


在这一点上,公司应该与其他类似机构进行比较。第三阶段是内部支持阶段。在这一点上,公司应该着眼于公司的经营业绩,并制定一个基于内部竞争力的战略或可以采用的独特战略(Slack, Chambers & Johnston, 2010)。最后一步是制定战略,使公司在市场上领先竞争对手一步。作为第一步,Premium Inn应该考虑服务创新,并更改可交付内容,以满足新出现的消费者需求。在内部分析中,我们发现Premium Inn已经有了一些门户网站和网站,可以更方便地进行入住和预订。人们发现有必要改进目前用于提高生产力的技术。在提高质量的情况下,最重要的方面是保持或发展技术(Padilla-Melendez & Garrido-Moreno, 2014)。

除了常规服务,也可以有自助服务亭,让客户使用可穿戴技术,比如佩戴钥匙卡,或者更多地使用云计算。在使用最新技术的情况下,可以尽量减少人为错误。这将再次提高公司流程的效率。这将有助于由于这一行动而提高生产力。在衡量生产力时,重要的是要考虑到人力资源是业务的主要投入或效率。提高生产率的一些方法是减少员工数量,并期望同样的结果或提高现有员工水平的效率来提高生产率或增加员工数量来增加他们的产出(Slack, Chambers & Johnston, 2010)。员工生产力是一个困难的变量,应该根据公司的生产力需求来推导(Boella & Goss-Turner, 2013)。


In this the company should compare with the other similar organizations. The third stage is internally supportive stage. In this the company should look inside the operational performance of the company and develop a strategy that is based on the internal competitiveness or the unique strategy that can be adopted (Slack, Chambers & Johnston, 2010). The final step is the development of strategy where the company is one step ahead of its competitors in the market. As a first step, the Premium Inn should consider service innovation and change the deliverable to meet the newer emerging consumer needs. On internal analysis, it has been found that Premium Inn already has a number of portals and websites that allow easier check in and booking options. It has been found that there is a need to improve the current technology used for improving productivity. In the case of improving quality, the most important facet is to keep or develop technology (Padilla-Meléndez & Garrido-Moreno, 2014).

There can be self-service kiosk apart from regular services or asking the costumer to utilize wearable technology like wearing key cards or making greater use of the cloud computing. In the case of utilizing the latest technology, there can be minimizing of human error. This will again improve upon the efficiency of the processes of the company. This would aid in increasing productivity as a result of this action. While measuring productivity, it is important to factor in that people resources are the major input or efficiency of the operation. Some of the ways to improve productivity are decreasing the number of employees and expecting the same outcome or increase the efficiency of the current level of employee to increase productivity or increasing the number of employee to increase their output (Slack, Chambers & Johnston, 2010). Employee productivity is a difficult variable that should be derived based on the productivity requirement by the company (Boella & Goss-Turner, 2013).