


研究发现,接触英语较少的儿童语音能力较低或英语使用较低(Grech & Dodd 2008)。这项研究证明,要想提高语言的熟练程度,就需要对语言有更多的理解(Wake et al., 2013)。学校需要更多地关注语言和语言的发展,以便学生发展语言的熟练程度(James, 2013)。这可以从本研究中得到理解。阻碍儿童学习的另一个重要方面是父母缺乏与语言的互动。研究发现,在父母指导下学习语言的学生中,93%的人比同龄人表现更好,学习速度更快(Grech, 2004)。在汉语普通话中,字母与英语或其他字母语言不同。与英语学习过程相比,汉语的神经生理过程需要不同的见解(Li, 2014, p. 25)。

学习汉语字母需要不同的语言学习和认知。科学家们得出结论,在学习不同的语言之间,还有其他方面和变量在起作用(Hui, 2014, p. 26)。在语言学习过程中,我们观察到,与男孩相比,女孩对语言的掌握程度更高。在英语和汉语中,将形容词作为描述名词或动词的单词来学习的概念是相同的(Li, 2014)。社会上存在一种误解,认为英语的语言学习要比汉语的语言学习过程容易得多,因为汉语中字母的笔画较多(Li, 2014)。这被发现是不正确的。人们已经发现,语言的学习和学习语言的能力是由不同的方面控制的。因此,这个神话阻碍了孩子们学习这门语言。


It was found that the children who had relatively less exposure to the English language had lower phonological competence or lower usage of the English language (Grech & Dodd 2008). This study proved that there should be greater understanding of the language in order to develop proficiency (Wake et al., 2013). The schools need to focus more on the language and development of the language in order for the students to develop proficiency of the language (James, 2013). This can be understood from this research. Another important aspect that impedes the learning process of the children is that lack of parental interaction with the language. It has been found that 93% of the students who had parental guidance for learning the language performed better and learnt the language faster than their peers (Grech, 2004).In the case of Chinese language Mandarin, the alphabets are different from that of the English or other alphabetic languages. The neurophysiological processing of Chinese language requires different insights when compared to the English learning process (Li, 2014, p. 25).

To learn the Chinese alphabets requires a different language learning and cognition. The scientists have concluded that there are other aspects and variables in play between learning different languages (Hui, 2014, p. 26).In the case of language learning process, it has been observed that the girl children gain more proficiency of the language when compared to the boys. The notion of learning adjectives as a word that describes a noun or the verb is the same across English and Mandarin (Li, 2014). There is a misconception in the societies that the language learning of English is far easier than the language learning process of Mandarin where there are more strokes in learning the alphabets (Li, 2014). This is found not to be true. It has been found that the learning of a language and the ability to learn the language are controlled by different facets. Hence, this myth prevents in teaching the children the language.