

  A number of lessons have been learned from the survey and the literature review. Firstly, it is very important to use social media in the present world as it forms to be one of the most important factors in the present times. In this chapter, the use of social media has been done to engage with the present and the future employees. In the present times, each and every company has been using the social networking companies such as Face book, Twitter and LinkedIn for the purpose of communication. The social media can help the organization to promote themselves in order to have employee engagement in an effective manner. In contrast to some of the more traditional recruitment techniques for the purpose of advertising, social media can help the companies to allow the passive as well as active job seekers. Social media can allow the organizations to engage the employees to access passive and active job seekers (Sashi, 2012). From the experience of the survey, it can be shown that the degree of success can help in engaging the potential employees via the use of LinkedIn and Twitter. Another lesson which has been learned from the research is that the social media is a very important and an active commodity for the purpose of employee engagement. It has also been learned that social media is one such platform which has highly influenced the process of learning and has also included the internal marketing of the company. The social media can prove to be fruitful for the process of recruiting, employer branding and value proposition. Another lesson learned is that social media can be the ambassadors of the organization. There should be an in-depth focus for the use of the social media for the purpose of employee engagement.

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