


质量主题考试以面试和焦点小组为主。对于面试和焦点小组讨论的参与者,以及从其他渠道发现,质量和卫生是最重要的(Albert,2012)。研究表明,学生购买食品时,优先考虑80%的质量(Bela Florenthal,2011)。在面试的一位参与者评论说:“我认为食品的质量对我来说是最重要的,无论我有没有时间,我都不会选择质量差的食品”。在焦点小组中,其中一位与会者认为,大学食品质量达不到标准,他们只有在缺钱的情况下才想妥协质量(Bela Florenthal,2011)。学生用这样一种方式来描述:“如果我缺钱,那么我会尝试寻找更便宜的替代方式,但是可能与食品和饮料的质量不一样”。


The purpose of this study was to recognise student’s decisions on food and beverage consumptions depending on availability or lack availability of time. The data was collected through observation, focus groups and by taking interviews. A thorough analysis was being conducted based on the data and useful recommendations were provided to improve business performance.
Type of Food
During a busy schedule students generally prefer home delivery, take away or some readymade meal like sandwiches or fast food so that they can manage the time accordingly as the student specified that “if I don’t have time, I will buy ready meal instead of ingredients”. Some of the students in focus group as well as in interview were also of the opinion that occasionally they even skip their meal due to the non-availability of time as stated by the student “sometimes the lecture will cross lunch time. So I will just skip it” or try to manage eating on the way to class or during the lecture timings like juice or chocolate.
Quality& Hygiene
The examination in quality theme is centred on interview and focus group. For participants in both the interview and focus group discussion as well as found from other sources that quality and hygiene is the top most priority (Albert, 2012). Research indicated that students give 80% priority to quality while buying food items (Bela Florenthal, 2011). In one of the question interview participant commented that,” I think the quality of food will be the most important thing for me, whatever I have time or not, I won’t choose a bad quality food”. In focus group one of the participants was of the view that quality of food in university is not up to the mark and they want to compromise on quality only when they were short of money (Bela Florenthal, 2011). Student described it in a way that “if I’m short of money, then I will try to find alternative way like cheaper version but then might not same quality of the food and beverage”.