


特洛伊木马软件也是一种隐藏恶意代码的有效载荷,同时表现出合法行为。 Trojan经常安装后门程序,允许以秘密方式访问黑客(Ryuet al。,2009)。它有助于将受害者计算机添加到僵尸计算机的网络中,该计算机稍后用于启动大规模DDoS攻击或发送垃圾邮件。它也有动机从主机系统获取大量垃圾邮件的电子邮件地址。

僵尸网络背后的主要动机是为犯罪分子和恐怖分子破坏国家工作的能力积累资金,在全国范围内传播混乱以及造成伤害。随着僵尸网络和高技能和有组织犯罪攻击者的不断复杂化,作为病毒,特洛伊木马,网络入侵,蠕虫等蠕虫的强大威胁依然延续到互联网安全和隐私(Collins等,2012)。攻击者数量众多,更复杂,难以识别,拥有更好的收费和拥有大量机器人军队,从而触发单个无人机或僵尸进行各种类型的攻击,不仅限于DDoS,发送垃圾邮件,传递,身份盗用,点击欺诈等。僵尸网络背后的主要动机是金钱,但现在随着新技术和新时代的发展,新的战争时代已经成为网络战争(Railkaret al。,2013)。现在,僵尸网络可以用于潜在的政治/经济网络战争或间谍活动,从而获得全球任何国家或组织的支持。现在这已经构成了严重的威胁,因为如果数字网络或基础设施停机或损坏,那么现在每个信息都是数字化的,那么对任何国家或组织都是危险的。


A Trojan also a piece of software conceals a payload of malicious coding while appearing to perform a legitimate action. Trojan often install backdoor programs which allow access to the hackers in secret way.(Ryuet al., 2009) It helps in adding the victim computers in a network of zombie’s computer which later used in order to launch massive DDoS attacks or send spams. It has motives also to harvest email addresses from the host system for massive spamming.

The major motive behind the botnet is accumulating money for criminals and terrorist’s disrupting ability for the nation’s work and spreading chaos among the nation as well as causing harm. With the continuous sophistication of botnets and highly skilled and organized criminal attacker, a powerful threat as the form viruses, Trojan horse, network intrusion, worms are still persisted to the internet security and privacy (Collins et al., 2012). Attackers are numerous, more sophisticated, harder to identify, have better toll and possessing large size of army of bots and thus trigger the command the individual drone or zombies to carry out the various type of attack not only limited to DDoS, spamming, passing, identity theft, click fraud, etc. The earlier major motive behind the botnet were the money but now with new changed technologies and time, the new era of warfare has emerged as cyber war (Railkaret al.,2013). Now botnets can be used for potential political/economic cyber war or espionage gain any country or an organization across the globe. This has posed a grave threat nowadays because now every information is digitalized if the digital network or infrastructure is down or corrupted then it will be dangerous for any country or an organization.