


虽然整体的起伏似乎让大多数司机感到不安,但没有人怀疑大桥结构的完整性。即使桥梁似乎遵守了每一个安全标准,并且没有将其振动视为威胁,也研究了不同的方法来减少由于风速引起的桥梁运动(Arioli and Gazzola, 2013)。当考虑到新技术进步所提供的观点时,平衡进步和公共福利就变得至关重要。如果这座桥是由莫西夫设计的,或多或少就像那些考虑到桥的稳定性的人设计的一样,那么这座桥就不会倒塌,不会危及几条生命,也不会花费几美元。当Moisseiff的设计到达位于奥林匹亚的华盛顿州立高速公路时,该机构的工程师们开始抗议。国家专家认为该计划从根本上讲是不合理的,与其他桥梁相比,该桥更窄、更轻,更便宜、更经济(Haberland et al., 2012)。


While the overall undulations appeared to be unnerving to majority of the motorists, no doubts were raised regarding the integrity of structure across the bridge. Even if the bridge appeared to adhere to each and every standard of safety and not considering its oscillations as a threat, different ways were researched for the reduction of motion in the bridge due to wind velocity (Arioli and Gazzola, 2013). When considering the view provided in new technological advancements, it becomes crucial for balancing progress and public welfare. If the bridge was designed by Moisseiff more or less the same as the ones having appropriate consideration of their stability, there would have never been a collapse of the bridge that endangered several lives and costed several dollars. When the design of Moisseiff arrived at the Washington Department of State Highway in Olympia, the engineers of the agency started protesting. The experts of the state referred to the plan as fundamentally unsound, making the bridge narrower and lighter in comparison with any other bridge with respect to cheapness and economy (Haberland et al., 2012).
Therefore, the political and economic forces had been set within motion in a meaningful but indirect way resulted in collapsing the bridge. In the specific sense, a strong push of politics for a bridge, but was the one that was used for having a tight due to low toll projections of revenue. As per the theory proposed by Moisseiff, it was stated to stiffen the bridge by combining eight foot deep girders of plate instead of deep trusses of 25 feet as per the Department of Highways of Washington. This change specifically made substantial contribution to the variations involved in the cost estimated for the project. In addition, due to the projection of considerably light traffic, there had been a designing of the bridge with two way land and the overall width was calculated at 39 feet. This appeared to be narrow in comparison with its length. Having plate girders of depth 8 feet, there was a substantial reduction in the roadway section of the bridge.