


近几十年来,人们消费体育的方式发生了变化。这种消费甚至推动了其他行业的发展。当代体育的呈现方式被媒体与运动员的联系所改变。西屋电气,一个工业巨头位于核工业的核心,在1993年负债1500万美元。百事公司的迈克尔·乔丹被招募来帮助西屋电气的转型。他明白体育和媒体的重要性。因此,他做出了选择,用部分过渡性业务资金创建一家媒体公司。哥伦比亚广播公司是成立的媒体公司,后来又发展到包括MTV和VH1等许多其他出版商。在产业结构调整中,体育需求起着非常重要的作用。正是通过先进的技术和沟通渠道,人们消费体育,使西屋电气从数百万债务中解脱出来。ESPN是另一个将体育带入起居室的先锋新闻频道。ESPN还认为,媒体在体育方面受到了要求。体育频道在某种程度上创造了持续观看体育比赛的体育迷,而不像球迷观看NFL比赛后切换频道。“这是一个为那些喜欢观看大学橄榄球赛,然后是摔跤比赛,一些体操比赛和足球比赛,然后是一个小时的脱口秀节目的人建立的网络”(Vogan, 2015,第20页)。各种各样的游戏节目,从投掷飞镖到足球等等,吸引了许多专注于电视转播的消费者群体。

在足球行业中,使用数字手段与球迷联系已经产生了积极的联系。然而,也有一些不利经历的例外。这可以从篮球运动员沙奎尔·奥尼尔(Shaquille O ‘Neal)在twitter微博网站上的案例研究中得到理解。Twitter和其他微博平台由运动员直接使用,或由他们的体育俱乐部使用,以便让他们的粉丝了解他们的进展和其他问题(McCarthy, 2013)。例如,在twitter中使用tweet,对于发布少于140个字符的最新消息是非常重要的。篮球运动员沙奎尔·奥尼尔(Shaquille O ‘Neal)利用twitter与他的粉丝、朋友和其他人进行即时交流。现在这样做,体育信息直接传递给观众。运动员直接传播信息(Castells et al., 2007)。记者、公关人员和体育官员通常的沟通媒介被切断了。在这种情况下,观众可以直接从他们的明星球员那里获得真实的信息,尽管这会引起一些争议,但它增加了公众参与度。对粉丝信息的即时回复创造了一种远程呈现,这是一种更普遍的功能,为体育爱好者和主要的体育消费群体所接受。因此,内容的生产和消费似乎发生了更积极的变化,从以广播为中心的课程转变为更直接、更真实的理解。然而,这有不利的后果。例如,当骗子试图接管沙奎尔·奥尼尔的网络账号或创建欺诈账号并发布模仿他的信息时,就会给沙奎尔·奥尼尔的粉丝带来一些困惑。


这种形式的欺骗使得数字媒体很难被完全接受为一个可信的信息单位。消费者有必要成为更具批判性的思考者,以确保他们收到的信息也是可信的。结果导致体育信息传播的可信度水平下降(Beck, 2008;中文版,2009)。

The way sports are consumed has changed in more current decades. The consumption has even fuelled other industries. The way contemporary sports are presented is changed by the media connections with the players of that sport. Westinghouse, an industrial giant that was at the core of nuclear industries, was in around 15 million dollars of debt in 1993. Michael Jordon from PepsiCo was recruited in order to help with the transformation of Westinghouse. He understood the importance of sports and media. Therefore, he made the choice of creating a media corporation with part of the funds of the transitional business. CBS Corporation was the media corporation that was formed, and later this grew to include many other publishers like MTV and VH1 etc. In the industrial restructuring, the demand for sports played a very major role. It is how sports were consumed through sophisticated technologies and communication channels that saved Westinghouse from millions in debts. ESPN is yet another news channel which was a pioneer in bringing sports to the living room. ESPN also believed that demands were placed on the media with respect to Sports. The sports channel in a way created sports junkies who would watch sports continuously, not like a fan who watches on NFL game and switches channels. “This is a network for people who like to watch a college football game, then a wrestling match, some gymnastics meet, and a soccer game, followed by an hour-long talk show” (Vogan, 2015, p. 20). The variety of games shows from throwing darts to football and more led to many dedicated consumer segments who were watching the telecast continuously.

The use of digital means to connect with fans in the football industry has resulted in positive connections. However, there are some exceptions in the form of adverse experiences. This could be understood from the case study of the basketball player Shaquille O’Neal as presented in the context of the twitter microblogging site. Twitter and other microblogging platforms are used by athletes directly, or by their sports clubs in order to keep their fans informed about their progress and other issues (McCarthy, 2013). The use of tweets in twitter, for instance, is significant for posting up to date messages in less than 140 characters. Shaquille O’Neal, the basketball player, makes use of twitter in order to communicate in an instantaneous manner with his fans, friends and others. Now in doing so, sports information is delivered to the audience in a direct way. The sports player directly disseminates the information (Castells et al., 2007). The usual communication medium of the journalists, the publicists and the sports officials are cut out. Now what happens in such a situation is that the audience get authentic information from their star players directly and although it creates some controversies, it adds to public engagement. Instant replies to the messages of fans create a telepresence, a more pervasive feature which is acceptable to sports junkies and a major sports consumer segment. The production and consumption of content hence appear to have changed in a more positive way, as it has shifted from a broadcast centric curriculum to a more direct and authentic understanding. This however has consequences that are adverse. For instance, some amount of confusion has been created for the fans of Shaquille O’Neal when fraudsters try to take over the web account or make fraud accounts and post messages mimicking him.

“Fraudulent messages are an acute concern when the hoaxer attempts to portray a degree of authenticity in posts, making it difficult to distinguish the actual athlete from the fake portrayal, as has occurred in the case of Ian Bell and Shaquille O’Neal. Such deception confuses fans because of the speed and volume of information circulation online, meaning that deliberately mischievous or inaccurate speculation about an injury, team mate, opponent or personal opinion can be distributed swiftly among large numbers of fans and journalists, taking on the status of assumed but erroneous fact” (Hutchins, 2011, p. 250).

Such form of a deception makes it difficult for the digital medium to be accepted completely as a credible unit of information. It becomes necessary for the consumers to become more critical thinkers in order to ensure that the information they receive is credible as well. The trustworthiness levels of sports information dissemination go down as a result (Beck, 2008; Castells, 2009).
