an important scene occurs. The additional solos and the cadences make her appear magnificent in the movie (Caldwell, 2012). The composer has beautifully categorized the music based on role played by the characters. George’s wife plays a small role, and hence, the forlorn clarinet solo is heard whenever there is a conflict. In addition, the studio boss is accompanied with slow timpani.
The sweeping brass and the play of strings are meant to create the mood. The music changes in terms of instrument depending on the action. There are many instances when non diegetic music emerges to set the mood and insist on a specific message. Since it belongs to the silent movie era, the composer has made sure that it does not make use of multiple instruments and interacts with the audience clearly. There are complementary sounds but they sound similar to the traditional movies and cartoon films where minimal music is used to highlight the message (Phillips, 2011). In the given scene, there is no abrupt sound. The scales are almost symmetric and the modes are not complicated. The rhythm and expression are in sync and these have accounted for the success of movie.

Vampire films were popular due to the high clarity output and screenplay that involved fascinating creatures. They did not fail to develop national identity, too. Such films used characters, settings, scenes, software and locations to demonstrate their national identities and bring out their uniqueness among the other countries. These have been very productive to the development of nation.