

在Fama的研究出现之后,全球各地的研究人员开始调查各个股票市场的股票市场的随机性,以找出国家(Abbas, 2014)的效率形式。然而,大多数研究人员关注的是发达国家和新兴国家,因为中东的股票市场没有受到关注,在研究中受到的关注较少。文献已经证实,对大马士革证券交易所(DSE)的随机性的审查比较少。新兴的股票市场价格波动很大,DSE也很年轻,并且对交易的看法(Abbas, 2014)。因此,对叙利亚股票市场中随机游走的特征进行调查,为对市场效率的实证研究和对中东地区的随机漫步行为做出贡献成为必要。


研究人员使用各种技术来检测线性和非线性依赖(Abbas, 2014)。在异方差和同方差的分布假设中,进行了方差和相关比的估计,并进行了非参数性检验,并利用BDs检验进行了序列相关性的评价。


After the emergence of the Fama’s research, various researchers across the globe started to investigate the stock market randomness across various stock markets to find out the form of efficiency present in the nations (Abbas, 2014). However, majority of the researchers focused on the developed and emerging nations due to which the stock markets of Middle East was left out of the focus and gained less attention within the studies. The literature has established that the examination of the randomness of the Damascus securities exchange (DSE) was less. There is high price volatility in the nascent stock markets and the DSE is both young and think on trading (Abbas, 2014). Therefore, it becomes essential for the investigation of the characteristics of random walk within the equity market of Syria for making contribution to the empirical literature on the market efficiency and random walk behaviour with emphasis on the Middle East region.


The researcher used varied techniques for the detection of both linear and non-linear dependency (Abbas, 2014). The parametric evaluation was performed in which the variance and correlation ratio rests were undertaken for the random walks within the distributional assumptions of the heteroscedasticity and homoscedasticity along with the tests of non-parametric nature made used the BDs test for the evaluation of serial correlation.