

Farmers and others working with Fonterra are empowered with information on how to use these tools. It is not enough to have these tools implemented. It is also necessary to assure that they are used appropriately to manage the situations. Now Fonterra understands that not all of its suppliers would understand how to use this tool in an integrated way and hence for this purpose, Fonterra launched meets to train farmers. It gave them a prototype version before the actual version of their information system was launched. The farmers were able to use the prototype version to understand its use. As a farmer states, “I can compare past and present, regional and national to see how I’m tracking and how I measure up compared to other same-system farms, even in my own area. Simply put, Agrigate takes the complexity of dairy analytics and turns it into a straightforward way to help me make smarter decisions and improve my bottom line” (Fonterra, 2017, para. 5).
Information is empowerment. In order to add further value to the agribusiness, Fonterra should become an industry leader. It should advocate for other manufacturers and processing companies to come together into assessing the situations and concerns of the milk industry. Environmental issues and sustainability issues need to be brought into this group discussion. This would help the overall agribusiness. Separate attempts made by Fonterra would not empower the industry. If it decides to switch suppliers, it will have to start training the newer suppliers all over again. However, if the industry is empowered, then there is a better chance for Fonterra and others.
e. RF scanners via SAP are made use of individual non-milk SKU tracking from warehouse order pickup to end customer purchase. This form of intelligent tracking helps Fonterra understand demand and plan for supply and manufacturing accordingly. Details of derailment of a truck are also handled in a much easier manner.

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