


照片可能过于锐化,导致边缘出现晕(Maher, 2016)。有时,他们可能过度着色,或可能有一些花哨或不切实际的触摸他们。虽然色彩对人们来说可能是一种主观体验,但理解色彩也是创造一种诚实体验的必要条件。在弗兰普顿的电影中,摄影师谈到了他是如何在拍摄照片时关注色彩的,这是所有摄影师都会关心的问题。然而,目前的照片并不使用颜色来表达观点或创造焦点,而且它们中的大多数就像个人摄影中的自我之旅(Maher, 2016)。他们可能会利用颜色使他们在摄影中看起来很好。以Instagram为例,分享的照片是多种多样的。只有一些照片捕捉到了真实的生活场景,并加以描绘,Instagram上的大多数摄影师被认为是处理了很多色调,并影响了照片的不平衡。

在照片上提供太多的对比会使它显得与背景形成过度对比,与背景没有实际联系。事实上,每一幅画都被视为前卫的园林艺术作品,而这幅画、主体或表现的语境失去了意义,人们所能看到的只是技术的融合(Einstein, 2012)。小插曲将被过度使用,以集中在主题,而留下的背景消失的褪色。我认为这样的照片具有暂时的意义。这些照片没有自己的故事。与那些对背景有更好理解、对人和环境有更真实表现的照片不同,当今时代的照片似乎不是真实的表现。事实上,在我自己的照片中,我可以延伸这种批评。这里有一些我和朋友或自己拍的照片。


Photos might be over-sharpened which results in halos in edges (Maher, 2016). Sometimes, they might be over coloured, or might have some garish or unrealistic touch to them. While colour might be a subjective experience to people, it is necessary to understand colour as also creating an honest experience. In the case of Frampton’s movie, the photographer talks about how he was concerned with the tint and more when he was taking the photograph and that is a concern that all photographer would definitely share. However, current photographs do not use colours to make their point or to create focus, and most of them as in the case of personal photography are on an ego trip (Maher, 2016). They might make use of colours to make they look good in the photography. In the case of Instagram for instance, the photographs shared are varied. Only some of them capture true life instances and portray them, the majority of the photographer on Instagram are seen to be handled with much tinting, and affects that imbalances the photograph.

Too much contrast provided on the photograph makes it appear over contrasted with no background, no actual connection to the context. In fact, every picture is treated as an Avant garden art work and the picture, the subject or the context of representation loses its meaning and all one would be able to see is the fusing of technology (Einstein, 2012). Vignettes would be overused to focus on the subject while leaving the background to die out by fading. I believe that such photographs hold a temporary significance. The photographs do not have a story of their own. Unlike the photographs that were taken with better understanding of context, with more honest representation of the person and the surroundings, the photographs of current times do not seem to be honest representations. In fact in my own photographs, I can extend this criticism. There are some photographs I have taken, with either friends or self.