



The pollution control model is more practice and less idealistic in the sense that it is concerned more with economic aspects and influence on pollution control than others. Sustainable development will not be achieved because the model only focusses and uses its resources to curb pollution and not the intangible impacts. Such an approach is more authoritative, state-led, and enforced on citizens rather than a wiling adherence. In contrast, weak sustainable development model requires economic progress as a prerequisite for future environment protection, and this requires the whole focus on preserving economic principles and fuels its progress. This method believes that if economic advantage is available, only then the environment can be protected, and hence there is more stress on securing activities. More human capital is used to replace natural capital, assuming the preservation of natural capital for further utility.

The strong sustainable development model requires environmental progress and protection as a prerequisite for future economic progress. For this to take place there is a realization that global natural resources are under threat of depletion, and therefore require immediate attention, irrespective of the local government’s inadequacies. This model is different from weak sustainable model in terms of the reversal of the prerequisites required to underpin its principle belief. Weak sustainable model only identifies and acknowledges global inequality of resources but strong sustainable model identifies, acknowledges, and strives to address the inequality by policy measures. In deference to the above three models, the ideal sustainable development model ideates on the fundamental principle of co-harmonious living with nature and adapting to its changes, so as to resist and subside all perceived depletion threats of natural resources. Considering the varied approach imbibed in the four models, ideal sustainable development mode is the only one, in which all environmental concerns are fully internalized in policy decisions. The pollution approach model is the weakest in considering and addressing pollution externalities, as it just attempts to curb pollution when it is deemed harmful and not otherwise.
