


在对研究中滥用药物的妇女的分析中,确定她们是身心受虐或身体受虐和/或性受虐(Fullilove et al, 1993)。他们被诊断为与创伤相关的患者,并开始主要用于与创伤相关的治疗。在研究的背景下,由于病人正在滥用药物,对必须给予何种形式的治疗缺乏共识。目前的干预益处积累的数据似乎表明,PTSD幸存者通常得不到适当的药物治疗,最终可能会依赖其他药物,如饮料等(Golding, 1999)。所以虽然上瘾的形式不同,但还是会有上瘾。有睡眠障碍,与创伤相关的思考在PTSD患者身上观察到的更多所以也有专门针对他们需求的药物。

例如,选择性5 -羟色胺再吸收抑制剂被用来帮助人们摆脱压力状态。它有助于他们的抑郁和压力,使用这种药物训练人的思维,他们如何思考或可能对某些环境条件的环境环境的反应(Najavits et al, 1997)。如果不同时进行行为训练或其他形式的环境训练,妇女对这种药物的成瘾将缓慢增加。正如对遭受身体虐待和性虐待的妇女所做的研究表明的那样,由于感觉到社会上的耻辱感,创伤也会继续存在。毒品的使用是一种以目标为导向的行为,因此,对于为什么女性,尤其是年轻女性等弱势群体,会有更复杂的理解(Boys et al, 2001)。


In the analysis of the women in the study abusing drugs it was established that they were psychosomatic or were physically and/or sexually abused as well (Fullilove et al, 1993). They had trauma related diagnosis and were seen to have started using the drug mainly for some trauma related use. In the context of research there is a lack of consensus on what form of treatment must be given to patients given that they are abusing drugs. The data accumulated on present intervention benefits seems to suggest that PTSD survivors who are usually denied the proper drugs might end up relying on others such as drinks etc (Golding, 1999). So while the form of addiction would differ, there would be an addiction nevertheless. There are sleep disorders, trauma related thinking and more observed in the case of the person with PTSD so there are drugs specifically catering to their needs as well.

The use of Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors for instance is used to help the person get out of their stressed state. It helps with their depression and stress, and the use of this drug trains the person’s mind in how they think or might react to certain environmental conditions ambience (Najavits et al, 1997). Women’s addiction to this form of a drug will slowly increase if the drug use is not given parallel to behavioral training or other form of environmental training for the same. As indicated in research for women coming from physical abuse and sexual abuse situations, there would be continuing trauma too because of perceived social stigma.The use of drugs is a goal oriented behavior and as such there should be a more complex understanding on why women are motivated to use it, especially the more vulnerable population such as that of young women etc (Boys et al, 2001).