

我认为公司应该首先解决库存问题,以迎合目前的客户,然后再考虑扩大业务。为此,公司应该解决移动货架,利用RFID技术维护供应,并有一个更好的供应链管理(Watson, 2013)。这样可以减轻员工的压力,满足消费者的需求。我认为公司应该首先解决这个问题,发展一个更好的供应链和库存管理,然后再考虑其他因素。mint berg的学习策略方法对公司来说是很有用的。就个人而言,公司的员工和蔼可亲,真诚地想为客户服务。这是因为公司关心员工。我觉得这是公司的强项之一。研究发现,零售空间具有良好的员工导向和亲切的环境。我们努力向员工讲授公司的每一项业务。他们确实让新人布兰迪·霍尔感到了欢迎。该员工对公司的运营也有广泛的了解。
工作人员对这些问题也有广泛的了解。对原料、用途、生产方式作了明确的说明。他们试图通过公司人员的口耳相传来销售产品。员工也倾向于谈论产品。正因为如此,公司的员工都是充满激情的员工。零售商店重视顾客服务(Armstrong, & Taylor, 2014)。公司的员工广告对某些产品的内部广告,总体上对员工有良好的激励,员工与管理层之间有良好的友好的环境维护。在产品上给员工的脸贴标签,是一种告诉员工他们在乎的独特而古怪的方式。这将导致产品品牌形象的全面提升。这导致了公司运营的全面改善。我认为他们目前的员工维护实践是积极的(Kiniki & Williams, 2009)。通过解决库存问题,员工将不会感到他们被迫面对敌意或不满的客户。因此,员工管理是一个很好的政策。


I think that the company should first address this problem of inventory to cater to the current customers before looking to expand operations. For this, the company should address mobile racking, utilize RFID technology in maintaining the supplies and have a better supply chain management (Watson, 2013). This would reduce the pressure of the employee and the demands of the consumers will be met by the company. I think the company should first address the issue, develop a better supply chain and inventory management before looking into any of the other factors. The mint berg approach of learning strategy can be useful for the company.Personally the employees of the company are amiable and genuinely want to serve the customers. This is because of the company caring for the employees. This I feel was one of the strong suits for the company. It was found that there was proper employee orientation and amiable environment in the retail space. There were efforts taken to teach about each operation of the company to the employees. They did make a newcomer, i.e. Brandi Hall feel welcomes. The employee also had extensive knowledge about the operations.
Staff had extensive knowledge of the issues as well. The ingredients, use, production patterns were clearly explained. They try to sell the product through word of mouth through the company personnel. Employees are also inclined to tell about the product. Owing to the fact, the employees of the company are passionate employee. There is importance given to customer service importance in retail stores (Armstrong, & Taylor, 2014). There is overall good encouragement of employee and good amiable environment maintaining between the staff and the management in house advertising of certain products by staff advertising of the company. The fact of labelling the employee face in the product is a unique quirky way of telling the employee that they care. This leads to the overall improvement in brand persona of the product. This leads to all around improvement of the company operations. I feel that their current practices of maintaining employees are a positive one (Kiniki & Williams, 2009). By addressing the inventory problem, the employees will not feel that they are being forced to face hostile or disgruntled customers. Hence, the employee management is a good policy.