






Counterculture is called the opposite of mainstream. Anti-culture can not be considered as a subculture, norms and values ​​of its behavior and the essence of the mainstream society is different, often against the mainstream culture. However, in the current phase of globalization, it was pointed out that there is no anti-cultural existence. In a pure sense, it is considered the same as any other product being sold and purchased.

This article will focus on this statement, to determine whether you agree or disagree with this statement.

Anti-cultural products

Anti-culture products are highly diverse and can belong to many different areas to increase the satisfaction of buyers or users. However, previous anti-cultural beliefs transcend the consumer-dominated world and almost reached the limit of providing countercultural evidence in the form of different commodities or products. These products can be music, art films and many other diverse elements, but are limited to Martin boots, leather jackets and any such related products. Mainstream products are the main focus of counterculture and appear to absorb the value of these physical products. In the historical context, anti-culture is considered more of a power-providing spirit. This is obvious in people’s music and other works and works of art. People think that by buying or wearing these products, they can make promising choices that can not be considered a true lifestyle. This is because these products are material in nature and do not tend to provide the actual countercultural power and spirituality.