

所采用的营销组合要素应侧重于全球和地方两个方面。在那些想在国际上销售自己品牌的公司中,市场营销将消费者的当地需求结合起来是很有意义的(奈特,2000)。当地消费者的选择、偏好、文化差异等等都需要考虑。这些地方因素的影响将影响到市场营销的成功程度。本文将讨论三个组织已经成功地在市场上由于国际营销理论是麦当劳的有效应用,欧莱雅的产品和凯蒂猫noir-a Drakkar。本文将三个组织的营销策略在国际业务的时间段是不成功的;这些都是乐高,帕尔,和该。每一个业务都被分析为关键的营销要素失败,如不承认消费者的需求,产品概念和更多。



The marketing mix elements that are employed should be focused on global as well as local aspects. In the case of companies that want to sell their brands internationally it is significant that the marketing incorporate demands of the local segments of consumers (Knight, 2000). The local consumer choices, preferences, cultural differences, and more will need to be considered. The impact of these local elements will affect how successful marketing is. This essay will discuss three organizations that have been successful in the market place because of their effective application of international marketing theories which are McDonald’s, Drakkar Noir-a L’Oreal product and Hello Kitty. The essay then compiles three organizations whose marketing strategy for a time period in the international business was unsuccessful; these are Lego, Parle, and ResMed. Each of these businesses are analysed for key marketing element failures, like non-recognition of consumer needs, product concept and more.

1) Product design and Customization, and 2) Localized Advertising has served as an important marketing point for McDonald’s. McDonald is a food chain, which had its headquarters in Oak brook, Illinois. By adopting a marketing strategy that is focused on localization McDonald has been able to keep global standards and meet local requirements. Hollensen states that products like McDonalds being a new wave of US cultural Imperialism.
McDonald in Japan: In Japan the first McDonald’s was opened in 1971. Fast food in Japan during the 1970s was just noodles or miso soup (Hollensen, 2011). With the establishment of the first McDonald’s restaurant, the company started producing and marketing foods that are more culture oriented. The Chicken Tatsuta, the teriyaki chicken, the Teriyaki Burger and the Japan Hamburger were created.