


很明显,高质量的新闻报道与盈利是相互关联的。Meyer(2010)指出,大多数研究都描述了高质量和高流通之间的联系,这是相关研究(Wolfsfeld, 2011)。它们描述了因果关系,但这不是关键原因。在他看来,可能存在一种强化循环,在这种循环中,质量会带来商业上的成功,从而带来更高的质量,比如《西澳大利亚报》(the West Australia)。然而,与SBS news的其他新闻文章相比,这些插图缺失,事实上,这篇新闻文章缺乏意义。由于这一点并没有出现在文章中,它缺乏新闻参与,也缺乏对推测上下文的定义。同时,根据第八周的文章set reading, Media Effects,每一种新闻媒体都使用框架作为组织和创造一个连贯的故事的手段。

例如,西澳大利亚报纸使用的框架类型是无争议的框架,它在媒体的每一篇报道中都有一个占主导地位的框架(fly, 2009)。当国家敌人被陷害时,这种情况尤其有可能发生。从这个角度来看,这篇来自西澳大利亚的新闻文章似乎赋予了重要的阶级和信仰假设以力量。在这篇文章中,比较和对比了关于同一新闻但不同新闻来源和作者的两篇新闻文章。这些文章似乎是好的新闻与不好的新闻质量的例子。好的新闻从《西澳大利亚报》的新闻文章中就可以看出来,因为它具有对所有合适的新闻框架和调查结果进行了批判性的评价和制定。

Also it was evident that good quality journalism and profit making are connected. According to Meyer (2010), it was pointed out that most studies have depicted a connection between high quality as well high circulation are studies of correlation (Wolfsfeld, 2011). They depict causality, but this is not the key cause. According to him, there probably is a reinforcing loop present wherein quality results in producing success for business, which allows for higher quality such as by the West Australia Newspaper. However, in comparison to the other news article of SBS news, these illustrations were missing and as a matter of fact, the news article lacked meaningfulness. As this was not present in the article, it lacked news engagement and it also lacked in terms of defining the speculative context. Also, according to the article by Week 8 set reading, Media Effects, every medium of news utilizes frames as devices for organizing and creating a story that has coherence.

For example, the type of framing used in West Australia newspaper is uncontested frame, which has one dominant used through every report of media (Flew, 2009). This particularly has a likeliness of occurring when national enemies are framed. From this perspective, the news article from West Australia seems to empower the significant class and assumption of belief. Throughout this essay, comparison and contrast have been presented between 2 news articles on same news but different news source and authors. The articles seem to be examples of good journalism versus not good quality of journalism. The good journalism is evident from the news article of West Australia newspaper, as it has all the appropriate news frames and findings critically evaluated and formulated.