

“消费者行为本质上是指人们如何以及为什么做出购买决定。营销人员努力了解这种行为,以便他们能够更好地制定适当的营销刺激措施,从而提高销售额和品牌忠诚度(Mason,2015)。有机食品市场的研究一直集中在目标消费者的消费行为趋势上。 Kaiser和Wilson(2000)关注有机食品在文化方面的驱动因素。这里的重点是不同的文化是否会激励人们消费有机食品,其他人可能不会被动机购买。这里的作者试图研究如何生态行为将有助于选择的偏好,以及如何可以跨文化的变化。然而,这种对自然有益的看法可能不是人们选择有机食品的唯一原因。有机食品的选择可以根据年龄,班级,性别研究水平,收入和更多。研究集中在消费者购买某些类型食品的心理动机上。大多数消费者喜欢高质量的食物,而购买优质食物产品则经常引用健康问题。 Krystallis和Ness(2004)能够确定如何购买某些食物有一些关键的动机决定。作者试图通过进行目标产品调查来映射消费者偏好,其中分析产品质量的外在和内在线索以影响消费者动机。消费者带来了他们认为质量很高,健康的食品,也可以称得上满意的道德意识。他们还专注于他们所做的食物选择的美味。


“Consumer behavior essentially refers to how and why people make the purchase decisions they do. Marketers strive to understand this behavior so they can better formulate appropriate marketing stimuli that will result in increased sales and brand loyalty” (Mason, 2015). Research on organic food markets have been focused on the consumption behavior trends of the target consumers. Kaiser and Wilson (2000) focus on the drivers of consumption for organic food with respect to culture. The focus here is on whether different cultures will motivate people to consumer organic food which others might not be motivated to buy. Authors here attempt to study how the ecological behavior will contribute preference for choices and how there could be cross cultural variations. However this perception of what is good for the nature may not be the only reason behind why people make organic food choices. Organic food choices may be made based on the age, the class, gender study level, income and more also. Research studies have focused on the psychological motivations of the consumer towards buying certain types of food. High quality food is preferred by most consumers and health concerns are often cited for purchasing quality food products. Krystallis and Ness (2004) were able to establish how there were some key motivational decisions for the purchase of some food. The authors attempt to map the consumer preferences by conducting an target product survey where both extrinsic and intrinsic cues of the product quality were analyzed for influencing consumer motivations. Consumers brought food that they thought had a very high quality, and were healthy and could also be rated as satisfying ethical consciousness. They also focused on the tastiness aspect of the food choice they made.